CarPort 1.4.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 19.82 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.3/5 - ‎12 ‎評分

製造商獨立的OBD2汽車診斷(如豐田,現代,通用,福特,克萊斯勒,起亞,雪佛蘭,大眾,本田,三菱,日產,梅賽德斯)和製造商特定的OBD為大眾,奧迪,座椅,斯柯達。支援的協定 OBD2:ISO9141、ISO14230、KWP2000、SAE J1850 PWM、SAE J1850 VPW、CAN 總線 ISO15765、ISOTP;支援的協定: KWP1281 , KWP2000 , TP20 。支援的硬體:ELM327、KKL介面、OBDLink、AGV4000、mOBDic、Diamex DXM1、Diamex DX35、Lawicel、TinyCAN、K+CAN 指揮官。


  • 版本 1.4.0 發佈於 2012-11-14
  • 版本 2.0 發佈於 2010-07-28



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) concerning the software CarPort (in the following called "software") Author: MPP-Engeneering Menküc Pettelkau Puhlmann GbR (in the following called "licensor") Last change: 08.01.2011 GENERAL: Please read these information carefully before using the software! With the use of the software you agree to the terms of this license agreement. This End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual person or a single legal entity, who will be referred to in this EULA as "you") and the licensor for the software technology that displays this EULA, including the executable code version of the software, all associated software and media, upgrades, updates, patches, plug-ins, supplemental applications, printed materials, files, data, documentation and online services provided by the licensor. Please be aware, that this EULA does only belong to the software CarPort. Other software like e.g. Microsoft Windows underlies the license agreements of their respective manufacturers. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, the licensor is unwilling to license the software. In such event, you may not install, copy, download or otherwise use the software. BY CLICKING THE ACCEPTANCE BUTTON OR INSTALLING, COPYING, DOWNLOADING, ACCESSING OR OTHERWISE USING THIS PRODUCT, YOU ARE AGREEING ELECTRONICALLY TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS EULA. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS LICENSE, DO NOT CLICK THE ACCEPTANCE BUTTON OR INSTALL, COPY, DOWNLOAD, ACCESS, OR USE THE PRODUCT. FREE EDITION: The unregistered shareware edition of CarPort is free for non-commercial use, but no support of any kind is available. Use in a commercial environment requires in advance the written approval of the licensor. REGISTRATION: In order to use this software, the user has to buy an activation key from the the licensor. The licensee well be allowed to activate the software on two terminals. The license is personal. The licensee is forbidden to assign rights on the CarPort-license to a third party. FULL VERSION/COMMERCIAL EDITION: The licensor hereby grants to the licensee the non-exclusive use of the activated software. The licensee is enjoined from renting or leasing the software, using the software or allowing a third party the use the software. In case of a violation of these regulations the licensee has to pay the licensor a penalty for breach of contract. SUPPORT: The licensee is not entitled to receive support during the installation or use of this software! However the licensor answers questions regarding this software via email or internet forum. It can't be guaranteed by the licensor that technical inquiries can be answered without delay or that the underlying problem can be solved. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: This software was produced with the utmost care. The licensor does not guarantee that this software is suitable for a certain purpose required by the licensee. According to the state of technology, software can not be 100% error-free. Due to the majority of different system configurations, a malfunctioning of the software can always be possible. The licensor shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of data, business interruption, or loss of profits, arising out of the use of or the inability to use the Licensed Materials. The licensor makes no representation or warranty, and expressly disclaims any liability with respect to the content of any Licensed Materials, including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel, infringement of rights of publicity, privacy, trademark rights, moral rights, or the disclosure of confidential information. By installing this software, the licensee acknowledges that this software is provided "as is" and "with all faults, defects and errors" and that all use of the software is at your own full risk. The licensor disclaims any and all other warranties, conditions, or representations (express, implied, oral or written), relating to the software or any part thereof, including, without limitation, any and all implied warranties of quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The licensor makes no warranties respecting any harm that may be caused by the transmission of a computer virus, worm, time bomb, logic bomb or other such computer program. The licensor further expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to authorized Users, or to any third party. Especially, the licensor shall not be liable for any kind of damage (direct or indirect) to the user or others, occuring due to the use of this software while driving a car! DATA PROTECTION: The Licensor reserves the exclusive right to collect anonymised data for the purpose of product improvement. All collected data is subject to the data protection law of the Federal Republic of Germany and will not be handed over to a third party. COPYRIGHT/DISTRIBUTION: This software is protected by copyright. It is the sole property of the licensor. Through the purchase of the activation key the Licensee receives the permission to use the software according to the license agreement. The licensee is forbidden to duplicate, sell, distribute or utilize this software and/or the registration key in any manner without the prior written consent of the licensor. The publication of the Free Edition on CD-Roms and in magazines is expressly allowed. Manipulation, de-compilation and disassembling of this software and the belonging files will be prosecuted by law. This agreement shall be interpreted and construed according to, and governed by, the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding any such laws that might direct the application of the laws of another jurisdiction. The federal or state courts located in the Federal Republic of Germany shall have jurisdiction to hear any dispute under this agreement. This agreement is subject to change. Therefore only the actual license agreements, which are published on our website are valid. The licensee is responsible to inform himself about the actual license agreements. If any provision or provisions of this agreement shall be held to be invalid, illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.