Complete CD & DVD Writer 1.5

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.01 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.5/5 - ‎13 ‎評分

完整的 CD 和 DVD 寫入器(燒錄機)是一種易於使用的 CD 和 DVD 寫入軟體,可將資料、圖像和音訊檔燒錄到 CD 或 DVD。- 從資料檔(ZIP、EXE、DOC 等)和圖像檔(ISO 或 CUE/BIN)燒錄資料 CD 或 DVD。- 從音訊檔 (WAV) 和影像檔案 (CUE/BIN) 刻錄音頻 CD。- 建構 ISO 映像.- 使用者友好、健壯且無褶皺的 CD/DVD 寫入器。


  • 版本 1.5 發佈於 2004-07-27
    - 更使用者友好的介面。



This Software is copyrighted property of Audio i. The following is a legal license agreement between you- the end user (licensee), and we- Audio i (licensor), relating to your use of the program Complete CD/DVD Writer. Please read carefully all of the agreements terms and conditions before proceeding. By clicking the acceptance button or installing or using Complete CD/DVD Writer, the licensee is consenting to be bound by and is becoming a party to this agreement. If licensee does not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, the button indicating non-acceptance must be selected, and licensee must not install or use the Complete CD/DVD Writer. The owner Audio i hereby grants to you a non-transferable and non-exclusive single-user license to possess and use the program in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You agree that you are licensing the Program for its end use only and not for resale or redistribution. This license authorizes you to use the Program solely in accordance with this Agreement. You shall not sell, lease, assign, transfer, sublicense, disseminate, modify, translate, duplicate, reproduce or copy the Program in whole or in part (or permit any of the foregoing) or disclose the Program or any information pertaining thereto to any other party. You may not reverse assemble or reverse compile or otherwise attempt to create the source code from the Program. You acknowledge that the Program, including the related documentation and any new releases, modifications and enhancements thereto, belongs to Audio i, and that Audio i retains all right, title and interest in and the Program. This Software is provided by Audio i "AS IS". Audio i hereby disclaims all warranties of any nature, express, implied or otherwise and the entire risk of using this program is on the end user. In no event will Audio i be liable for any damages caused by this software. You hereby indemnify and hold harmless Audio i and its affiliates against any loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses suffered or incurred by the Indemnified Parties at any time as a result of any claim, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to your use, operation or implementation of the Program. Audio i shall not be responsible for any loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses which may be suffered or incurred at any time by you as a result of your reliance upon or use of the Program. Audio i shall not be liable for damages of any kind, including general, direct, special, incidental, and consequential damages, resulting from or arising out of this agreement or your use of the program. The parties hereby expressly exclude the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods to the Agreement.