FastReport CLX 2.5

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 2.33 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.7/5 - ‎7 ‎評分

新增: - 與 FastReport 2.5 VCL 相容 - 位圖匯出 BMP - 高級 HTML 匯出 - TfrReport 屬性:報表註釋、報表名稱、報告自動、 報告日期, 報告最後改變, 報告密碼保護, 報告密碼, 進階報告版本(主要、次要、發佈、生成) - 全域文稿變數報告註釋、報表名稱、報告自動、 報告日期, 報告最後改變, 報告密碼保護, 報告密碼, 進階報告版本(主要、次要、發佈、生成) - 儲存到 FR3.0 Xml 格式可選在設計器 - 準備的頁面運行時修改 - 文稿中的 FieldIsnull 函數 FastReport CLX 版是德爾福和 Kylix 的第一台強大的跨平台報告生成器。使用 FastReport CLX 版本,您可以以最少的手動編碼為 Windows 和 Linux 創建高效的跨平台報告。 FastReport 的發展環境包括視覺化報表設計器、視覺化對話設計器、 物件檢查器和元件調色板。 您可以使用跨平臺 32 位元應用程式開發跨平台報告,這些應用程式在 Linux 和 Windows 作業系統。 您可以在 FastReport CLX 中打開使用早期版本的 FastReport VCL 製作的任何 .frf 檔。



FastReport CLX 2.5 for Delphi 6/7, C++Builder 6, Kylix 1/2/3, Kylix 3 C++ SINGLE USER SOFTWARE LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY The FastReport is distributed as try-before-you-buy product. This means: All copyrights to FastReport are exclusively owned by the author - FastReport Software. FastReport is protected by copyright laws. At all times FastReport Software retains full title to the software. Subject to your acceptance of and accordance with the terms and conditions stated in this agreement, you shall be granted a single-user software license. Any previous agreement with FastReport Software is superseded by this agreement. Anyone may use trial version of this software as long as you want. You can try trial version of FastReport, which prints only one page of report with nag label "FastReport - unregistered". Full version of FastReport shipped with full source code. To use full version of FastReport, you MUST register. The FastReport unregistered trial version, may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of FastReport without written permission from the copyright holder. The FastReport unregistered trial version may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission of the copyright holder. Kinds of register is listed in README.TXT. REGISTER THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO: 1. Install and use the Software for the sole purposes of designing, developing, testing, and deploying application programs which you create. You may install a copy of the Software on a computer and freely move the Software from one computer to another, provided that you are the only individual using the Software. If you are an entity, you must designate one individual within your organization ("Named User") to have the right to use the Software. 2. Write and compile your own application programs using the FastReport software contained in this package. All copies of the software you so write and distribute must include a FastReport Software copyright notice, or a valid copyright notice of your own. 3. Make one copy of the Software for backup or archival purposes or copy the Software to a single permanent storage medium provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. ? 4. Distribute runtime packages for the sole purpose of executing application programs created with Delphi. FastReport runtime packages available for distribution are listed in the ReadMe.doc file that is installed into the main FR directory. 5. Technical support and notifications on those new versions FastReport, which can upgrade with no additional payment. 6. The registered FastReport software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, if the person receiving it agrees to terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions. 7. It is not provided any additional license deductions, except for cost of the registration, connected with creation and distribution of reports and forms of FastReport. The registered users, can use FastReport as "Royalty free". It means, that they freely may distribute the programs using FastReport if it does not contradict conditions of this license agreement. Any sanctions to that on from the author is not required. ENGAGING IN ANY OF THE ACTIVITIES LISTED BELOW WILL TERMINATE THE SOFTWARE LICENSE. IN ADDITION TO SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMINATION, FASTREPORT SOFTWARE MAY PURSUE CRIMINAL, CIVIL, OR ANY OTHER AVAILABLE REMEDIES. 1. Distribution of any files contained in this software package, other than the runtime packages explicitly listed above, including but not limited to .PAS, .DFM, .DCU files, .DCP files, and design-time packages. 2. Modification, decompilation, disassembly, reverse engineering or translation of the Software. 3. Removal of proprietary notices, labels or marks from the Software or Software Documentation. 4. Inclusion of the software in a development environment. 5. Creation of an application that does not differ materially from the Software. 6. Development and/or distribution of a stand-alone reporting application based on the Software. 7. Creation of an application (whether it be freeware, shareware or a commercial product) which competes directly or indirectly with the Software. AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO THE RELEASE OF SOURCE CODE by FastRport Software to Recipient: USE OF SOURCE CODE Recipient will not utilize the source for the creation of software (whether it be freeware, shareware or a commercial product) which competes directly or indirectly with FastReport VCL or FastReport CLX. In addition, Recipient will not disclose the source itself, nor the implementations discovered therein, to any party involved in the creation of software which competes directly or indirectly with FastReport VCL or FastReport CLX. DISTRIBUTION OF SOURCE CODE Recipient will not distribute the source. Specifically this includes all .dcu, .dfm, and .pas files which FastReport Software has provided. CHANGES TO SOURCE CODE FastReport Software reserves the right to change any part of the source in future versions of the product. These changes may include the removal of classes, properties and methods or the creation of new classes, properties and methods. TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR SOURCE CODE FastReport Software will not provide support for changes Recipient makes to the source. Recipient assumes full responsibility for supporting any code or application which results from such modification. Recipient will not hold FastReport Software liable, directly or indirectly, for any changes made to the source, including changes which Recipient has made based on advice or suggestions provided by FastReport Software. SOURCE IS PROVIDED AS IS FASTREPORT IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. FASTREPORT SOFTWARE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE LIMITED WARRANTY/LIMITATION OF RESPONSIBILITY: FastReport Software may not bear other responsibility, except for stated in this agreement. In no event will FastReport Software be liable to you for any damages, including without limitation lost profits or revenues, loss of data, business interruption loss, recovery or substitution costs, or claims by third parties, or other indirect incidental or consequential damages, arising out of the use or inability to use the software, even if FastReport Software has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no case shall FastReport Software' liability exceed the amount of the license fee paid by you for the software. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by FastReport Software Thank you for using FastReport! Alexander Tzyganenko (CTO of Fast Reports, Inc.)