DLM 666 7.07

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‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

法國索永斯(2009年10月1日) - 法國軟體編輯DELEMME帶來數字學,家庭和專業人士:"DLM 666"是PRO & 樂趣。 試試看,享受它,發現數字學的興趣! - 本歐洲標準最後以英文提供。 - "DLM 666"數字學經典! - "DLM 666" 是 PRO: 它是為專業從業者開發, 極大地幫助他們。 主要的無數人以及計算機專家都曾從事過該專案。 - 但它也很棒的樂趣: " 閱讀你的朋友的個性...以相同而流暢的方式學習數字學! - "一切都寫: 閱讀它與 DLM 666 ''!" "數位學是有説明的, 瞭解無形和運氣的概念, 命運...但看起來如此複雜,如此神秘... 有一個可靠的,廉價和強大的軟體...現在沒有藉口了:點擊,輸入數據,咯咯,你會得到一個驚人的檔,完整和美麗。"你可以免費試用!": 象徵命運知識的星星並不為所有人閃耀... 德萊姆的座右銘是明確的:那些不會訪問HTTP://www.delemme.com不值得這個明星的好處。 本網站提供了大量資訊,例如中國占星術納塔爾分析(例如薩達姆·侯賽因的圖表)。 您也可以在[email protected]


  • 版本 7.07 發佈於 2009-10-01



Your attention please. Read carefully the following terms before using ''DLM 666'' This software is made of a text library and of computing/interpreting modules. All of these parts are protected by Copyright Laws. LICENCE FOR USE. This agreement allows you to: - test the program. The allowed executions permit to compute and print any Numerology chart. If you buy it, you''ll benefit from a lot of services (free updates, information on our products...) - Price: 30 usd. This agreement forbids you to: - rent this software to anybody. - use this software or part of it inside another program. - use this software inside a network server. - sell the generated documents without our authorization. Responsability limits: - DELEMME Diffusion has checked that the support of this software is fault-free when used normally. This support has been tested against every known virus. - It is perfectly clear that Numerology remains a hobby and that the generated analyses give no life recommendations. These analyses should thus not been taken seriously and DELEMME Diffusion will not be considered responsible for all conclusions drawn from them. - YOU declare you assume every risk related to the execution of this software. All drawbacks, direct or indirect, money losses or any other damage which can result from the use of ''DLM 666'' cannot be charged against DELEMME Diffusion. You declare you have read, understood and accepted this agreement. You also declare that this agreement is representative of our mutual position, that it cancels and replaces all previous proposals or contracts, oral or written.