easyHDR 3.10

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 31.23 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.1/5 - ‎14 ‎評分

借助 easyHDR,您可以讓數碼照片更接近您自己所看到的照片。告別不必要的過度曝光和曝光不足。 EasyHDR 是一種圖像處理軟體,可生成和色調映射高動態範圍圖像。即使照片是在非常困難的照明條件下拍攝的,您也會得到整潔的結果。HDR 圖像由使用不同曝光設置拍攝的一系列照片生成。必須映射色調,以便可以在電腦螢幕上顯示或列印。如果照片是手持拍攝的(沒有三腳架),可以使用照片對齊工具(自動和手動)。可以補償移位、旋轉、縮放和透視失調。最終結果可以通過構建濾鏡進一步后處理,包括:銳化、模糊、消除雜色、白平衡以及選擇性色調修改。 該程式能夠導入各種檔格式:JPEG,TIFF,FITS(用於天文攝影相機),輻射RGBE(HDR圖像)和幾乎所有的數碼相機RAG格式,由所有供應商。 如果您有數百張照片要處理,您也會發現批量處理非常有用。只需創建工作清單,開始處理並等待結果。


  • 版本 1.60.2 發佈於 2008-12-17



LICENSE AGREEMENT 1A. Demonstration version of easyHDR 3 is fully functional, but there are two limitations: a) a watermark is added to the output photos, b) saving in TIFF format is disabled. 1B. The full version of easyHDR 3 must be registered with a purchased, personal license key, otherwise watermarks are added to the output photos. Only the registered users can use the full version. 2. The only copyright holder of easyHDR 3 software is Bartłomiej Okonek - the author of the software. 3. There are two types of licensing for the full version: COMMERCIAL and HOME. The HOME license can be purchased by any user for non-profit usage. For commercial purposes purchase of the COMMERCIAL license is required. 4. The license (both types: COMMERCIAL and HOME) is limited to one user. The purchased registration keys cannot be shared and used by many users on different computers. However it is allowed for the registered user to use the same, purchased license on other owned computers or reuse the once purchased license after i.e. system reinstallation. 5. Copyright infringement: You agree not to infringe on Bartłomiej Okonek's copyright of easyHDR 3 software. Copyright violation could be in the form of: a) using illegally generated registration keys to unlock the software, without purchasing a valid license, b) sharing or using a shared license key and c) using an illegally altered copy of the software. You agree to use only registration keys generated on-line by the third party order processing Company that is authorized by Bartłomiej Okonek to sell the licenses. You agree that any attempt to unlock the software permanently, by using a fraudulent registration key, makes this software copy an illegal and unauthorized copy, and violates Bartłomiej Okonek's copyright of this software. 6. You may not reverse engineer, alter, decompile, or disassemble the 'Product' or extract any portion of it. The 'Product' consists of the easyHDR 3 program binary files with all other files installed along with it, excluding third party binaries, which are governed by their own licensing terms and conditions: dcraw (http://www.cybercom.net/~dcoffin/dcraw/), exiftool (http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/), LCMS library (http://www.littlecms.com/), OpenEXR library, color profile definitions (ICM and ICC binaries) and Qt library (http://qt.io/). 7. Installing and using easyHDR 3 means the acceptance of the terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove easyHDR 3 package from any storage devices and immediately stop using the product or any part of it. EasyHDR 3 uses 'FAST' corner detection algorithm by Edward Rosten: http://www.edwardrosten.com/work/fast.html. See 'fast_license.txt' for more details. EasyHDR 3 uses OpenEXR library by Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. See 'openexr_license.txt' for more details. EasyHDR 3 uses Qt library under LGPL license, for more information please go to easyHDR's About dialog. EasyHDR 3 uses Lensfun database under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license, for more information please go to the About dialog and to the 'lensfun' directory. Last modified: 04.01.2016 http://www.easyhdr.com/ (C) Bartlomiej Okonek