CryptoDisk 是建立和管理虛擬加密磁碟(加密卷)的強大工具。它在硬碟或任何外部數據儲存設備(快閃記憶體卡、USB 驅動器等)上的檔內創建加密卷,然後作為真實磁碟裝入。所有數據在保存到磁碟或載入之前直接使用您的密碼自動加密,無需任何用戶干預。裝載的捲充當真正的物理磁碟驅動器,但是即使裝載了卷,存儲在卷中的數據仍被加密。 為什麼需要加密磁碟? 保護您的敏感資訊。例如,您可以向可能有權訪問您的 PC 的其他人隱藏您的個人資訊,或在可行動儲存裝置上加密您的檔以進行傳輸,以防止在設備被盜或丟失時可以存取這些檔案。 隨著信息時代的來臨,筆記型電腦已成為世界各地個人和公司的寶貴資源。然而,筆記型電腦盜竊事件呈上升趨勢,因此許多組織發現自己成為影響其員工和客戶及其聲譽的潛在數據洩露的受害者。被盜的筆記型電腦通常意味著丟失存儲在該計算機上的敏感數據,這可能會導致身份被盜。 根據特定筆記型電腦上保存的內容,如果沒有適當的安全防範措施,竊賊可以輕鬆獲取個人簿記檔、包含密碼的 Word 文件、位址以及存儲在筆記型電腦上的員工和客戶資訊等資訊。
- 版本 1.3 發佈於 2007-10-01
License Terms: The license distributed with CryptoDisk grants you the right to use the CryptoDisk on a single client computer at a time and by a single user at a time, subject to the restrictions listed below and the disclaimer relating to warranties, support and damages. 1. Disclaimer: This software is provided on an "as is" basis, without any other warranties, or conditions, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantable quality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or those arising by law, statute, usage of trade or course of dealing. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the Product is assumed by you. Neither we nor our dealers or suppliers shall have any liability to you or any other person or entity for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages whatsoever, including but not limited to loss of revenue or profit, lost or damaged data or other commercial or economic loss, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages or they are foreseeable; or for claims by a third party. You may have other rights which vary from state to state. 2. Restrictions: This license gives you the right to use this software but all rights not specifically mentioned in this agreement, including ownership rights, intellectual property rights, trademarks and copyright, are reserved by WinCrypto. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce the software to a human perceivable form. You may not modify, rent or resell for profit the software, or create derivative works based upon the software.