EVCSoft 1.07-27

軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 2.25 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

從電腦上安裝的軟體進行免費呼叫。免費下載 EVCSoft 。EVCSoft 是一個功能齊全的 Internet 語音視頻-聊天-SMS 用戶端,可用於在世界各地的 EVCSoft 網路(但不僅僅是)上與其他人進行通信,無論是多使用者組會議還是一對一的私人討論。擁有 EVCSoft 允許您召開視頻會議,將視頻消息發送給電子郵件或其他使用者。 EVCSoft 能夠以低廉的價格從軟體撥打固定電話和行動電話。您也可以直接從軟體向世界各地的手機發送簡訊。如果您訂購虛擬號碼服務,您的朋友(沒有 EVCSoft)可以到達您的電腦上安裝的 EVCSoft。此外,您可以將傳入電話轉到任何您想要的電話。 EVCSoft 提供當今可用的全系列數位和行動通訊工具,全部與軟體整合。電話到電話服務(本地號碼)以及呼叫呼叫服務,讓 EVCSoft 使用者從他們的手機撥打任何其他 EVCSoft 使用者(到他們的電腦)或任何國際電話號碼。特點:EVCSoft 軟體會在您的客戶連線時、當您收到語音留言、視頻消息或未接來電時通知您。EVCSoft 支援檔案傳輸、聊天、可自定義的聲音、呼叫歷史記錄、語音和視頻訊息、語音郵件、視頻會議、與 EVCSoft 使用者或普通電話的語音會議。


  • 版本 1.07-27 發佈於 2008-09-20


  • 軟體分類: 通信 > 電話
  • 發佈者: N/A
  • 軟體性質: 免費
  • 價格: N/A
  • 版本: 1.07-27
  • 作業系統: windows


Private Policy - 1. WHAT IS EVCSoft AND WHAT PRODUCTS DOES IT OFFER?. Through its websites, EVCSoft Ltd. offers the EVCSoft software and other EVCSoft products (e.g. Call Out, Virtual Number Call In, SMS, Voice mail ,Phone to Phone service, etc.), which may be extended or changed from time to time. 2. WHAT INFORMATION DOES EVCSoft COLLECT? EVCSoft may gather and process information about you, including (but not limited to) information in the following categories: (a) Identification data (name, address, telephone, email address etc.); (b) Profile information (e.g. age, sex, country of residence etc.) (THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE YOUR USER PROFILE- please see article 6 of this Privacy Statement); (c) Electronic identification data (addresses IP, cookies, etc.); (d) Banking and payment information (credit card information, account number, etc.); (e) Survey result and usage information; (f) Products or services ordered and delivered; (g) List of your contacts; (h) Traffic data (data processed for the purpose of the conveyance of communications or the billing thereof, including, but not limited to, the duration of the call, the number calling and the number called, etc.).. 3. Accessing and Using the Service. You are solely responsible for all operations performed under your account or credentials. You must inform EVCSoft Copmany immediately of any unsolicited activity performed under your account or credentials or any other security problem that may be present in EVCSoft. Never provide your EVCSoft username or password to any third party. You must not provide any third party details which will allow them to identify as you. You may not use any software, hardware or service that decrease the amount of users who connect directly to EVCSoft services (software, hardware or service such as multiplexing or pooling). You only may use EVCSoft software to connect to EVCSoft services. 4. Limitations of Use. The privacy, security and protection of our services and users are of high value to us. You may not use EVCSoft or any EVCSoft service in any way that may cause harm to the EVCSoft system, any of our users or customers, EVCSoft Ltd., or any affiliated companies. The following are examples of harmful activities which are prohibited: Accessing or attempting to access any computer, network, software, or service affiliated with EVCSoft or the EVCSoft service, without prior approval. Disturbing or attempting to disturb the correct work of any computer, network, software, or service affiliated with EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services. Accessing the EVCSoft services in order to gather information with intention to use this information to be used for the development of designing, development, or updating unsolicited software which you use, or allow others to use, to use or access EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services. Charging others for the use or access of EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services. You may not use EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services in an illegal or criminal way. You may not use EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services to send, receive, or publish inappropriate materials or any materials that interfere with intellectual property rights of EVCSoft or others. The following are examples of contents, messages and actions which are prohibited: Using the EVCSoft service to participate in any chain, pyramid, or similar distribution or marketing. Using the EVCSoft service to send, whether directly or indirectly, large amounts of e-mails or other messages, or any other information, whether commercial or of other nature, that was not specifically requested by the recipients. Defamation, insult, threat, abuse, or any other violation of any legal rights. Sending, publishing, or otherwise making available any material that constitutes intellectual property, unless you are the proprietor of said property or you have been granted the legal right to do so. Sending, publishing, or encouraging others to otherwise acquire malicious software, including, but not limited to, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, defective files, or any similar software piece which might cause harm to a computer, operating system, information, or any others rights or property. Accepting or acquiring any information, data or software that cannot be legally acquired in this manner. Collecting or providing to any third party information, whether gratis or at charge, regarding (i) list of EVCSoft service users, (ii) information about EVCSoft service users, and (iii) information about usage of the EVCSoft service. Distortion or concealing of reference to author, reference to proprietor, legal notices, or other similar notices, or labels of origin, from any information, material, or software, in any oral, written, media, or other message that you are transferring. Violating the customary code of behavior or any other regulation which may apply to usage of the EVCSoft services. Using EVCSoft or any EVCSoft service with the cause of gathering information about others, including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or EVCSoft numbers. 5. Privacy We consider all you usage of EVCSoft and the EVCSoft services private. We do not regularly monitor your communication or disclose any information about your communication to a third party. However, we may monitor your communication, and disclose this information, including the contents of your communication, without notice, on the following terms: Such procedure is necessary to obey the law or comply with a juridical regulation. Such procedure is made in order to verify your compliance with the terms of this agreement. Such procedure is made to protect the rights, property, or the interests of EVCSoft Ltd., its employees, customers, or the public. Always exercise caution when disclosing any personal or identifying information on EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services. 6. Third-Party Content and Services. EVCSoft Ltd. or third-party Companies may provide contents via EVCSoft or the EVCSoft services. LANS HK Company holds no responsibility regarding any content that any third party may provide within any EVCSoft service. You may be connected to Internet services other than EVCSoft services via links provided in contents you may have received from third parties via the EVCSoft services. You are advised to use only services and software that were approved by LANS HK Company. Any links are provided for your convenience only. We have no control or responsibility over links provided by any third parties. You shall carry the sole responsibility for any and all contacts, connections or communications with any third party, including, but not limited to, supply of goods, services, or payments for such. 7. Software. You usage of the EVCSoft software, if provided to you, is governed by the terms of this agreement. Your only right on this software product is the right to use it accordingly to this agreement. LANS HK Company reserves all other rights to this software product. EVCSOft remains the exclusive owner of the names, trademarks, copyrights, patents, and any other intellectual property of this software product. EVCSoft reserves the right to automatically check the version of the software installed on your computer. EVCSoft may at its discretion load onto your computer upgrades, updates, newer versions, or improvements to this software program. EVCSoft Ltd. may discontinue support for outdated versions of the software. EVCSoft Ltd. may declare any version of EVCSoft outdated without prior notice, provided that an updated version is reasonably available. It is prohibited to disassemble, decompile, or otherwise reverse-engineer any software or hardware product which are part of the EVCSoft product or service, unless said activity is expressly allowed by the applicable law. This software is subject to local and international software import and export regulations. These regulations may imply limitations apply to destinations, end users, or the usage. 8. Performance and Usage Data. The EVCSoft Ltd. may at its discretion automatically load from you computer usage and performance statistics with the purpose of evaluating the technical parameters of the EVCSoft software and the provided services. No personally identifying information will be loaded from your computer. You may cancel your agreement to loading of usage data (opt out), but not to loading of performance data. 9. EVCSoft Disclaims All Liabilities. This software and the services are provided as is. To the maximum extent possible by law, neither EVCSoft nor any other Company associated with EVCSoft Ltd. shall provide any responsibility, whether direct or indirect. The EVCSoft Ltd. disclaims all responsibility, whether direct, indirect, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, responsibility for merchantability or fitting for a particular purpose. Also, there is no warranty of non-infringement and title or quiet enjoyment. The EVCSoft Ltd. does not warrant that the software is error-free or will operate without interruption. EVCSoft Ltd. shall have no other responsibility or liability in regard to EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services. 10. Limitation of Liability and Your Sole Remedy. Under no circumstance shall EVCSoft Ltd. be liable for any damages, including, but not limited to, any indirect, special, incidental, punitive, cover or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, damages for the inability to use equipment or access data, loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption or the like), arising out of the terms of this agreement, your use of, or inability to use, the software or any of the EVCSoft services, even if EVCSoft Ltd. has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if a remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose or is unenforceable. These limitations shall apply in all cases, disregarding whether the damages have occurred because of inability to abide by this contract or by any obligation, breach of contract or obligation, neglect, tort, or any other reason, provided that such limitation is not prohibited by the applicable law. If you are dissatisfied with the EVCSoft product, any of the EVCSoft services, or this agreement, your sole and exclusive remedy will constitute the immediate discontinuation of use of EVCSoft and any EVCSoft services. 11. Changes in Service and Other Liability Limitations. EVCSoft Ltd. may change EVCSoft software or any of the EVCSoft services, alter services or features, or add or remove services or features, without prior notice. Without limitation to the general nature of paragraphs (9) and (10), EVCSoft Ltd. shall not be held responsible or liable for any content, including, but not limited to, any content that (i) violates any intellectual property rights, or other applicable law, or is rude, incorrect, offensive, indecent, defaming, or damaging, or (ii) any conduct, statement, or information by any third parties. Additionally, without limitation to the general nature of paragraphs (9) and (10), EVCSoft Ltd. shall not be held responsible or liable for any (i) viruses, Trojan horses, worms, defective files, or any similar software piece which might cause harm to a computer, operating system, information, or any others rights or property, or your ability to use EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services, (ii) compatibility with any other software, information, services, or data, (iii) any delay, inaccuracy, or failure in starting, committing, completing or receiving any transaction by EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services, (iv) any services or information provided by any third parties that are accessible via EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services. The limitations set forth in paragraphs (9), (10), and (11) are applicable to the maximum extent possible under the law and mean no revocation of any protection that the applicable law may enforce. 12. Customer Support. Please check with the Help and Support section of the EVCSoft software, the EVCSoft services and the EVCSoft internet site to learn about all help and assistance we may be providing to you (henceforth Support). Notwithstanding, unless you have a separate written agreement with EVCSoft regulating Support, we may discontinue any and all Support at any time without prior notice. EVCSoft does explicitly disclaim support for any third-party software and service extensions. For support for any third-party product, address that third partys support, if provided. 13. Discontinuation of Service. Unless you have a separate written agreement with EVCSoft Ltd. regulating EVCSoft service, we may stop or cancel your subscription for any of the EVCSoft services. The EVCSoft Ltd. may do so without prior notice. When your subscription of the service is stopped or cancelled, your right to use that service expires immediately. Once your subscription to the service was stopped or canceled, it is not possible to recover any of your information, even if your subscription is later reinstated. 14. State and Court for Setting Legal Disputes. This agreement will be governed by the laws of the state in which you have purchased this software or service. In case you have purchased this software or service via the Internet, this agreement will be governed by the laws of the state in which the holding company of the said Internet site is registered. All other legal disputes, including prosecutions for violations of consumer rights laws, unfair competition or business conduct, shall be governed by the laws of your domicile. 15. Interpretation of This Agreement. All parts of this agreement apply to the maximum permissible extent under applicable law. If any provision of this agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible in closest interpretation to the original spirit of that provision. All remaining provisions of this agreement will remain in full force and effect. This is the entire agreement between you and EVCSoft Ltd. This agreement abolishes all previous agreements between you and EVCSoft Ltd., whether oral or written. If you have any confidentiality commitment towards EVCSoft Ltd., these commitments shall remain firm and valid. The titles in this agreement imply no limitations on other terms in this agreement. 16. Endorsement. EVCSoft Ltd. may, at its discretion, endorse this agreement, whether fully or partially, without prior notice. You may not endorse this agreement, or any part of it, to any third party. Any attempt on you behalf to do so will be invalid. Instead, you may discontinue your subscription to EVCSoft software and all EVCSoft services. The third party may then engage in a legal agreement with EVCSoft Ltd.. 17. Limitation of Filing Term for Legal Charges. Any charges you may wish to file are to be filed within the period of one year. The period of one year begins at the moment that it was first possible to file such charge. If a charge is not filed within this period, this charge will expire. This limitation applies to you or anyone who may inherit your rights. This limitation also applies to EVCSoft Ltd. 18. Sending Messages to EVCSoft Ltd. You may send us messages via e-mail. You must address these messages to accordingly to the information that appears in the contact us page of our Internet site or in the EVCSoft support section of our Internet site. 19. Messages from EVCSoft Ltd. to You. EVCSoft Ltd. may provide you with information regarding EVCSoft product or any of the EVCSoft services and promotions electronically. We may provide this information in the form e-mails to your e-mail account, in the form of instant messages to your customer account, instant messages to your EVCSoft, or in the form of access to our Internet site. For as long as you continue to use EVCSoft or any of the EVCSoft services, you will have the ability to receive said messages. If you do not agree to receive messages in the electronic form, you must discontinue your use of EVCSoft and any of the EVCSoft services. 20. Intellectual Property Notifications. The entire contents of the EVCSoft Internet site, or all related or affiliated sites, are copyrighted by EVCSoft , all rights reserved. The EVCSoft logo is a trademark of EVCSoft Ltd. Other product names or company name may be trademarked by their respective owners. All names of companies, organizations, people, and events which appear as examples in this agreement are fictional. All resemblance to reality is unintended and incidental. EVCSoft may have patents, pending patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights in regard to any material that may appear in EVCSoft or in any of the EVCSoft services. Unless you have been specifically granted with license to any of said intellectual property under this or any separate agreement, the providing of this information does not imply to grant you any rights in regard of any of said intellectual property. Ay rights that were not hereby expressly granted are reserved. 21. Informing and Charging Procedure in Regard to Breach of Intellectual Property, According to USA law. According to the United States Code, Title 17, Section 512 (c) (2), reports of alleged breach of intellectual property must be filed with the authoritative representative of the service provider. Any report which proves as irrelevant shall not be answered. See also the Copyright Infringement Notice and Procedure for Making Claims section in our Internet site.