此 ASP 圖像元件包括各種編輯功能,用於在文稿或伺服器端環境中動態調整大小、創建或編輯圖像。它支援 JPG、BMP、GIF、PNG、PSD、TIF 和 PCX 格式以及匯出到 PDF。它可以合併具有可選透明度的圖像,包括 Alpha 通道,並且適合添加徽標或水印。它可以繪製文本、線條和形狀。可對亮度、對比度、色調和飽和度進行調整。可以查看和編輯調色板。圖像可以裁剪、旋轉和翻轉。中繼資料支援允許在 JPEG、TIFF 和 PSD 影像擷取和編輯 IPTC 資料、Exif 和 XMP。在加工過程中可以保留 ICC 顏色配置檔。讀取圖像並寫入磁碟、二進位資料或資料庫Blob欄位,或將圖像流式傳輸到瀏覽器。與 csASPUpload 或其他元件一起使用,在上傳後動態編輯或調整上傳圖像的大小。作為 COM 物件,它可用於各種基於 Windows 的文本環境,包括經典 ASP、ASP.NET、冷融合和 WSH 腳本。免費試用,我們的網站有示例。提供 32 位或 64 位元。
- 版本 8.0 發佈於 2013-05-10
64 位版本發佈。 - 版本 6.1 發佈於 2006-10-06
匯出到 PDF。
- 軟體分類: 網路開發 > Asp = Php
- 發佈者: Chestysoft
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $120.00
- 版本: 8.0
- 作業系統: windows
Chestysoft csImageFile version 8.0 SINGLE SERVER LICENCE. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE. These terms and conditions apply to the Chestysoft csImageFile programme and any accompanying documentation (referred to as 'the software'). By installing the software, you are considered to have agreed to the terms and conditions. This licence grants you a non-exclusive licence to install and use the software on a single server computer. You may transfer the software to another computer only if you delete the previous installation. In addition it allows you to install and use a second copy of the software on a development computer. We define a development computer to be a computer that is only accessed locally and not by users connecting through the internet or a network. The software is the intellectual property of Chestysoft, and may not be copied except for backup purposes and for installation as described above. You may not resell or otherwise distribute the software. The software is sold 'as is' and without warranties as to performance or purpose. Any liability of Chestysoft will be limited to product replacement or refund of the purchase price. Chestysoft, May 2013. Web site: www.chestysoft.com Email: [email protected]