Doc Organizer 3.3

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 615.30 KB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

文件管理員程式按類別對檔和資料夾進行系統化,而不管它們的類型如何。 這些文件可以有 MS Word、MS Excel、HTML、PDF 等格式的文檔。這些可以有音樂,視頻,遊戲,以及。檔案類型沒有限制! 此外,這些可以有任何文件和資料夾(從可行動驅動器以及 -例如,USB快閃記憶體驅動器),甚至超連結不保存網頁到您的硬碟! 最有價值的是,文檔可以放在幾個類別,但您的硬碟上沒有雙打! 您可以將文件(更確切地說,指向文檔的連結)放在您自己創建的不同類別和子類別中。因此,之後將有可能迅速找到並打開必要的一個。 該程式具有檔管理器的基本功能。您可以移動/複製/刪除從程式連結的原始檔案(資料夾)。 要將任何文件和整個資料夾添加到文檔管理員,只需用滑鼠拖動它並放入所需的類別! 您可以建立類別和子類別。創建它們需要多少。建立您需要的它們。 級別金額不限!



LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH END USER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product: Doc Organizer Developer: RomeXoft WWW: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADOPTING TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU EXPRESS CONSENT WITH ALL TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY POINT OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST GIVE UP SETUP SOFTWARE. WITH THE USE/INSTALLATION OF THE Doc Organizer, YOU AGREE TO ALL TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is a legal agreement between you (End User) and Developer of Software. Its violation can entail pursuit of you by Developer in accordance with the active law. Doc Organizer copyright © RomeXoft, 2006-2007. All rights reserved. You get LICENSE for use Doc Organizer only on next terms to. 1. The Doc Organizer program (SOFTWARE) is SHAREWARE product. You may use it costless during evaluation period (30 days). After that you must register it, or stop its using (and delete from your computer all SOFTWARE copies you have). 2. SOFTWARE is given for the use to the End user. 3. Without the writing permission of RomeXoft it is forbidden to use a binary code and source codes which are own of author. 4. All ownership rights and copyrights on rich part in content and in regard to it, access to which gives SOFTWARE belong to the proprietor of copyrights on the given rich part in content and are protected by laws and international agreements about copyrights. This agreement gives you no rights to access to rich part in content. 5. IT IS NOT SETTLED TO YOU: A. To make changes in SOFTWARE and its documentation. B. To try disassemble, decompile, to unseal technology or redisign SOFTWARE by some appearance. RomeXoft saves a right to halt this licence at violation or failure of terms by End User. At stopping of licence on any reason all copies of SOFTWARE must be immediately returned RomeXoft. End User can bear responsibility before RomeXoft for any harm arising up as a result of violation or failure of terms of this Agreement to observe. RISK End User carries all risk in relation to operating qualities of SOFTWARE. RomeXoft does not guarantee that SOFTWARE either its functions answer Your requirements, or that functioning of SOFTWARE will be continuous or error free or that any noticed bugs will be immediately removed. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUBSEQUENT LOSSES This software is given "AS IS", without any guarantee certain or implied. RomeXoft or its partners, SOFTWARE spreaders do not carry to no responsibility not for what losses (including, without limitations losses from the loss of commercial income, breaking of business, loss of business information or any other financial loss), arising up from the use or impossibility of the use SOFTWARE even if RomeXoft was informed about possibility of such losses. ADOPTING TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU EXPRESS CONSENT WITH ALL TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY POINT OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST GIVE UP SETUP SOFTWARE. WITH THE USE/INSTALLATION OF THIS SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO ALL TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. ALL RIGHTS NOT GIVEN BY THIS AGREEMENT OBVIOUSLY REMAIN FOR RomeXoft. Copyright © RomeXoft, 2006. All rights reserved.