掌握你的套索投擲技能在你的指尖! - 上癮的遊戲 你是一個女牛仔誰捕捉牛, 馬, 錢袋, 和獎金獎與她的套索。然而,當心炸彈和仙人掌,不要忘記時間。你準備好掌握投擲技巧並成為冠軍套索投擲器了嗎? - 整潔的圖形和聲音 遊戲擁有出色的圖形與流暢的動畫和高品質的音效。在手持設備上欣賞風景如畫的風景和有趣的動物。 - 高級分數表 遊戲的線上高分表允許您與世界各地的朋友或其他玩家競爭。 原始遊戲體驗 牛仔使用獨特的遊戲 - 你從來沒有見過這樣的遊戲之前在你的PDA! 級別堆 多種遊戲水準不會讓你放鬆。此外,每次玩遊戲時,每個級別都有多個變體。更多的水平即將到來! 額外小工具 有些小工具可以在水平之間購買,例如額外的繩索、車手或收銀機。不過,這種小工具需要花錢。在花錢決策中要有選擇性! 扮演女孩! 不再在遊戲中性別歧視 - 扮演女牛仔或牛仔! 一鍵控制 保持手持式外殼和螢幕清潔和安全。你可以用一根手指玩遊戲。沒有重複的按鍵! 永不停止播放 玩牛仔一次,你會想玩一遍又一遍,以擊敗你或競爭對手的記錄! 到了高水準, 失敗了? 無需從頭開始重播!現在,你可以開始遊戲后,每個五個級別,只要你完成了他們。 在袖珍 PC 設備上提供 支援運行 Pocket PC (Windows Mobile) 2002/2003 的所有設備。
- 版本 1.0 發佈於 2006-02-15
LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY DISCLAIMER CAREFULLY READ ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT BEFORE USING THE PRODUCTS. BY "UNZIPPING" THE FILE IN WHICH THE PRODUCT IS DELIVERED, BY USING THE PRODUCT OR BY OPENING THE PACKAGE, YOU INDICATE YOUR COMPLETE AND UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. This documentation is a legal agreement between you (end-user of the Product) and the manufacturer/developer of the Product ("Vendor") concerning their use. THIS AGREEMENT CONSTITUTES THE COMPLETE AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND VENDOR. AGREEMENT 0. DEMO LICENSE: You are granted the right to distribute the demo edition of this software, providing that the distribution package is not changed, and you distribute it for free (without any charge). 1. LICENSE: Vendor grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Product in the manner described in the materials accompanying it. Vendor retains title to and ownership of the software that it may contain and in the patents, copyrights, trade secrets and other proprietary interests therein. You may make copies of the software for backup. You may not copy the User's Manual, make alterations or modifications to the software, or attempt to discover the source code of the software. The software may not be sublicensed, rented, or leased. Both the license and your right to use the software terminate automatically if you violate any part of this agreement. You may not disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse-engineer the Products or otherwise attempt to learn the inner workings, source code, structure, algorithms, or ideas underlying them. 2. LIMITED WARRANTY: If you discover physical defects in the media on which the software is distributed or in the accompanying materials, Vendor will replace the media or manuals for a period of ninety (90) days after purchase by you. You must return the disk or manual to Vendor within the warranty period, accompanied by proof of purchase. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO DEFECTS DUE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY TO MISUSE, ABUSE, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT, REPAIRS, OR ALTERATIONS MADE BY YOU OR ANOTHER PARTY, OR IF ANY SERIAL NUMBER HAS BEEN REMOVED OR DEFACED. VENDOR AND ITS DISTRIBUTORS DISCLAIM ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. VENDOR AND ITS DISTRIBUTORS WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY BUG, ERROR, OMISSION, DEFECT, DEFICIENCY, OR NONCONFORMITY IN ANY PRODUCT. AS A RESULT, THE PRODUCT IS SOLD "AS IS," AND YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO ITS QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE. 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. VENDOR AND ITS DISTRIBUTORS SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONTINGENT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE PRODUCT OR ITS ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS, INCLUDING DAMAGES FROM LOSS OF DATA, DOWNTIME, GOODWILL, DAMAGE TO OR REPLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT OR PROPERTY, AND ANY COSTS OF RECOVERING, REPROGRAMMING, OR REPRODUCING ANY PROGRAM OR DATA USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PRODUCTS, EVEN IF ONE OR MORE OF THEM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOU AGREE THAT VENDOR'S AND ITS DISTRIBUTORS' LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY IN TORT OR WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXCEED ANY AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THIS PRODUCT. ANY WRITTEN OR ORAL INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY OTHERS WILL IN NO WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY. NOR MAY YOU RELY ON ANY SUCH WRITTEN OR ORAL COMMUNICATION. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.