Endpoint Encryption

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加密區端點加密是一個完整的桌面解決方案,它包含三種產品:安全電子郵件(電子郵件加密)、安全電子檔(檔案/資料夾加密)、安全電子 USB 快閃記憶體驅動器加密。它們都與 Windows 緊密集成,並且需要很少的時間來習慣和開始使用。 安全的電子檔: 安全 eFile 是一種檔 / 資料夾加密解決方案,旨在便於使用,同時保持盡可能高的安全性。安全的 eFile 在當前環境中緊密集成,僅作為一個薄層位於現有基礎架構的頂部。 安全電子郵件: 安全電子郵件是一種電子郵件加密解決方案,設計為易於使用,但同時保持盡可能高的安全級別。使用 AES-256 和系統 SKG,這已經實現。安全電子郵件與 Microsoft Outlook 緊密整合,提供以前從未見過的易用性。 安全 eUSB: 安全 eUSB 是一種 USB 加密解決方案,設計為易於使用,但同時保持盡可能高的安全級別。通過使用 AES-256 位元加密,這已經實現。安全的 eUSB 在當前環境中緊密集成,僅作為一個薄層位於現有基礎架構的頂部。 所有加密區應用程式和模組都作為桌面/獨立解決方案和緊密整合的企業就緒解決方案存在。


  • 版本 發佈於 2010-08-20
  • 版本 3.2 發佈於 2007-05-01
    1. 安全 eUSB - 輕鬆加密 USB 記憶棒;.2. 會話監控。



These standard terms and conditions apply between Cryptzone AB (publ) “Cryptzone” and you the "Customer" for the provision of Cryptzone AB services, and by using the service in any way, you the Customer thereby agrees to become bound by them. 1. Definitions In addition to the definitions set forth in the Agreement regarding Cryptzone products, the following words and terms shall have the meanings set forth below: "Charges" shall mean the charges set out in Clause 8 below, which are payable by the Customer to Cryptzone for the provision of the Cryptzone Services. "Content" shall mean the information contained in the Cryptzone products or services to be distributed to the customer’s computer. "Customer" means you, a person or company who may use Cryptzone products by agreeing to these license terms and conditions, and downloading the Software. "Software/products" means the Service/products licensed to the Customer pursuant to these terms and conditions, whereby the Customer is able to use Secured eMail® Version, Reader, Reader Lite, Secured eMail, Secured eFile , Secured eUSB,, Secured eControl, Secured eDisk, Enterprise Testbed by downloading the Software and complying with these terms and conditions. "Know-how" means knowledge, experience, data, technology, designs, techniques, drawings, software, and other information and knowledge. "Price List" means Cryptzone’s current price list provided by Cryptzone "Software" means any software that Cryptzone licenses to you in accordance with these terms and conditions for the provision of the Cryptzone products or services. "Territory" means all areas to which Cryptzone can deliver the software. 2. Installation of Cryptzone Software, etc. 2.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Cryptzone grants to the Customer a non-transferable and non-exclusive license to use the software in the Territory. The Customer shall use the software as the manuals depict and in no other way or form, unless otherwise stated. 2.2 The Customer shall use the products in a way that not infringes the rights of others. The Customer shall comply with all other instructions regarding use of the products. In particular, but without limiting the generality of the above, the Customer hereby warrants that it will not use the products for the purpose of producing, transmitting or sending SPAM messages. 2.3 The Customer hereby acknowledges that the software operates only in conjunction with or on certain software and hardware. A list of such acceptable software and hardware is set out at Clause 14 below. Cryptzone accepts no liability for the incompatibility of the software with any hardware, software or other equipment used by the Customer. The Customer shall at its own expense ensure that it only uses the product with software or hardware specifically approved by Cryptzone as compatible with the Software in order to have its computer operational for the distribution of the software to the Computer. 2.4 Secured eMail operates in conjunction with Microsoft Outlook® and is therefore limited in functionality to that of Microsoft Outlook as the Secured eMail uses the same address book as Microsoft Outlook, the address book in the Secured eMail will function in the same way: the address book will not show contacts that do not have an email address. Secured eMail can only be sent to contacts in the address book that have an email address appropriately listed therein. The Customer hereby acknowledges that the functioning cannot be changed in any settings. Secured eMail operates in conjunction with Lotus Notes® and is therefore limited in functionality to that of Lotus Notes as the Secured eMail uses the same address book as Lotus Notes, the address book in the Secured eMail will function in the same way: the address book will not show contacts that do not have an email address. Secured eMail can only be sent to contacts in the address book that have an email address appropriately listed therein. The Customer hereby acknowledges that the functioning cannot be changed in any settings. 2.5 The Customer assumes full responsibility for all charges related to accessing and using the software, such as the cost of sending the software to a Computer in the Territory. 2.6 Cryptzone has the sole right to modify the software, and the terms of this Agreement. Changes in the software shall take effect immediately upon their being posted on www.cryptzone.com 2.7 Except as expressly set forth herein, the Customer shall not: (a) use, provide or otherwise make available the Software or any part or copies thereof to any third party; (b) copy, modify, amend, alter, revise, enhance or otherwise change the Software; or (c) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software or any portion thereof, nor otherwise attempt to create or derive a source code equivalent to the Software''s. 2.8 The Customer shall only access the software as permitted by Cryptzone AB and shall not attempt at any time to circumvent system security or access any source software or compiled code. 2.9 The Customer hereby warrants that the Content is not and shall not be obscene, indecent, inappropriate or otherwise illegal. 2.10 IN THE EVENT THAT THE CUSTOMER SHOULD BREACH ANY TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE CUSTOMER’S ACCESS TO SECURED EMAIL SHALL BE TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT NOTICE. 2.11 Cryptzone may vary the terms of this agreement at any time, such variation being effective immediately upon posted on www.cryptzone.com The Customer may stop using the software at that time. By continuing to use the software following any such variation, the Customer will be deemed to have accepted them. 2.12 The Customer''s use of the software is governed by the terms of this Agreement which appear on the Cryptzone website (www.cryptzone.com). 3. Distribution of the software, etc 3.1 After receiving a purchase order from the Customer, Cryptzone shall send the products or download information to the Computer. 3.2 Cryptzone does not undertake the responsibility of sending the Secured eMail if the Computer is switched off and has been switched off for a period exceeding three days. Nor does Cryptzone undertake the responsibility of sending the Secured eMail if the Computer is temporarily or permanently out of order or if it is out of coverage or otherwise unreachable and has been unreachable for a period exceeding twenty-four hours. Cryptzone has no obligation to send the Secured eMail outside the territory. 3.3 Cryptzone undertakes no liability for minor errors and interruptions in the products of any third party. If a critical error and/or interruption occur, Cryptzone shall be entitled to procure the correction of the error and/or the interruption. The Customer shall without undue delay notify Cryptzone of any errors and/or interruption. Cryptzone assumes no responsibility for any errors or interruptions related to the Internet, including, without limitation, products or any other third party network failure to deliver the products to the Computer. 3.4 Cryptzone shall always have the right to disconnect the software for service and upgrading without giving prior notice to the Customer. 4. Limitation of liability 4.1 Under no circumstances will Cryptzone, or any service provider, be liable to the Customer, or any other person or entity, for any loss of use, revenue or profit, lost or damaged data, or any other commercial or economic loss or for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, statutory, punitive, exemplary or consequential damages whatsoever related to the Customer’s use or reliance upon the software, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages are foreseeable. The foregoing limitations and exclusions apply to the extent permitted by applicable law in the Customer’s jurisdiction. 4.2 Cryptzone shall not be liable for any corruption or destruction of data or for any damage caused by viruses related to the Customer''s computer system(s), hardware, software or other equipment. 4.3 Cryptzone’s possible liability for damages payable to the Customer shall in any event not exceed an amount corresponding to the payments made by the Customer to Cryptzone under this agreement during the previous six-month period. 5. “Force majeure” 5.1 The parties shall be relieved from liability for a failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement during such period and to the extent that the due performance thereof by either of the parties is prevented by reason of any circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as war, warlike hostilities, mobilization, civil war, fire, flood, changes in laws and regulations or in the interpretation thereof, acts of authorities, labour disputes, blockades, major accidents or other circumstances of similar importance. 5.2 The party desiring to invoke an event of force majeure shall give immediate notice to the other party of the commencement and the cessation of such event of force majeure, failing which the party shall not be discharged from liability for any non-performance caused by such event of force majeure. 6. Payment 6.1 The Customer shall pay to Cryptzone the charges for products in accordance with information on the official Cryptzone price list. 6.2 Customer agrees to keep confidential all access codes, personal identification numbers or other identifier, or access method, which allows access to the computer or system, which has been used by Customer to download the Software. 7. Intellectual property rights 7.1 Cryptzone owns all intellectual property in the products and the Software, including all copyright and Know-how relating in any way to the products and the Software. Except as expressly set forth in this Agreement, the Customer does not acquire any right whatsoever to Cryptzone’s copyright, patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights. 7.2 In order for Cryptzone to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement, the Customer hereby grants Cryptzone an irrevocable royalty free license to distribute the Content as provided in this Agreement. The Customer represents and warrants that it has all of the necessary rights to license the Content to Cryptzone pursuant to this provision. The Customer gives Cryptzone the right to make adjustments and amendments to the Content to the extent necessary for Cryptzone to be able to fulfil of its obligations under this Agreement. 7.3 Cryptzone assumes no liability for the Content and other information provided by the Customer to Cryptzone. The Customer is liable for the Content and any other material supplied to Cryptzone. The Customer shall indemnify and hold Cryptzone harmless against any claim by a third party relating to the Content, or any to other material supplied by the Customer to Cryptzone, or any third party claim which is made in connection with the Customer''s use of the software. 7.4 If the Content supplied by the Customer to Cryptzone does not comply with the provisions of this Agreement, Cryptzone may, in whole or in part, immediately disconnect the Customer from using the products. 8. Charges 8.1 All charges are described on the official Cryptzone price list. No other charges apply. 9. Assignment of the agreement 9.1 Cryptzone may, wholly or partly, assign or pledge its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party. Cryptzone shall have the right to engage sub-contractors for the fulfilment of its obligations under this Agreement. 9.2 The Customer may not, wholly nor partly, assign or pledge its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party except with the prior written consent of Cryptzone. 10. Term of Agreement and Termination 10.1 This Agreement enters into force immediately after it has been accepted by the Customer and shall remain in force until the relationship is terminated in written form. This Agreement will automatically be renewed after the stipulated license period has expired if otherwise not notified by the customer in writing. 10.2 Without prejudice to any other rights Cryptzone may have against the Customer, Cryptzone shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect after notification to the Customer or by disconnecting the Customer from the products if: (a) Problems arise with the credit card payment transaction; (b) The Customer commits a material breach of its obligations under the Agreement; or (c) a bankruptcy petition is filed against the Customer or the Customer is declared bankrupt, suspends its payments, initiates composition proceedings, goes into liquidation or is otherwise in a position in which it can be assumed that its obligations under this Agreement will not be fulfilled. 10.3 The Customer shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by deleting the Software from the computer onto which the Customer downloaded it to. 10.4 The Customer must cease to use the software immediately upon the termination of this Agreement. The Customer shall in such case immediately delete any of the Secured eMail software from all computers on which the Customer has implemented such software. Cryptzone shall not be liable for any charges incurred in this way. 10.5 Any documentation such as documents, drawings or other data bearing media and software programs (including information or drawings stored in or made by software programs) submitted to the Customer by Cryptzone shall remain Cryptzone exclusive property and shall be returned to Cryptzone upon the termination of this Agreement. 11. Confidentiality 11.1 The parties agree without any limitation in time not to reveal to any third party Confidential Information, which a party obtains from the other party in accordance with this Agreement. Confidential Information refers in this Agreement to any item of information - technical, commercial or of any other nature - regardless of whether or not such information has been documented or not, with the exception of: (a) Information which is generally known or which becomes a matter of general knowledge in a manner other than through the party''s breach of the provisions of this Agreement; (b) Information which the party can prove that it possessed before it received it from the other party; or (c) Information which the party received or will receive from a third party when the party does not have a duty of confidentiality to such party. 11.2 The Customer represents and warrants that all employees, consultants, board members or other representatives of the Customer, without any limitation in time, shall not disclose Confidential Information to third parties. 12. Customer information According to the law, Customer has to agree on that Cryptzone store personal information about Customer. The information stored is computer number and email address. Cryptzone will handle this information as responsible for this personal information. The information will be used to enable us to fulfil our obligations towards the Customer, such as sending a receipt of a transaction to Customer and it can never be used by a third party for marketing purposes. Customer has the right to see the information stored to make sure it is correct. In the case the information is not correct, Cryptzone are obliged to correct or delete the information. By agreeing to the license agreement the customer understands that the personal information he has/she has given to Cryptzone will be kept confidential for the use only of buying Cryptzone products. 13. Acceptable Software and Hardware • Hardware: • CPU: Pentium 300+ MHz • RAM: 32mb • Hard disk: 16 MB available disk space Supported Operating Systems: • Windows® 2000 • Windows® XP Professional • Windows® Vista Supported Outlook Versions: • Outlook® 2000 • Outlook® XP • Outlook® 2003 • Outlook® 2007 Supported Lotus Notes Versions: • Lotus Notes 6.5 • Lotus Notes 7.0 • Domino Server 7.0 General requirements: • Internet connection • Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5 or higher 14. Notices Any notice, request, consent or other communication to be given by a party under this Agreement shall be deemed to be valid and effective if personally served on the other party or sent by registered prepaid airmail or by email to the addresses set forth in the Agreement regarding Cryptzone. 15. Legal relationship of the parties Nothing in this agreement shall create or be deemed to create a partnership or relationship of employer and employee, or principal and agent between Cryptzone and the Customer. 16. Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties on all issues to which this Agreement relates. The contents of this Agreement supersede all previous written or oral commitments and undertakings. 17. Applicable law This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Sweden and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Swedish courts. Windows® 2000, Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Microsoft® Outlook 2000, Microsoft® Outlook XP, Microsoft® Outlook 2003, Microsoft® Outlook 2007, Microsoft® Internet Explorer are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Lotus Notes® and Domino Server® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of IBM in the United States and/or other countries