Digital DJ Studio4 4.1

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令人震驚的低價格工作室品質的音樂和視頻自動化。不停,不重複音樂,24-7 可靠性,完成調度,跟蹤和專業混合。用於廣播、背景音樂系統、數位巨無霸盒、光碟賽馬和家居系統。 Studio4 包括 - 數位 DJ 音樂系統專業播放機™ w/專業無縫混音模組,多機混音器,播放機皮膚,現場DJ,專輯封面,視頻模式,配音,淡入淡出,即時請求和更多!使用從 WAV 到 MP3 和 WMA 的所有標準音訊和影片格式。點唱機風格的請求介面與遠端系統訪問多級安全**數位DJ自動音樂系統程式管理器™ w/Pro大氣調度器為您提供完全控制日常調度和程式設計。完全控制促銷、廣告、流派、完整記錄以報告統計數據。 Studio4 Pro Player 具有靈活的外觀和感覺 w/5 不同的 U/I 使用模式:全功率模式,DJ / Manager 模式,點唱機模式(已啟用請求),背景音樂模式,遠端請求/查看器模式,螢幕自定義廣告,大氣覆蓋,播放器設置,詳細資訊日誌記錄,Web 請求介面和高級"飛行" 功能 Studio4 專案經理對音樂播放、休息、促銷、電台 ID 和保證播放有完整的調度控制。多級氛圍和流派權重配置每日、每周、每月、公休日、日期範圍、時間範圍設置。易於使用的計劃測試模式。高級記錄級計劃總監。設置 2 個級別的混合點,BPM,圖表位置,播放頻率,專輯封面,歌詞和更多 - 自動添加嚮導,選擇性匯出和導入。自修復系統具有很高的可靠性。 廣播 RIAA 和 DMCA 遵守電臺品質音樂通過空氣或互聯網與我們的可選免費電台經理。 可選的數位DJ檔管理器儲存和修改完整的DDJMS資訊與我們的獨家ID3標籤生成器。


  • 版本 4.1 發佈於 2008-12-22



Digital DJ Automated Music System Studio ReadMe DocRev Dec 20, 2008 *************** N O T I C E * Digital DJ Pro Player 4.9x.x uses the Windows Media player 9 Technology. You can download Windows Mediaplayer 9 Separately from If you prefer, you can still run the previous 4.6x.x version for media player 6 or mediaplayer7. The start icon is located in your Digital DJ Music System program Group in your start menu - The icon is called (Digital DJ Player for MP6) *************** ** See Bottom of this document for Version modification history ** * THIS package contains a FULL VERSION - All features have been enabled for those who wish to evaluate this software. However, some features are limited for evaluation purposes. You may purchase a lockKey to enable full operation or, request an extended evaluation by sending us an email at [email protected] * ============================================ Please read the ADEC End-User Software License Agreement below You must accept all terms in this agreement prior to pressing the "next" button on the software installation setup screen. ============================================ Copyright ADEC 1998 -2003 The Digital DJ Music System (DDJMS) and Digital DJ Automated Music System Studio (DDJAMS) is copyrighted property of Automated Digital Entertainment Corp. Herein ADEC. Single License granted by ADEC for the sole purpose of evaluation. Copying, sales, marketing, and or tampering of the DDJMS software or databases without written approval ADEC is punishable by law. ADEC or its'' officers shall not be held liable for any use, misuse, abuse, damage, mental anguish, or injury caused by the DDJMS. The user/purchaser automatically accepts the above mentioned statement by downloading or purchasing the DDJMS or DDJAMS systems. ============================================ Location Map Home Page: =================== UPGRADE INFORMATION 1. Go to our website and download the upgrade. Keep Checking our Home page for updates ============================================ ADEC End-User Software License Agreement ============================================ It is assumed by ADEC that you have read this agreement by pressing (NEXT) and installing this software. Therefore, you agree to the terms by continuation. PLEASE READ THIS DOCUMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SOFTWARE. BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THE AGREEMENT, DO NOT OPEN THE SEALED DISK PACKAGE, INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE. PROMPTLY RETURN, WITHIN 15 DAYS, THE SOFTWARE, ALL RELATED DOCUMENTATION AND ACCOMPANYING ITEMS TO THE PLACE OF ACQUISITION FOR A FULL REFUND. FUTHRERMORE, A REFUND WILL NOT BE ISSUED ONCE THE USER HAS RECEIVED (OFFICIAL RECIEPT IS ASSUMED VIA THE SEND TIME AND DATE ON ALL ELECTRONIC EMAILS OR VIA TIME AND DATE STAMPS ON FAX TRANSMISSIONS) A "LOCK KEY" OR "REGISTRATION" AS A RESULT OF A PURCHASE. This is a legal agreement between you and Automated Digital Entertainment Corp. and its subsidiaries. Herein referenced as ("ADEC"). This Agreement states the terms and conditions upon which ADEC offers to license the software sealed in the disk package together with all related documentation and accompanying items including, but not limited to, the executable programs, drivers, libraries and data files associated with such programs (collectively, the "Software"). ============================================ LICENSE 1. Grant of License The Software is licensed, not sold, to you for use only under the terms of this Agreement. You own the disk or other media on which the Software is originally or subsequently recorded or fixed; but, as between you and ADEC (and, to the extent applicable, its licensors), ADEC retains all title to and ownership of the Software and reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. 2. For Use on a Single Computer The Software may be used only on a single computer by a single user at any time. You may transfer the machine-readable portion of the Software from one computer to another computer, provided that (a) the Software (including any portion or copy thereof) is erased from the first computer and (b) there is no possibility that the Software will be used on more than one computer at a time. (c) OR, A separate license is issued to you by ADEC. (d) OR, The Evaluation version of this software is installed in which case there is no limit to the amount of computers. 3. Stand-Alone Basis You may use the Software only on a stand-alone basis, such that the Software and the functions it provides are accessible only to persons who are physically present at the location of the computer on which the Software is loaded. You may not allow the Software or its functions to be accessed remotely, or transmit all or any portion of the Software through any network or communication line. 4. One Archival Copy You may make one (1) archival copy of the machine-readable portion of the Software for backup purposes only in support of your use of the Software on a single computer, provided that you reproduce on the copy all copyright and other proprietary rights notices included on the originals of the Software. 5. No Merger or Integration You may not merge any portion of the Software into, or integrate any portion of the Software with, any other program, except to the extent expressly permitted by the laws of the jurisdiction where you are located. Any portion of the Software merged into or integrated with another program, if any, will continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and you must reproduce on the merged or integrated portion all copyright and other proprietary rights notices included in the originals of the Software. 6. Network/ broadcast Versions If you have purchased a "network" version of the Software, this Agreement applies to the installation of the Software on a single "file server". It may not be copied onto multiple systems. Each "node" connected to the "file server" must also have its own license of a "node copy" of the Software, which becomes a license only for that specific "node". 7. Transfer of License You may transfer your license of the Software, provided that (a) you transfer all portions of the Software or copies thereof, (b) you do not retain any portion of the Software or any copy thereof, and (c) the transferee reads and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 8. Limitations on Using, Copying, and Modifying the Software Except to the extent expressly permitted by this Agreement or by the laws of the jurisdiction where you acquired the Software, you may not use, copy or modify the Software. Nor may you sub-license any of your rights under this Agreement. 9. Decompiling, Disassembling, or Reverse Engineering You acknowledge that the Software contains trade secrets and other proprietary information of ADEC and its licensors. Except to the extent expressly permitted by this Agreement or by the laws of the jurisdiction where you are located, you may not decompile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer the Software, or engage in any other activities to obtain underlying information that is not visible to the user in connection with normal use of the Software. In any event, you will notify ADEC of any information derived from reverse engineering or such other activities, and the results thereof will constitute the confidential information of ADEC that may be used only in connection with the Software. TERMINATION The license granted to you is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by returning the Software (including any portions or copies thereof) to ADEC. The license will also terminate automatically without any notice from ADEC if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. You agree upon such termination to return the Software (including any portions or copies thereof) to ADEC. Upon termination, ADEC may also enforce any rights provided by law. The provisions of this Agreement that protect the proprietary rights of ADEC will continue in force after termination. LIMITED WARRANTY ADEC warrants, as the sole warranty, that the disks on which the Software is furnished will be free of defects, as set forth in the Warranty Card or printed manual included with the Software. No distributor, dealer or any other entity or person is authorized to expand or alter this warranty or any other provisions of this Agreement. Any representation, other than the warranties set forth in this Agreement, will not bind ADEC. ADEC does not warrant that the functions contained in the Software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free. EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You assume full responsibility for the selection of the Software to achieve your intended results, and for the installation, use and results obtained from the Software. You also assume the entire risk as it applies to the quality and performance of the Software. Should the Software prove defective, you (and not ADEC, or its distributors or dealers) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from country/state to country/state. Some countries/states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. ADEC disclaims all warranties of any kind if the Software was customized, repackaged or altered in any way by any third party other than ADEC. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES THE ONLY REMEDY FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY WILL BE THAT SET FORTH IN THE WARRANTY CARD OR PRINTED MANUAL INCLUDED WITH THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL ADEC OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, LOST REVENUES OR LOST DATA ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THE SOFTWARE OR THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF ADEC OR ITS LICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL ADEC''S LIABILITY OR DAMAGES TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PERSON EVER EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF THE CLAIM. Some countries/states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. PRODUCT RETURNS If you must ship the software to ADEC or an authorized ADEC distributor or dealer, you must prepay shipping and either insure the software or assume all risk of loss or damage in transit. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS All Software and related documentation are provided with restricted rights. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at 252.227-7013. If you are sub-licensing or using the Software outside of the United States, you will comply with the applicable local laws of your country, U.S. export control law, and the English version of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR/MANUFACTURER The Contractor/Manufacturer for the Software is: ADEC / Automated Digital Entertainment Corp. P.O. BOX 20673 Saint Petersburg, FL, 33742 GENERAL This Agreement is binding on you as well as your employees, employers, contractors and agents, and on any successors and assignees. Neither the Software nor any information derived there from may be exported except in accordance with the laws of the U.S. or other applicable provisions. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California (except to the extent federal law governs copyrights and federally registered trademarks). This Agreement is the entire agreement between us and supersedes any other understandings or agreements, including, but not limited to, advertising, with respect to the Software. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by any country or government agency having jurisdiction, that particular provision will be deemed modified to the extent necessary to make the provision valid and enforceable, and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. For questions concerning this Agreement, please contact ADEC at the address stated above. For questions on product or technical matters, contact the ADEC technical support center nearest you. SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO THE EUROPEAN UNION If you acquired the Software in the European Union (EU), the following provisions also apply to you. If there is any inconsistency between the terms of the Software License Agreement set out earlier and the following provisions, the following provisions shall take precedence. Decompilation You agree not for any purpose to transmit the Software or display the Software’s object code on any computer screen or to make any hard copy memory dumps of the Software’s object code. If you believe you require information related to the interoperability of the Software with other programs, you shall not decompile or disassemble the Software to obtain such information, and you agree to request such information from ADEC at the address listed earlier. Upon receiving such a request, ADEC shall determine whether you require such information for a legitimate purpose and, if so, ADEC will provide such information to you within a reasonable time and on reasonable conditions. Limited Warranty EXCEPT AS STATED EARLIER IN THIS AGREEMENT, AND AS PROVIDED UNDER THE HEADING "STATUTORY RIGHTS", THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Limitation of Remedy and Damages THE LIMITATIONS OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES IN THE SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT SHALL NOT APPLY TO PERSONAL INJURY (INCLUDING DEATH) TO ANY PERSON CAUSED BY ADEC’S NEGLIGENCE AND ARE SUBJECT TO THE PROVISION SET OUT UNDER THE HEADING "STATUTORY RIGHTS". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital DJ Automated Music System Studio4 VERSION Update ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 20, 2003 Change - DDJPlay.exe 4.91.1 - DDJAMS Studio Quality Player System For Media Player 9 Add - DDJPlay6.exe 4.61.1 - DDJAMS Studio Quality Player System For Media Player 6 Revision Notes: Player System * Massive changes to incorporate PC systems that use Windows media player 9 series ** Total re-do of mediaplayer core associations with DDJAMS Studio ** Visualizations! Finally, you can run visualizations while running the Digital DJ Pro Player. please note that it takes on the settings you have save in your stand alone (Windows Media Player 9). To change, you will have to change in MP9 and save before it will display in the DDJAMS Studio player. * Added auto detect for existence of Windows MediaPlayer 9 on the PC. When you select Digital DJ Player icon to run and you have MP9 installed, the Digital DJ Pro Player 4.9x.x will start. If you have Windows MediaPlayer 6.4 or 7.x, the Digital DJ Pro Player 4.6x.x will start. * Digital DJ Pro Player 4.9x.x has many enhancements and we have tested this as much as possible. Please email any feedback you might have to [email protected] * If you prefer, you can still run the previous 4.6x.x version for media player 6. The start icon is located in your Digital DJ Music System program Group in your start menu - The icon is called (Digital DJ Player for MP6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital DJ Automated Music System Studio4 VERSION Update ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 22, 2002 Change - DDJ4.exe 4.0.83 Revision Notes: Program manager * Modified Security validation for 30 day eval ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital DJ Automated Music System Studio4 VERSION Update ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 03, 2002 Change - DDJPlay.exe 4.0.140 Change - DDJ4.exe 4.0.80 Revision Notes: Player System * Decreased Player7 Mix Out to a minimum option available of 1 second Revision Notes: Program manager * Modified Security validation to allow evaluations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital DJ Automated Music System Studio4 VERSION Update ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 15, 2002 Change - DDJPlay.exe 4.0.138 Change - DDJ4.exe 4.0.79 Revision Notes: Player System * Added HTML log viewer system. In the player or program director, Go to [File] then [Reports] * Corrected several minor issues for improved performance