Code Virtualizer 1.340

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代碼虛擬化器是一種功能強大的程式碼模糊處理系統,可幫助開發人員保護其敏感的代碼區域免受逆向工程的影響,同時需要最少的系統資源。代碼虛擬化器會將您的原始代碼(英特爾 x86 說明)轉換為虛擬操作碼,這些操作碼只能由內部虛擬機器理解。這些虛擬操作碼和虛擬機器本身對於每個受保護的應用程式都是唯一的,避免了對代碼虛擬化器的一般攻擊。代碼虛擬化器可以保護任何 x32 和 x64 本機 PE 檔中的敏感代碼區域(如可執行檔/EXES、系統服務、DLL、OCX、ActiveX 控制件、螢幕保護程式和設備驅動程式)。代碼虛擬化包括將二進位碼從特定電腦轉換為另一台電腦理解的不同二進位碼。也就是說,來自特定計算機的指令集將轉換為由其他電腦理解的新指令集。代碼虛擬化器可以生成多種類型的虛擬機器,每個虛擬機器使用不同的指令集。這意味著,英特爾 x86 指令的特定塊可以轉換為每台電腦的不同指令集,從而防止攻擊者在從 x86 指令轉換後識別任何生成的虛擬操作碼。當攻擊者嘗試去編譯受代碼虛擬化器保護的代碼塊時,他不會找到原始的 x86 指令。相反,他會找到一套全新的指令集,他或任何其他特殊的反編譯者都不承認這一點。這將迫使攻擊者完成非常艱苦的工作,以確定每個操作代碼的執行方式以及特定虛擬機如何為每個受保護的應用程式工作。代碼虛擬化器完全模糊了虛擬操作代碼的執行和每個唯一虛擬機的研究,以防止有人研究如何執行虛擬操作代碼。


  • 版本 1.340 發佈於 2007-11-27



(c) 2006 Oreans Technologies ELECTRONIC END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR Code Virtualizer - Total Obfuscation against Reverse Enginnering NOTICE TO USER: THIS IS A CONTRACT. BY INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE YOU ACCEPT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. Please read this carefully before You download/use this software "Code Virtualizer". This is a legally binding agreement between You and Oreans technologies. By installing, copying or otherwise using any of my software products include upgrades, source codes and related documentation for any purpose, You are agreeing to be bound by this license including without limitation the exclusions and limitations of My liability contained therein. If You don't agree with the terms and conditions of this license You may not install, copy or otherwise use Code Virtualizer. a.) Code Virtualizer is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Code Virtualizer is licensed, not sold. You aren't permitted to install or use Code Virtualizer except in accordance with license. In consideration of your agreement to the terms of this license, Oreans Technologies grant you a non-exclusive right to install and use Code Virtualizer as permitted by this license. b.) You agree not to install or use any individual copy of Code Virtualizer on more than one computer at a time and not via any network or by means of remote or other access. This provision is only for individual copies and does not apply to multi- system licenses or demo version. If Code Virtualizer was purchased by your employer You agree to get your's employer's explicit permission before installing Code Virtualizer on multiple computers as described here. c.) If You purchased a multi- system license "company license" for Code Virtualizer You agree to install or use Code Virtualizer on company's computers only. d.) When You purchase Code Virtualizer, You will receive the registered version of Code Virtualizer. You may not publish or distribute this code by any means. If You do, your license to use Code Virtualizer is automatically terminated, and You must remove Code Virtualizer from your computer or computers. e.) Except as stated above, Oreans Technologies disclaim any and all warranties, express or implied, written or oral, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. f.) Oreans Technologies cannot promise Code Virtualizer will be free of bugs or program errors, but if You report a program error or bug to Oreans Technologies, we will do our best to correct it. g.) In no event shall Oreans Technologies be liable for any incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever arising out of use Code Virtualizer or your relationship with Oreans Technologies. Note that some states do not allow exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, therefore the above limitation may not apply to You. h.) You are permitted to make a back-up copy of Code Virtualizer in support of Your permitted use of Code Virtualizer provided You label the back-up copy with the Oreans Technologies copyright notice. Any other copies of the whole or any part of Code Virtualizer are unlawful. i.) You may not nor permit or allow others to sell, distribute, rent, loan, lease, sub-license or otherwise deal in Code Virtualizer. j.) You may not nor permit or allow others to alter, adapt, merge, modify or translate Code Virtualizer in any way for any purpose, including, without limitation, for error correction. k.) You may not nor permit or allow others to reverse-engineer, disassemble or decompile Code Virtualizer except that You may decompile Code Virtualizer only to the extent permissible by law where this is indispensable to obtain the information necessary to achieve the inter operability of an independently created program with Code Virtualizer or with another program and provided always such information is not readily available from Oreans Technologies or elsewhere. l.) You shall comply with all relevant import and export laws, rules and regulations affecting Code Virtualizer or any portion of it including, without limitation. Regardless of any disclosure made by to Oreans Technologies destination of Code Virtualizer, You will not export or re-export, directly or indirectly, Code Virtualizer without first obtaining all written consents or authorizations which may be required by any such laws, rules or regulations.