EggStatic 1.04

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 3.99 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

EggStatic 是一款真正的復古風格平臺,其中 20 世紀 80 年代的遊戲被重新裝備,並帶來了最新的。遊戲的靈感來自兩個20世紀80年代的遊戲,查基蛋和伯菲。雖然 EggStatic 具有高解析度圖形和明亮而色彩繽紛的關卡,但它對圖形保持了一種大圖元的感覺,以捕捉真實的外觀,但同時使其吸引現代眼。 EggStatic 適合所有人,但不要認為這個遊戲很容易完成!雖然他們有説明,但你不需要閃電般的快速反應。事實上,這個遊戲是罕見的遊戲之一,調用你的串行記憶體比什麼都重要;你的對手在遊戲中總是遵循可預測的路徑和學習他們的模式是獲得高分的關鍵。 結合125級和特殊的75分鐘長的技術配樂,Eggstatic一定會治癒你的無聊!此外,在一些流行的AAA遊戲標題的傳統,EggStatic允許創造性的玩家添加自己的水準,圖形和音樂的遊戲。為此,它有一個容易的內置級別編輯器。


  • 版本 1.04 發佈於 2005-08-04



SHORT LICENSE AGREEMENT DEMO VERSION By continuing this installation you agree to the terms below: (1) This license gives you the right to install EggStatic on a computer and run / use the game. (2) All EggStatic contents are copyrighted by me, E.S.Broekman, or third parties such as the music of this game. Using its contents for other actions other than to run / play the EggStatic game is not permitted without my or a the third party's permission. (4) You are not allowed to decompile or modify any of EggStatics code. This includes but is not limited to .exe .dso and .dll type of files. (5) You are not permitted to rent, sell, lease or offer this game for a pay-to-play to generate revenue in a similar method. (6) You are permitted and encouraged to make a backup of this software. (7) You are permitted to distribute this demo version of the game in unchanged form. (8) Eventhough we try to release EggStatic error free and try to fix any error as soon as possible, we provide this game 'as is' and without warranty. We do not guarantee an error free product.