Dynacom 提供完整的可擴展金融軟體解決方案系列,從 100% 免費、無附加條件、啟動版到高階多使用者、ERP、可自定義版本。超過 250,000 個使用者每天依靠 Dynacom 會計軟體來管理他們的業務。每個 Dynacom 版本都是可定制的,因此您可以根據您的需求進行調整。通過安裝載入項來執行特定任務,或者在不存在載入項時只為你創建它們,來個人化應用程式!您也可以要求 Dynacom 網路上的開發人員為你做。 無憂安裝將讓你快速入門。將更少的時間花在會計上,在業務上花費更多時間,在減少錯誤的同時節省時間。 Dynacom 創業版提供高效管理發票、銷售、現金流、應收賬款、稅金等所需的所有工具。它也有內置的從屬關係計劃,以防你想推廣免費版本太!獲得無與倫比的控制您的業務,今天免費。有關詳細資訊,請造訪HTTP://www.dynacom.com 立即下載您的新免費業務經理。電話和在線支援也是免費的!也有法語和西班牙文!
- 版本 10.0 發佈於 2007-05-16
- 軟體分類: 業務 > 其他
- 發佈者: dynacom-technologies-inc
- 軟體性質: 免費
- 價格: N/A
- 版本: 10.0
- 作業系統: windows
Dynacom Accounting Startup Edition The Startup edition, valued at $89.95, is free and its use without time limit or transaction-quantity limit and without invasive publicity. Periodically, however, the client must download a new free update and reactive the product as follows obligatory registration, within 30 days following installation. To use the software, the user must supply a valid email address when registering in order to obtain the product and activation codes. If this email address changes, he must record the change in the Members section of the Dynacom Internet site, to which he obtains access after registering his product, in order to receive future activation codes as will be occasionally necessary for updates. An Internet connection is obligatory in order to obtain activation codes, perform the obligatory registration, and download revisions. The software and Dynacom free support services are without charge. The annual update program required for payroll calculation is not included free, nor is telephone-based technical support. Limited warranty: The software and the documentation that accompanies it (including usage guidelines) are provided as is, without any warranty. Dynacom Technologies provides no guarantee and makes no statement regarding the use of the software or the results of its use or of the documentation as far as their accuracy, reliability, currency, or other. The license holder assumes any risks pertaining to the results and performance of the software. In the case of faulty software or documentation, it is the license holder and not Dynacom Technolgoies Inc,. its dealers, distributors, agents, or employees that will bear any expenses required to repair or correct the problem. By installing the software, you automatically agree to all these terms.