Gold Wave Editor 2009 10.3.6

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 10.86 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.5/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

金波編輯器可以記錄通過音效卡任何行的任何聲音。例如,您可以錄製外部程式播放的聲音、麥克風播放的聲音、外部 LP、盒式磁帶、CD/DVD 播放機、AM/FM/衛星收音機等。內建聲音編輯器允許您剪切、修剪和合併錄音。可以使用聲音的可視表示和使用剪貼簿操作執行編輯。支援所有主要音訊格式。您還可以使用建構的 CD 裂土器從個人 CD 收藏中複製所有或部分音樂曲目。 新版本添加了一個燒錄器,您現在可以刻錄自己的音訊 CD,這些 CD 可以從您的錄音中播放在 PC&Home CD 播放器上播放。 特徵 以任何受支援的格式打開、創建和保存音訊檔(還可以將載入檔的任何部分保存到磁碟作為新檔); 顯示音訊數據波形(放大、放大、縮小、縱向放大); 從麥克風或任何其他可用的輸入設備錄製音訊資料(您可以錄製來自 DVD / VCD / CD 播放器、磁帶和 LP、MP3 播放機、RealPlayer、Windows 媒體播放器、網頁、互聯網對話、互聯網新聞、互聯網電臺等的音訊); 直觀地編輯音訊檔(剪切、複製、刪除選擇、刪除靜音、貼上、貼貼檔、混合、從檔混音); 應用各種效果(放大、壓縮、延遲、均衡、淡入和淡出、法蘭、反轉、規範化、相位器、混響、反向、靜音、收縮、拉伸、顫音等); 將不同的濾鏡應用於音訊檔的任何選定部分(BandPass篩檢程式、FFT篩檢程式、高通道濾波器、高通道濾波器、低通道濾波器、低通道濾波器、槽口濾波器); 將音訊檔從一種格式轉換為另一種格式; 使用標記查找所選部分或音訊數據的特殊部分; 添加和編輯額外的資訊到您的音訊檔(專輯,藝術家,評論,版權,流派,標題,年)。


  • 版本 10.3.6 發佈於 2009-04-28



License Agreement THIS IS A CONTRACT. CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT. BY INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. This AMW Co.Ltd, End User License Agreement ("EULA") accompanies all software products ("Software"). Please read this EULA carefully. AMW Co.Ltd and its suppliers own all intellectual property in the Software. The Software is licensed, not sold. The Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. If you do not agree with all of the terms and conditions of this agreement, you must (1) IMMEDIATELY CEASE USING THE SOFTWARE, (2) DESTROY ALL COPIES OF THE SAME, INCLUDING ANY COPIES STORED ON YOUR HARD DRIVE AND ANY ARCHIVAL COPIES, AND (3) FOLLOW THE PROCEDURES ESTABLISHED BY THE MANUFACTURER. DEFINITIONS "Computer" is an electronic device that stores, retrieves, and processes data, and can be programmed with instructions. A computer is composed of hardware and software, and can exist in a variety of sizes and configurations. "Evaluation Software" means a version of AMW Co.Ltd's Software licensed as an evaluation or trial. This version is neither for resale nor for production use. "Internal Network" is a privately maintained computer network that can be accessed only by authorized persons, as in members or employees of the organization / corporation / business entity that owns it. Internal Network specifically excludes the Internet or any other network community open to the public, including but not limited to membership- or subscription-driven groups, associations, and similar organizations. Connection via secure links (VPN or dial up) to your Internal Network for the purpose of this contract is considered use over an Internal Network. "Licensee" means a person and/or company entering into this EULA. "Software" means only the AMW Co.Ltd software program(s) and third party software programs, in each case, supplied by AMW Co.Ltd herewith, and corresponding documentation, associated media, printed materials, help files, online or electronic documentation, images, sounds, clip art and other artistic work, and all updates or upgrades of the above that are provided to you. "Updates" means subsequent releases of the Software that are created for the purposes of bug fixes, error correction, or minor enhancements to functionality and that are generally made available to Licensees of the Software. "Updates" may or may not include the addition of new functionality. All Updates provided hereunder shall be considered Software and will be subject to this Agreement. "Unlock Code" means a unique unlock sequence that allows enabling of the Software for production use. "AMW Co.Ltd" means AMW Co.Ltd, a Carson Limited Liability Company, 3662 Hilltop Rd, Carson City, Nevada 89701. LICENSE GRANT. AMW Co.Ltd grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable right and limited license to use the Software as follows: Software License. Upon issuance of a valid Unlock Code sequence by AMW Co.Ltd to Licensee, you can install Software on one (1) Computer, unless otherwise indicated under a valid license (e.g. Multiple Seat License) granted by AMW Co.Ltd. a. Use. Individual License Use. With an individual license you may use the Software on a single computer ("Your Computer") and not across a network. Multiple Seat License Use. With multiple seat licenses, you are allowed to install the Software on "N" Computers where "N"alidity of the balance of the Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. You agree that the Software shall not be shipped, transferred or exported into any country or used in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions or regulations. This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon failure by you to comply with its terms. This Agreement may only be modified in writing signed by an authorized officer of AMW Co.Ltd. SOFTWARE LICENSE. AMW Co.Ltd reserves the right to change or update any part of this agreement, at any time in the future, without prior notice or reason. The latest and most current agreement can be found at: