糖尿病軟體:葡萄糖雜誌和資料庫是一個計算機葡萄糖日記應用程式,為糖尿病患者測試他們的血糖。記錄、分析和組織血糖測試結果。保持一個有組織的計算機日記或日記你重要的血糖測試結果。無論使用者何時輸入血糖測試結果,血糖測試結果始終按日期和時間進行完美排序。主日誌顯示所有記錄,六個自定義日誌僅顯示屬於使用者定義的時間/日期/葡萄糖/註釋範圍條件的主日誌的某些記錄。六個自定義日誌是;日期、葡萄糖和日期、註釋、時間和日期、葡萄糖和血壓。可以輕鬆調用和顯示以前的自定義日誌。可以顯示和列印餅圖和條形圖。用戶可以選擇將意外刪除的記錄回收回資料庫。血壓讀數可以記錄。用戶可以在毫克/分升或mmol/l之間進行血糖測量記錄。使用者定義的註釋可以添加到每個血糖記錄中。顯示當前顯示的血糖日誌的平均葡萄糖。可以創建、顯示和列印主日誌和所有六個自定義日誌的文本檔。列印件是很好的報告,把你的醫生。易於使用。點和單擊數據條目。所需的最低作業系統:Windows 95。建議使用印表機。
- 版本 2.0 發佈於 2001-11-06
添加了 mmol/l 血糖測量和血壓記錄。添加了兩個新的自定義日誌。添加了其他功能。
- 軟體分類: 首頁 + 愛好 > 健康與營養
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $23.95
- 版本: 2.0
- 作業系統: windows
Please read the Glucose Journal and Database by NELLA_WARElicense and warranty and either agree to its terms and continue with installation, or disagree with the license and terminate installation.A trialware product of NELLA_WARE.Glucose Journal and Database Copyright 2001 Jonathan R. Allen.All rights reserved.version 2.0===== Warranty =====DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYTHIS SOFTWARE AND MANUAL ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TOPERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHEREXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWAREENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. GOOD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDUREDICTATES THAT ANY PROGRAM BE THOROUGHLY TESTED WITH NON-CRITICAL DATABEFORE RELYING ON IT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THEPROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TOPRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE.This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of NorthCarolina and shall inure to the benefit of Jonathan R. Allen and anysuccessors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceedingbrought by either party against the other arising out of or related tothis agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT ofcompetent jurisdiction located in Moore County, North Carolina. Theparties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts.Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability forconsequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may notapply to you.The author of Glucose Journal and Database reserves the right to change any information, policies, or pricing without notice.Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is atrademark of Microsoft Corporation.Windows 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Windows 98 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.Windows Me is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.IBM is a registered trademark of International Business MachinesCorporation.Trademarked names appear throughout this application and itsdocumentation. Rather than list the name and entities that own thetrademarks or insert a trademark symbol with each mention of thetrademarked name, the author states that he is using the names only foreditorial purposes and to the benefit of the trademark owner with nointention of infringing upon that trademark.===== License for Use and Distribution =================VB/ISAM for Windows copyrighted by Software Source.Limits of Liability, Disclaimer of Warranty, and Product LicenseTHIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION ARESOLD ''AS IS'' AND WITHOUT WARRANTIESAS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY ORANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSEDOR IMPLIED. NO HEALTH OR MEDICAL CLAIMSARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OFTHE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWAREENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAMMAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED.GOOD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURE DICTATESTHAT ANY PROGRAM BE THOROUGHLY TESTEDWITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFORE RELYING ONIT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISKOF USING THE PROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OFTHE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELYTO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OFPURCHASE PRICE.This agreement shall be governed by thelaws of the state of North Carolina andshall inure to the benefits of JonathanR. Allen and any successors,administrators, heirs, and assigns. Anyaction or proceding brought by eitherparty against the other arising out ofor related to this agreement shall bebrought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURTof competent jurisdiction located inMoore County, North Carolina. The partieshereby consent to in personamjurisdiction of said courts.Some states do not allow the exclusion ofthe limit of liability for consequentialor incidental damages, so the abovelimitation may not apply to you.The author of Glucose Journal and Databasereserves the right to change any information,policies, or pricing without notice.Trademarked names may appear throughoutthis application and/or its documentation.Rather than list the name and entitiesthat own the trademarks or insert atrademark symbol with every mention ofthe trademarked name, the author statesthat he is using the names only foreditorial purposes and to the benfit ofthe trademark owner with no intention ofinfringing upon that trademark.Portions of Glucose Journal and Databaseare distributed under license from Software Source. Users may access data only through software thatis provided by NELLA_WARE, unless theusers acquire a separate license fromSoftware Source.---------------------------------------------Glucose Journal and DatabasePRODUCT LICENSE INFORMATION---------------------------------------------NOTICE TO USERS: CAREFULLY READ THEFOLLOWING LEGAL AGREEMENT. USE OFTHE SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THISAGREEMENT (THE ''SOFTWARE'')CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OFTHESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREETO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT,DO NOT INSTALL AND/OR USE THISSOFTWARE. USER'S USE OF THISSOFTWARE IS CONDITIONED UPONCOMPLIANCE BY USER WITH THETERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT.1. LICENSE GRANT. Jonathan R. Allengrants you license to use one copyof the version of this SOFTWAREon any one hardware product for asmany licenses as you purchase.''You'' means the company, entityor individual whose funds areused to pay the license fee.''Use'' means storing, loading,installing, executing or displayingthe SOFTWARE. You may not modify theSOFTWARE or disable any licensing orcontrol features of the SOFTWAREexcept as an intended part of theSOFTWAREs programming features. Whenyou first obtain a copy of the SOFTWARE,you are granted an evaluation of notmore than 20 uses, after which timeyou must pay for the SOFTWAREaccording to the terms and pricesdiscussed in the SOFTWARE'sdocumentation, or you must remove theSOFTWARE from your computer. Thislicense is not transferrable to anyother hardware product or other company,entity, or individual.2. OWNERSHIP. The SOFTWARE is owned andcopyrighted by Jonathan R. Allen. Yourlicense confers no title or ownershipin the SOFTWARE and should not be construedas a sale of any right in the SOFTWARE.3. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE is protectedby United States copyright law andinternational treaty provisions. Youacknowledge that no title to theintellectual property in the SOFTWAREis transferred to you. You furtheracknowledge that title and full ownershiprights to the SOFTWARE will remain theexclusive property of Jonathan R. Allenand you will not acquire any rights tothe SOFTWARE except as expressly set forthin this license. You agree that anycopies of the SOFTWARE will contain thesame proprietary notices which appear onand in the SOFTWARE.4. REVERSE ENGINEERING. You agree that youwill not attempt to reverse compile, modify,translate, or disassemble the SOFTWAREin whole or in part.5. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. JONATHAN R. ALLENDOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWAREIS ERROR FREE. JONATHAN R. ALLENDISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WITHRESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, EITHEREXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE ANDNONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS.SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THEEXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES ORLIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIEDWARRANTY MAY LAST, OR THE EXCLUSIONOR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVELIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOTAPPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVESYOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOUMAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICHVARY FROM JURISDICTION TOJURISDICTION.6. SEVERABILITY. In the event of invalidityof any provision of this license, the partiesagree that such invalidity shall not affectthe validity of the remaining portions ofthis license.7. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES.IN NO EVENT SHALL JONATHAN R. ALLENOR HIS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO YOUFOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OFANY KIND ARISING OUT OF THE DELIVERY,PERFORMANCE OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE,EVEN IF JONATHAN R. ALLEN HAS BEENADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL JONATHANR. ALLEN LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM,WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR ANYOTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, EXCEEDTHE LICENSE FEE PAID BY YOU, IF ANY.8. GOVERNING LAW. This license will be governedby the laws of the State of North Carolinaas they are applied to agreements betweenNorth Carolina residents entered into and to beperformed entirely within North Carolina . TheUnited Nations Convention on Contracts forthe International Sale of Goods is specificallydisclaimed.9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This is the entireagreement between you and Jonathan R. Allenwhich supersedes any prior agreement orunderstanding, whether written or oral,relating to the subjectmatter of this license.