DrapeFX PRO 是我們的 DrapeFX 軟體解決方案的專業版本,允許您將顏色和紋理疊加到圖形檔中。當您希望創造真實感的結果,並實現專業品質的圖像,DrapeFX PRO將來拯救你。 在圖像中,您不僅需要替換顏色,還需要應用紋理或材質完成,然後 DrapeFX PRO 是您要求的答案。你可以拿起任何圖像,說模特穿裙子,改變織物的顏色,或應用紋理與自然和完全簡單的方法。當您無法實現自然性和真實感的結果時,DrapeFX PRO 會使用獨特而強大的圖形演算法快速無縫地疊加顏色和紋理,説明您從現有圖像創建新圖像。使用 DrapeFX PRO 在簡單、快速和簡單的流程中實現您想要的所有結果。 借助 DrapeFX PRO,您再次擁有 Drape FX 獨特的匯出外掛程式,它允許您拍攝 3DS MAX 物件,並根據 3DS MAX 本身的定義創建 2D 掩碼。然後,您可以使用 DrapeFX PRO 將所需的顏色和紋理/材質疊加在這些蒙版上,保持其自然的外觀和感覺。
- 版本 發佈於 2005-10-19
LICENSE AGREEMENT You have downloaded a copy of DrapeFX Pro (being the DrapeFX Pro software and the installation instructions). The terms and conditions of use of DrapeFX Pro are set out in the following agreement. By using the software you will be taken to have agreed these terms, in which case, you become an End User and you implicitly agree to all of the following terms: The copyright owner of the DrapeFX Pro software, ("the Software") and the installation instructions is eVox ("eVox") of Surat, India Ownership You do not own the Software, nor the installation instructions. Under copyright law, eVox owns the Software and the literary work incorporated in the installation instructions. Copyright in the Software is protected worldwide as Intellectual Property. eVox also owns all other title and intellectual property rights in and to the Software and the installation instructions. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which is not contained in the Software , or the installation instructions but may be accessed through the use of the Software is the product of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. License eVox hereby grants you the non-exclusive right to use the Software and the installation instructions for your personal use as long as you comply with the terms of this licence. You agree to make only one copy of the Software, solely for backup purposes. You may print one copy of the installation instructions. Single User You agree to install and use the Software on one computer only, so that at any time, the maximum number of computers that can be executing the Software is one. The Software may be installed only into a single computer. You agree to strictly follow the installation instructions, when installing the Software. You agree to register your acquired copy of the Software when called upon by a screen display to do so, and you agree to strictly follow the installation instructions in relation to registration and payment. You agree not to: > Use the Software on more than one terminal or workstation of any network of computers or any Multi-user system. The maximum number of computers that can be executing the Software at any one time is one. You agree that each time you completely re-install MS Windows, you will need to re-register the Software, strictly in accordance with the installation instructions. > Use the Software on any time-sharing or interactive cable system. You may allow another person to use the Software on your computer, provided that person agrees so all of the terms of this licence. > Modify the software. Neither the Software, nor the installation instructions may be modified, adapted, translated, rented leased, loaned, sold, distributed or networked. You may not create derivative works of the Software nor the data in it. You agree to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the Software and the installation instructions and to ensure that no one else shall have unauthorized assess to them. Any unauthorized act or transfer is a serious crime, and may be punishable by fine or jail sentence. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software. Termination of Licence This licence is effective from the day you pay for or download the Software, until terminated. You may terminate this licence at any time. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the licence rights granted herein are subject to your registering and paying for the Software, unless you register and pay for the Software, strictly in accordance with the installation instructions, and as a result of such registration and payment, your receiving a Product Unlocking Key, as described in the installation instructions. This licence is granted in perpetuity, but may be terminated if you are in breach of any of the terms of this agreement or become the subject of insolvency proceedings, or where you are a partnership, the partnership is dissolved. Upon termination, you will destroy all hard and soft copies of the installation instructions and all copies of the Software. All the provisions of this Agreement, which operate to protect the rights and interests of eVox, shall continue after termination. Limited Warranty eVox does not warrant that the Software is virus free, but does warrant that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the performance description as set out in the installation instructions for a period of 90 days from the date of payment. If any law implies terms into this agreement which cannot be excluded, then they apply, except the liability of eVox for breach of such implied term will be limited at the exclusive option of eVox to the replacement of DrapeFX Pro or the payment of the costs of you replacing DrapeFX Pro or acquiring equivalent goods. Except as specifically provided above, eVox makes no warranty either express or implied with the respect to the Software, or the installation instructions. Limited Liability eVox is not liable for any indirect or consequential or special damages nor for loss of profits or revenue or business interruption arising out of the breach of the terms of this licence or arising out of defective Software. Expressly any beta version of the software is inherently meant for testing and hence eVox will not be liable for any direct or indirect, special or consequential damages related to beta software. Independent Judgment You acknowledge that you have exercised your independent judgment in acquiring DrapeFX Pro and have not relied on any representation not stated expressly herein. This Agreement is governed by the laws of India. All rights not specifically granted are reserved to eVox. All questions concerning this Agreement should be directed to [email protected]