DialogDevil Server 2013 3.20.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 937.83 KB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

DialogDevil 是五個桌面/伺服器自動化工具,全部共用同一個介面。要進行訓練,請將小圖示從 DialogDevil 拖動到另一個程式以自動按兩下、自動定位、自動最小化、自動最大化或自動關閉。 DialogDevil 阻止因必須手動關閉重複的不需要的消息而喪失工作效率,並避免總是要調整應用程式視窗大小以符合您的工作風格。 在伺服器上運行的對話方塊魔鬼可以説明防止應用程式阻止伺服器本身。 DialogDevil 透過管理使用者帳戶控制 (UAC) 使 Vista 變得愉快且富有成效。


  • 版本 DD-3.20.0 發佈於 2009-10-18



TRIAL USE LICENSE DialogDevil 2011 is NOT a public domain program. It is copyrighted by DAIR Systems LLC. This software and accompanying documentation are protected by United States copyright law and by international treaty provisions. DAIR Systems LLC grants you a limited license to use this software, only if purchased. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to DAIR Systems LLC. DISCLAIMER: The supplier and the author have no liability to the licensee or any other person or entity for any damage or loss, including special, incidental or consequential damages caused by this product directly or indirectly. The software is supplied "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Warranties of merchantability or of fitness for any purpose are specifically disclaimed. CUSTOMER REMEDIES. DAIR Systems LLC's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall not exceed the price paid for the software. DAIR Systems LLC may revoke any permissions granted here, by notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to DAIR Systems LLC.