Explore&Burn 1.7.2

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 6.39 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

探索和燒錄是一個直觀和易於使用的 CD/DVD 燒錄機,與 Windows 資源管理器集成。它是將電腦上的檔、ISO 圖像和 DVD 電影燒錄到光學介質的最簡單、最快的方法。與其他膨脹的 CD/DVD 刻錄程式相比,探索和刻錄非常輕巧,並且能夠按您的需要進行。 與其他 CD/DVD 燒錄軟體不同,探索和燒錄不需要啟動任何程式來刻錄 CD 或 DVD。只是,在 Windows 資源管理器中瀏覽檔時,選擇所需的檔案或資料夾,選擇「燒錄檔」以光碟..." 從右鍵單擊選單,燒錄精靈將指導您完成將這些檔燒錄到 CD 或 DVD 的簡單步驟。如果光碟上已經存在某些檔,則"瀏覽和刻錄"將自動創建多會話光碟並將檔添加到光碟的末尾。 以大致相同的方式,您可以輕鬆地選擇和刻錄 ISO 圖像或 DVD 影片光碟。 * 只需在 Windows 資源管理器中選擇所需的檔,只需點擊幾下即可在 CD 或 DVD 上刻錄它,只需使用簡單的嚮導即可完成; * 快速輕鬆地將 ISO 映射從硬碟刻錄到物理介質; * 使用準備好的音訊資料夾中的檔刻錄 DVD VIDEO_TS光碟; * 燒錄CD-R、CD-RW、DVD-R、DVD+R、DVD-RW、DVD+RW和DVD-RAM光碟,包括雙層光碟; * 使用 ISO-9660、Joliet 和 UDF 檔案系統刻錄單會話和多會話光碟; * 多語種用戶介面;


  • 版本 1.7.2 發佈於 2013-01-18
    修復了在 Windows XP 上安裝程式創建的註冊表值 AllocateCDRoms 和分配錯誤類型的分配DASD時的問題,從而禁止非管理使用者訪問媒體刻錄設備。



Explore&Burn License Explore&Burn is "shareware" computer program and is distributed "as is". The Explore&Burn is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer. By using, copying or distributing Explore&Burn and accompanying documentation (the program's object code and documentation are collectively referred to as the "SOFTWARE PRODUCT"), you indicate your acceptance of the following license terms: 1. Usage The computer software, artwork and other components included in this version of SOFTWARE PRODUCT are the exclusive copyrighted property of CodeSnake Software. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You must not: a) sell, rent, lease or sublicense all or any portion of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; b) modify or prepare derivative works of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT; c) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software; d) publish serial keys or key generation algorithms. You may use this program for non-commercial purposes during 30 days. After that period you should register your copy of SOFTWARE PRODUCT or stop the usage of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and uninstall it. 2. Distribution This Trial Version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT may be freely distributed, provided that: a) such distribution includes only the original archive supplied by CodeSnake Software, you may not alter, delete or add any files in the distribution archive; b) no money is charged to the person receiving the software, beyond reasonable cost of packaging and other overhead. 3. Warranties and Disclaimer CODESNAKE SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT YOU HAD FULL OPPORTUNITY TO TEST EXPLORE&BURN BEFORE ANY LIVE, PUBLIC OR PRODUCTION USE, THAT YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELECTING AND USING EXPLORE&BURN, AND THAT IF YOU USE EXPLORE&BURN IMPROPERLY OR AGAINST INSTRUCTIONS, YOU CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO YOUR FILES, SOFTWARE, DATA OR BUSINESS. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF EXPLORE&BURN IS BORNE BY YOU. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE AGREEMENT. Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusions of an implied warranty, so this disclaimer may not apply to you and you may have other legal rights that vary by jurisdiction. 4. Limitation of Liability IN NO EVENT SHALL CODESNAKE SOFTWARE, OR ITS MEMBERS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AFFILIATES, CONTRACTORS, SUBSIDIARIES, OR PARENT ORGANIZATIONS, BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RELATING TO THE USE OF EXPLORE&BURN, OR YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CODESNAKE SOFTWARE. Some jurisdictions do not allow exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, therefore the above limitation may not apply to you. 5. Termination The rights granted to you under this licence shall terminate automatically upon any breach by you of the terms of this licence. Individuals or entities who have received the software from you under this licence, however, will not have their licences terminated provided such individuals or entities remain in full compliance with those licences. 6. General The validity or enforceability of the remaining terms of this agreement is not affected by the holding of any provision of it to be invalid or unenforceable.