DTM ODBC 管理員是一個免費簡單易用的 ODBC 資料來源管理器。該程式允許您將資料來源定義匯出到檔案中,然後在本地或遠端系統上還原它。 ODBC 管理器是 DBA 或開發人員不可或缺的工具,他們必須在電腦之間傳輸數據來源定義,並且是系統 ODBC 管理員的完美補充。該程式允許您從工作場所審核本地和遠端數據來源定義、刪除 DSN 和導入在遠端系統上的一台電腦上創建的定義。要做到這一點,"遠端註冊表服務"必須在您使用的系統上運行,並且必須安裝所有必要的驅動程式。該程式既適用於系統 DSN,也適用於使用者 DSN。 DTM ODBC 管理員不僅允許您使用單個 DSN 操作,還允許您匯出或導入所有現有專案或清單中選擇的專案。命令行和 GUI 模式。立即下載您的免費副本!
- 版本 1.04.06 發佈於 2015-09-04
更好地支援 Windows 2003/2008 伺服器和 Windows 7
DTM ODBC Manager License for use and distribution This license agreement covers versions 1.xx of DTM ODBC Manager. Read the license for details: 1. All copyrights to "DTM ODBC Manager" are exclusively owned by DTM soft. 2. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will DTM soft be held liable for any consequences/damages arising from the use of this software. 3. This program is FreeWare. You can use it for personal, business, educational or any other need of yours, subject to the following restrictions: A) You may not re-distribute this program without contacting the author and getting his consent. You may not charge any fee or re-distribution fee for it. B) This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution. C) No form of decompilation/reverse engineering/disassembling parts or whole of the software be done. D) You may not misrepresent the origin of the software.