GetAnonymous V2.0 - Personal Edition 2

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: N/A
‎使用者評分: 3.5/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

GetAnonymous 是提供全面在線隱私服務的新技術。借助 GetAnony,您終於可以在一個產品中擁有您一直想要的所有功能。其中包括隱私(代理伺服器、代理鏈、引用者阻止和隱藏頁面標題)、保護(分析引擎、多個 IP 位址、隱藏 IP 位址、防禦性作業系統、內容控制、JAVAScript 篩選器和在線隱私控制)、篩選(Cookie 控制、廣告攔截和安全 Cookie)和控制(機密工具列、使用者友好嚮導、自定義設置、Internet 資源管理器工具列、相容性和即時活動日誌)。Get 匿名功能列表被認為是範圍最廣的在線隱私軟體。首次引入代理鏈技術時,GetAnonymous 允許您站在多個代理後面。這為您提供了比以往更多的保護和隱私。GetNonymous 不僅允許您使用代理鏈,還允許您控制此鏈的長度。如果代理伺服器停止回應,可以設置時間以結束與代理伺服器的連接。每次更新代理時,它都為您提供新的代理清單。我們獨特的Ie瀏覽器工具列使用與Ie 瀏覽器集成的工具列,讓所有隱私控制觸手可及。現在,您可以在一個環境中使用所有安全選項。GetAnonymous絕對是最具包容性的在線隱私軟體,以市場上的最低價格提供。*在 MSN 上在線聊天時,您可以保持匿名。


  • 版本 2 發佈於 2003-12-02



"GetAnonymous" is a trademark of All rights reserved. This license applies to all versions of GetAnonymous. SINGLE USER LICENSE INFORMATION GetAnonymous is not a free software. If you use it, please support its development by buying a license. GetAnonymous is property of The following information indicates the terms of the GetAnonymous license that you agree upon if you continue with this install. Please read these terms carefully - if you choose to continue with this install, you must agree to them. If you do not agree, you must exit this install utility and delete this software from your computer. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license. LICENSE AND WARRANTY This license applies to the software "GetAnonymous" which is property of and protected by copyright laws. owns this software, and gives you a single user license to use. Even though GetAnonymous is installed on your computer, still owns it. This license grants you usage of this GetAnonymous software. You are hereby licensed to use this software without charge for thirty (30) days. If you use this software after the 30-day period, a registration fee is required. Payments must be in US dollars and should be sent to Credit Card quantity discount orders are available. For more information send email to [email protected]. Unregistered use of GetAnonymous after the 30-day evaluation period is in violation of international copyright laws. This agreement shall be governed by the American laws. THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OR MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Because of the various hardware and software configurations possible, makes NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. User must assume risk when using this program. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. You may not rent, sell, or lend this software to anybody. You may not decompile this code. You may not copy this code. You may not use any of this code in any other application -- this is a violation of US and international copyright laws. Questions can be referred to [email protected]. "GetAnonymous" is a trademark of