Compass 2.83

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 758.60 KB
‎使用者評分: 3.5/5 - ‎6 ‎評分

Compass 自 1997 年 1 月首次發表以來,一直是一個流行且功能強大的書籤管理器程式。 它支援三個最流行的瀏覽器 - 網景,互聯網瀏覽器,和歌劇。 此外,它可以啟動任何系統指定的通用瀏覽器。 指南針不僅是書籤管理器,而且也是「大綱」編輯器或「註釋編輯器」。。等。 您也可以使用指南針作為網頁或報表生成器。 借助樣本功能,您可以以您想要的格式匯出書籤或筆記。 您甚至可以控制不同的資料夾等級並生成連結到主輸出檔的多個檔。 指南針可以很容易地處理超過數千個書籤。 它適用於網景 2.x - 4.x,微軟互聯網瀏覽器 3.x - 5.x 和 Opera 3.x - 5.x 在 Windows 95/98/Me/NT4.0/2000。 簡介功能清單: 1. 處理網景、IExplorer 和 Opera 檔案格式。 檔案打開、保存、導入、匯出和合併的統一使用者介面。 所有檔 I/O 操作都適用於所有三種檔案格式。 2. 獨特的樹、清單和描述三窗格佈局,具有兩種顯示樣式 - 資源管理器樣式和指南針樣式。 3. 使用範本匯出允許您將書籤或資料夾匯出到您想要的格式。 您可以編輯或創建自己的範本。 4. 強大的邏輯與, 或您沒有搜尋與智慧尋找重複的網址 。 5. 密碼保護您的書籤檔。 6. 超快多線程通用套接字連接,以檢查鏈接、檢索關鍵字、描述和重定向網址。 7. 強大的多選樹窗格。 8. 廣泛的拖放 - 從不同的窗格,不同的實例,指南針和瀏覽器,桌面和 Windows 資源管理器。 9. 與網景、IExplorer 和 Opera 通信,以啟動連結、添加新連結、打開新瀏覽器、替換 URL。 10. 托盤圖標訪問。 11. 多功能分揀選項。 12. 動態書籤功能表。


  • 版本 2.83 發佈於 2001-09-25



+ This software is SHAREWARE. You may evaluate this software for 50 days without any obligation. Use after 50 days requires purchasing a license. + This software is distributed AS IS and without any express or implied warranties. + The author is not responsible for any damages whatsoever incurred before, during, or after the use of this software. +Single-User License Each Single-User License allows: The registered user and ONLY the registered user to install and run the software (Compass 2.x) on any number of workstations. When the registered user does not plan to run the software on a workstation, he/she must remove the software (including the registration file) from the workstation. A registered user must be a person and can not be a company or an organization. The software may not be installed on a server computer. To install the software on a server computer, you must purchase enough number of Single-Workstation Licenses (see below) to cover all workstations that have access to the server. +Single-Workstation License Each Single-Workstation License allows: Any number of users to run the software (Compass 2.x) on one and ONLY one workstation. The software may be installed only on one workstation. If the user wants to run the software on another workstation, he/she must remove the software (including the registration file) from the original workstation BEFORE he/she installs the software on another workstation. If the software is to be installed on a server computer, you must purchase enough number of Single-Workstation Licenses to cover all workstations that have access to the server. For example, if there are 10 workstations, which have access to the server, you need 10 Single-Workstation Licenses to be able to legally install the software on the server. +Privacy Statement The author respects users' privacy. Compass does NOT gather any personal information or web activities. The author has NO interests in any sort of personal information or data at all. However, certain features in Compass do require the access to the Internet. Examples are: a. The Check Links feature (to validate the URLs). b. The Get Meta Info feature (to retrieve the meta tag information). c. The Check Updates feature (to see if there are any newer versions available). In the cases that Compass needs to access the Internet, the data needed to complete the task will be transmitted over the Internet to the server specified by the task. No other data will be transmitted, and no other servers will be connected. By using this software, the user acknowledges and agrees such necessary Internet activities.