軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 1.30 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

在遊戲中,彩色圓圈被鏡像了兩次。首先水平,然後垂直。當他們被鏡像時,他們也失去了顏色。 您的任務是找到正確的圓圈並定義它們的顏色。對於正確著色的每個正方形,您將獲得 10 點。也有一些隱藏的神奇方塊,帶來30分。 遊戲包括7個級別。如果你錯過了一個圓圈的顏色3次,你必須重複的水準。在解決問題的時間和圓圈數方面,級別有所不同。 遊戲不是太苛刻。只需要集中注意力。 遊戲是免費的,沒有限制。每個級別都有 3 個生命來完成。 你可以購買遊戲與五個額外的生命。


  • 版本 1.0 發佈於 2014-05-25



Fromhat Double Magic Mirror 1.0 Freeware All rights reserved. IF YOU DOWNLOAD OR USE THIS PROGRAM YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS. License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Use of this software indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with them, do not use the software. THE AUTHOR OF THIS SOFTWARE CANNOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGE ARISING THROUGH INSTALLATION AND /OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE. This software is provided "as is" with no warranty. The user must assume the risk of using the program. Your use of this software implies your acceptance of these terms. Fromhat Double Magic Mirror 1.0 is Freeware. Copies of Fromhat Double Magic Mirror 1.0 may be distributed in accordance to the following terms: The files are distributed in their entirety. All redistributions of files must retain all copyright notices that are currently in place, and this list of conditions without any modification.