!輕鬆螢幕保存站是一個很酷的螢幕保存器製造商軟體,使你自己的螢幕保存器很容易。您可以使用「新嚮導」逐步創建自己的螢幕保存程式。圖像、Flash 電影和背景音樂可以輕鬆地包含在您的創作中。您甚至可以直接從數位相機(或掃描器)獲取照片。經過一些簡單的步驟,您可以儲存單個標準螢幕儲存器(.SCR)或自安裝螢幕保護程式(.EXE))用於分發。包括更多功能,如圖像編輯、過渡設置、圖示設置、版權設置、密碼保護、預覽、電子郵件發送等。無需程式設計技能或版稅。 !簡單的螢幕儲存站還可以管理您的螢幕儲存器,以便您可以輕鬆地運行、安裝或配置一個。 主要特點: * 創建自己的螢幕保存程式與新的嚮導一步一步; * 使螢幕保存與圖像,Flash電影和流行的格式(mp3/wma/wav/midi...)的音訊檔作為背景音樂; * 製作半透明屏幕保護器; *直接打開並編輯您的螢幕儲存器檔。不必保存單獨的專案檔;因此,不必保存單獨的專案檔。 * 隨機播放圖像或 Flash 電影,或按指定順序播放過渡效果; * 編輯影像以鏡像、旋轉、裁剪、調整圖像大小或調整顏色; * 直接從數碼相機/掃描器獲取照片; * 在整個運行期間將圖像或 Flash 電影作為 LOGO 顯示; * 添加標籤作為標題或說明; * 為螢幕保存器設置圖示; * 設置密碼,保護您的創作; * 在保存前預覽您的創作; * 分發共享軟體螢幕儲存器,並生成您自己的註冊代碼; * 建立螢幕保護程式資料(.用於整合 SCR 播放器的 SSD) 檔案; * 安裝、創建快捷方式或通過電子郵件發送您的螢幕保護程式; * 管理您的螢幕保護程式以運行、安裝或設定一個; * 立即啟動您的屏幕保護程式; * 設置壁紙; * 支持多種語言; * 拖放操作等。
- 版本 5.7 發佈於 2017-04-10
修復了小錯誤。 - 版本 5.6 發佈於 2015-05-04
1. 添加了一個選項,允許您為螢幕保護程式選擇最佳螢幕解析度;2. 導入照片時自動校正方向;3. 支援CMYK彩色空間jpeg圖像;4. 您的屏幕保護程序現在支援真正的高清顯示;5. 性能得到高度提高,用戶介面得到優化。 - 版本 4.2 發佈於 2006-12-04
1. 產品重新命名為 !簡單的螢幕保存站(原名是!簡單的螢幕保存工作室);2. 為屏幕保護程式設置許可協定;3. 記住主視窗的最後一個位置和大小;4. 優化操作以設置物件的延遲時間。
!Easy ScreenSaver Station SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT LICENSE: Trial Version !Easy ScreenSaver Station("SOFTWARE PRODUCT") is not freeware. You may install the trial version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to test and evaluate it for 30 days; after this time you must either buy the license to use permanently or delete the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from your hard disk. You are hereby allowed to make any number of backup copies of the trial version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT setup file. You can give any numbers of copies of the trial version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to anyone, providing that the package files are not modified in any way. Registered Version You may not distribute, rent, lease, or lend the registered version of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. You may make one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT solely for your personal backup or archival purposes. Common Provisions You may make your own ScreenSavers with the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as you wish. You may use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to make any ScreenSavers for any number of products. You may not alter the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in any way, including its help and text files. You may modify only the .lng files located in the Language folder. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. DDSOFT WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. All copyrights to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT are exclusively owned by DDSoft. By installing and using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you accept all terms and conditions herein. If you do not agree with anything in this License, you must immediately remove the SOFTWARE PRODUCT from your storage devices and cease to use it. Copyright (C) 2002-2017 DDSoft, All rights reserved. Internet: http://www.dd2002.com Email: [email protected]