DSSF3 Light 5.1

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 4.29 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.3/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

DSSF3 Light 是一種高度先進的聲音分析儀,大大超過了通常的 FFT 分析儀的性能。它是學習聲音測量和教育的最佳選擇。它主要適用於家庭音響和汽車音響的測量,用於測量電路和雜訊測量。DSSF3 燈配備了最新的功能 即時分析儀,如信號發生器、FFT分析儀(功率頻譜、1/1 和 1/3 八度頻帶分析以及瀑布)、聲級計(慢速/快速預設)、示波器、錄音機。稍後可以購買更高級的功能,如脈衝響應測量、運行 ACF 測量和 THD 分析儀。DSSF3 Light 可與最新的音板一起使用。可以輕鬆選擇兩個或多個音板。採樣率可以設置為硬體允許的最大值。信號發生器,記錄器無限制


  • 版本 5.1.x.x 發佈於 2010-02-22
    IClude Mmlib 許可證
  • 版本 5.0.8.x 發佈於 2006-09-11



Yoshimasa Electronic Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Yoshimasa") grants to the customer the right to use the software program (hereinafter referred to as "the Program") provided with these Conditions of Use, based on the Articles outlined below, provided that the customer agrees to said Articles. The customer shall take full responsibility for the selection of the Program so as to obtain the expected results, as well as for installation of the Program, applications, and application results. 1. Granting of Usage Rights Yoshimasa grants to the user the right to use the Program according to the conditions outlined here. 2. Term of Use (1) These usage conditions shall be effective from the time the Program is installed by the customer. (2) In the event that the customer violates any of these usage conditions, Yoshimasa may revoke usage rights for the Program at any time. In this event, the customer must destroy all copies and all components of the Program. 3. Usage Rights (1) The customer may use the Program on only one computer. (2) The Program is considered to be "used" on a given computer when it loaded onto the temporary memory (e.g., RAM) or fixed memory (e.g., hard disk or other memory device) of the computer in question. 4. Copyrights The copyrights and all other rights related to the Program (including software, manual, accompanying documents, etc.) shall remain the property of Yoshimasa. 5. Copying, alteration, or integration of the Program. (1) The customer may not copy, alter, integrate, or undertake any other processing of the Program. (2) The customer may not, under any circumstances, copy manuals or other related documents provided with the Program. (3) These usage conditions do not constitute a transfer to the customer of intangible property rights related to the Program. 6. Prohibition of Transfer of the Program, etc. The customer may not copy, sell, distribute, hand over, or loan the Program or any part of the Program to a third party, or otherwise allow a third party to use the Program. 7. Prohibition of Reverse Compiling, etc. The customer may not subject the Program to reverse engineering, reverse compiling, or reverse assembly. 8. Guarantee Limitations Yoshimasa offers no guarantees whatsoever with regard to the Program. The customer shall take full responsibility for any problems arising in relation to the Program, and shall bear all costs resulting from such problems. 9. Exemption from Responsibility Yoshimasa shall bear no responsibility whatsoever in the event that losses are suffered either directly or indirectly in relation to use of the Program.