Disk Write Copy Professional Edition

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 17.30 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.3/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

1.x 產品線的磁片寫入副本是基於影子磁碟專有技術的即時系統和檔回滾的軟體。它可靠地保護硬碟免受意外和預期更改的影響。 當系統磁碟保護處於活動狀態時,磁碟寫入副本允許通過保護系統和使用者個人檔免受潛在危害來停止使用防病毒和註冊表清理軟體。由於自動回滾(無需使用者執行任何其他操作),該軟體比標準備份解決方案受益很大。回滾只需幾秒鐘,不依賴於受保護的磁碟大小,並且不需要額外的磁碟空間分配。 下次啟動電腦時,可以確保: - 計算機沒有病毒,蠕蟲,木馬,間諜軟體和任何惡意代碼 - 操作系統和所有文件處於與保存相同的狀態 - 沒有為上一個會話存儲使用歷史記錄 - 在上一屆會議期間,使用者(如兒童)執行的所有有害活動都已消除 - 受保護磁碟上的已刪除或損壞的數據保持不變 1.x 產品線的磁片寫入副本完全支援 Vista OS,包括 64 位元版本。 建議使用: 在家用電腦上 - 允許建立防撞作業系統以及數據安全 在辦公室電腦上 - 降低計算機管理成本 - 無需電腦維護 在電腦俱樂部、網吧和電腦教室 - 保證每個受保護的計算機在開機后完美啟動 - 通過重新啟動計算機解決所有使用者引起的問題 在支付終端上 - 在斷電后提供穩定的啟動


  • 版本 發佈於 2008-09-23



Disk Write Copy Server is distributed as try-before-you-buy. This means: 1. All rights to Disk Write Copy Server belong to the author - CCS Company 2. Everybody can use Disk Write Copy Server within the trial period of 30 or less days. If you want to continue using Disk Write Copy Pro after the 30-day trial period, you must register. 3. Registered users are granted non-exclusive right to use Disk Write Copy Server on one computer. The registered copy of Disk Write Copy Server cannot be sold, rented or leased. 4. You cannot use, copy, emulate, create new versions, rent or lease, sell, change, decompile, disassemble or otherwise learn the program code, transfer the registered program or any of its components in any way except as permitted by this License Agreement. Such illegal usage immediately leads to the termination of this agreement and can be prosecuted under the law. All rights not explicitly mentioned here are reserved by CCS 5. The author - CCS Company - has right to change this license agreement for any future version of Disk Write Copy Server. 6. Unregistered version of Disk Write Copy Server can be distributed freely provided the distribution is not changed. No private person or organization can accept payments for distributing Disk Write Copy Server without written consent of the author - CCS Company. 7. DISK WRITE COPY SERVER IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". THERE IS NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR DATA LOSS OR ANY LOST PROFIT CAUSED BY USING OR MISUSING OF THE SOFTWARE. 8. Installation and usage of Disk Write Copy Server means that you understand this license agreement and agree with it. 9. If for some reason you do not agree with the license agreement, you must remove files of Disk Write Copy Server from your storage devices and stop using Disk Write Copy Server. Copyright © 2000 - 2008 CCS Company Ltd. All rights reserved. WWW: http://www.diskwritecopy.com/eng/product_dwc_server.html CONTACT CCS COMPANY: http://www.diskwritecopy.com/eng/contact_us.htm