DVD Drive Repair

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‎使用者評分: 4.3/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

DVD 驅動程式修復是一個有用的應用程式,允許您還原從 Windows 作業系統中缺少的 DVD 驅動器的圖示。在某些情況下,當某些程式無法識別您的 DVD 驅動器時,它也會有所説明;主要是當您的電腦遇到硬體問題或病毒攻擊,阻止它使用DVD驅動器。 當 Windows 無法辨識 DVD 磁碟時,您通常考慮重新安裝 Windows 或使用「系統還原」將其還原到以前的功能版本。但是,使用此工具時不需要這樣做。DVD 驅動器修復旨在説明您避免採取耗時且可能花費您的成本的激進措施。有些人甚至嘗試在發生這些錯誤時用新的 DVD 驅動器替換 DVD 驅動器。 在嘗試修復 DVD 驅動器之前,請先創建一個系統還原點,以防出現問題。您可以通過按一下「按下」點擊此處在主程式介面上創建系統還原點連結來建立系統還原點。還建議您在嘗試修復驅動器之前將設備韌體更新到最新版本。您可以通過按一下更新韌體(FirmwareHQ.com)連結來做到這一點。 要修復任何 DVD 驅動程式錯誤是視窗,請下載 DVD 驅動程式修復工具,提取下載的存檔並按一下 DVD 更新.exe檔案來運行該工具。如果您使用的是 64 位 Windows 版本,則需要下載 DVD 驅動器修復 64 位元並按一下DVDRepair_x64.exe。在主介面上,按下「修復 DVD 驅動器」 按鈕。重新啟動電腦並檢查您的問題是否已修復。 DVD 驅動器修復還可以將"自動運行"設置重置為預設值,通過禁用所有可移動驅動器的一些功能來保護您的系統免受自動運行病毒的侵害。它不會消除病毒威脅,但它可以説明防止他們感染計算機插入受感染的USB存放裝置。



This program is free software: you can redistribute it under the terms of the No Nonsense License either version 3.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. NO NONSENSE LICENSE VERSION 3.1 Copyright (c) 2014 Rizonesoft ( http://www.rizonesoft.com/license.html ) You may use our software anywhere and anytime for any purpose you want. We will just not be held responsible if you mess up your computer or use our software for illegal purposes. However, we do suggest that you never use our software for illegal or immoral purposes; otherwise karma could find you. On that note; we will also not be held responsible for any bodily harm you could sustain while using our software. You may try to decompile (if you can, good for you), disassemble and use our software in your business. We did not include any source code, because, to be totally honest, we don''t want to. If our software contains third party components you will need to abide by the terms of the specific component provider. Please do not try and decompile these components; otherwise some trouble could come your way. The resources and software we use to create our freeware are all open source, paid for and even the Windows we use for development are genuine. We emphasize that you only use our software on/with genuine software (Windows, Office, etc.). If for some reason your software is less than genuine, it is the same as using our software for illegal purposes and this is strictly forbidden. If you use our software, you agree that most software companies are full of it and that our software might not work the way you expect it to. You agree that no developers are perfect and for that reason our software is less than perfect. It could in some cases crash your computer, render something unusable and maybe just not work, but you agree that this is your problem and not ours. Let''s face it; software companies really don''t care. You are entitled to free support from us and we will try to help you the best we can. If we are too stupid to help you, sorry, at least we tried. It could seem like we are ignoring you and might even never reply to your messages. This is nothing personal and we are not out to get you. It could just be because we lost your email and contacting us again might help. Your issues could go unresolved for a while. Furthermore, this license was not copied or adapted from any other licenses and for this reason is like the software it tries to protect, could be faulty.