
軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 1.14 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.2/5 - ‎17 ‎評分

Mozilla聲稱已經顯著改善了火狐的記憶體使用。事實上,他們似乎為非自願記憶體洩漏被完全消除而感到驕傲。這一切都很奇怪,因為當我忙於寫這篇文章時,我的Firefox使用的內存在250MB到300MB之間。 作為旁注;我使用的是最新的火狐版本。 火狐仍然比大多數其他網路瀏覽器使用更多的記憶體。說實話, 它使用的金額是荒謬的。如果保持運行,Firefox 可以使用多達 500MB 的記憶體。此外,你會看到記憶體使用量持續上升,因為,你猜對了,記憶體洩漏。一些 Firefox 使用者甚至報告記憶體使用量超過 1000MB。這是大多數計算機上記憶體的一半。 那麼,有解決辦法嗎?答案很簡單,消防。你會看到它的有效性幾乎立即和最好的部分是,它是完全免費的。你可以在這裡立即下載它。消防員沒有安裝實用程式。所有你需要做的就是下載消防檔.exe提取它,然後從提取的.exe運行 Firemin。。 現在我們需要澄清一些關於火民的困惑。首先,Firemin 使用一種稱為"空工作集"的安全 API 函數,該函數基本上強制進程(在此例中為 Firemin)使用更少的記憶體。換句話說,告訴Firefox把一些它掛在一起的系統記憶體還回去。使用此函數有時會導致性能略有下降(以毫秒為單位)。但我的意思是輕微,您注意到性能降低的機會幾乎為零。 火民不是那種人。有類似的「火狐記憶體助推器」可用;然而,他們中的大多數是欺詐(工作大多包含間諜軟體和惡意軟體)或使用安慰劑功能工作(如果你認為它會工作,它會)。Firemin 不包含任何惡意軟體,實際上確實減少了 Firefox 記憶體使用量,高達 95%(在某些情況下低於 1MB)。


  • 版本 發佈於 2011-08-05



You may use our software anywhere and anytime for any purpose you want. We will just not be held responsible if you mess your computer up or use our software for illegal purposes. However, we do suggest that you never use our software for illegal or immoral purposes; otherwise karma could turn on you. On that note; we will also not be held responsible for any bodily harm you could sustain while using our software. You may however try to decompile (if you can, good for you), disassemble and use our software in your business. We did not include the source code, because, to be totally honest, we don''t want to. If our freeware contains third party components you will need to abide by the terms of the specific component provider. Please do not try and decompile these components; otherwise some trouble could come your way. The resources and software we use to create our freeware are all open source, paid for and even the Windows we use are genuine. We emphasize that you only install our freeware on genuine software (Windows, Office, etc.). If for some reason your software is less than genuine, it is the same as using our freeware for illegal purposes and this is strictly forbidden. If you use our software, you agree that most software companies are full of it and that our software might not work the way you expect it to. You agree that no developers are perfect and for that reason our software is less than perfect. It could in some cases crash your computer, render something unusable and maybe just not work, but you agree that this is your problem and not ours. Let''s face it; software companies really don''t care. You are entitled to free support from us and we will try to help you the best we can. If we are too stupid to help you, sorry, at least we tried. Furthermore, this license was not copied or adapted from any other licenses and for this reason is like the software it tries to protect, could be faulty.