GraphEditPlus 1.5.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 502.07 KB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

GraphEditPlus 將使每個 DirectShow 開發人員的生活更加輕鬆。編輯多個圖形,查看每個媒體類型的每個位,控制篩選器並生成C++或 C# 代碼的工作應用程式。直接顯示開發從來沒有那麼容易之前!載入並儲存與 MS GraphEdit 相容的 .grf 檔。查看系統中註冊的所有篩選器,註冊新的篩選器。渲染媒體檔。對於系統中的每個篩選器,您可以查看硬碟上的哪個檔(對於 VfW 編解碼器,您將看到實際編解碼器檔,而不是包裝器),查看有關其檔的所有資訊:創建和修改時間、版本、供應商、大小等,查看並複製到剪貼簿篩選器的 CLSID,查看並更改篩選器的優點,即取消註冊篩選器。 對於圖形中每個實際篩選器,您可以:查看此篩選器支援哪些介面(掃描 280 多個已知 DirectShow 介面)、打開其屬性頁(如果存在)、查看其每個時刻的狀態(停止/暫停/正在運行)。使用智慧連接和直接連接連接引腳。對於每個未連接的引腳,您可以查看其所需的媒體類型清單,查看可能連接到此引腳的篩選器清單(DirectShow 在呈現引腳或使用智慧連接時將嘗試它們的順序,您可以直接從該清單中向圖形添加濾鏡)、渲染引腳(如果它支援 IAMStreamConfig)、設置媒體類型。對於篩選器之間的每個連接,您可以看到其媒體類型。對於每種媒體類型,您可以看到完整的資訊:不僅主要和子類型,而且所有流行的格式塊的所有欄位(如視訊資訊、視頻資訊2、WaveFormatEx等),包括像 BitmapInfoHeader 這樣的嵌套結構的所有欄位。查看瀏覽圖表的樣本(請參閱有關每個 sampe 瀏覽範例抓取器的資訊)。控制圖形,查看當前位置和持續時間。構建圖形後,GraphEditPlus 可以在一個簡單的應用程式C++生成並運行此圖形的應用程式中生成原始程式碼。它將包括所有必要的篩選器定義。


  • 版本 1.5.0 發佈於 2015-09-11


  • 軟體分類: 發展 > 其他
  • 發佈者: Dee Mon
  • 軟體性質: 免費試用
  • 價格: $59.90
  • 版本: 1.5.0
  • 作業系統: windows


END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR "GraphEditPlus" This end-user license agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Infognition Co., Ltd. for GraphEditPlus application, including computer software, electronic documentation and/or printed materials ("Software"). NOTICE TO USERS: CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LEGAL AGREEMENT. USE OF THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT ("the Software") CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL AND/OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. USER'S USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE BY USER WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. Copyright and ownership. The Software is licensed, not sold. The Software and all rights are owned by Infognition Co., Ltd. and are protected by copyright law and international copyright treaties. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the Software is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the Software will remain the exclusive property of Infognition Co., Ltd. and you will not acquire any rights to the Software except as expressly set forth in this license. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to Infognition Co., Ltd. 2. Grant of License. Infognition Co., Ltd. grants to you as an individual, a personal, nonexclusive license to make and use copies of the Software in the manner provided below. If you are an entity, Infognition Co., Ltd. grants you the right to designate one individual within your organization to have the right to use the Software in the manner provided below. 2.1. Unregistered version. By default the Software works as unregistered version. In this mode it will work for 30 days and when generating source code the code will not be copyable. You may use unregistered version for 30 days to test the Software. If you want to continue using it after 30 days and/or unlock source code generation you must register by purchasing a license. After purchase you'll get your personal registration code which must be entered in the Software to switch to Registered version. 2.2 Registered version. One purchased license grants you right to use one copy of registered version of Software on one computer. You may not share your registration information with others. 3. Distribution. The Software may be freely distributed if provided distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of the Software without written permission from the copyright holder. 4. Disclaimer of warranty. This software is provided "as is". Infognition Co., Ltd. makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with regard to the software. All implied warranties, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use, are hereby excluded. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Infognition Co., Ltd. or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product.