BVS Solitaire Collection for Mac 3.1

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Mac 的 535 款多功能紙牌遊戲的集合。你將能夠學習其他地方沒有找到的紙牌。 BVS紙牌系列包括100多個原始紙牌變體,在其他地方沒有找到。你不會在其他程式中找到這麼多原創遊戲。它還包括所有最流行的紙牌遊戲,如蜘蛛紙牌,克朗代克,自由細胞,地毯,四十小偷,蒙特卡洛,俄羅斯紙牌,花園,高爾夫,殘酷,手風琴,金字塔等。您可以修改幾乎任何包含的遊戲的規則,從而創建自己的紙牌變體。 BVS紙牌系列為您提供了大量的統計和評分螢幕。如果你厭倦了克朗代克,看看這個獨特的收藏。即使你玩過很多紙牌, 這些遊戲肯定會是新的你。


  • 版本 3.1 發佈於 2020-01-11
    增加了 5 場比賽: 獅子門, 小四十, 穆塞海德, 遊行, 芝麻。64 位元應用程式,相容 macOS 卡塔利娜。
  • 版本 3.02 發佈於 2019-08-30
    10個新遊戲: 英國憲法, 雙點, 鷹翼, 法國大革命, 門, 國王, 馬丁, 奧德薩, 公主耐心, 弗吉尼亞捲軸.64 位元應用程式,相容 macOS 卡塔利娜。
  • 版本 1.0 發佈於 2012-05-03



By continuing the installation and use of this Software (BVS Solitaire Collection), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement between you (Licensee) and BVS Development Corporation (Distributor) Ownership The enclosed software ("Software"), any accompanying printed materials and all copies of the Software and printed materials, are owned by BVS Development Corporation and are protected by copyright, trademark and trade secret laws and international treaty provisions. The Software is licensed and not sold. Evaluation provisions The Software is shareware. The Software is not free or public domain and is subject to copyright. Copyright Licensee acknowledges that the Software is protected by copyright. Licensee may not copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, modify, rent, lease, sublicense, adapt or create derivative works based on the Software or Documentation. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software. Grant and responsibilities of License The Agreement permits the use of one copy of the Software, which is licensed as a single product. The Software is "in use" on a single computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk or other storage device) of that computer. The Licensee may not make any unauthorized copies of the Software, except that Licensee may either make one copy of the Software solely for backup or archival purposes or transfer the Software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. Disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability Distributor does not warrant, guarantee or make any representations that the functions contained in the Software will meet licensee's requirements or that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error-free. The Software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or of any other type, whether express or implied, and to any remedy against Distributor or and/or its Licensors, whether in contract, tort or otherwise. In any event, Distributor's liability shall not exceed the amount Licensee originally paid for the Software. Licensee agrees that neither Distributor nor its employees, management, or anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of the Software shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages (including without limitation, loss of profits, revenue, data or use, business interruption, loss or inaccurancy of information) incurred by Licensee or any third party in connection with or arising out of use of the Software, even if Distributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Termination of License The License will terminate automatically if the Licensee fails to comply with any provision of the License or upon transfer of the Software and Documentation. Acknowledgment Licensee acknowledges that Licensee has read the Agreement in full, has fully understood its terms and agrees to be bound thereby. The Agreement contains the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties and supersedes all proposals or prior agreements, oral or written, and any other communications between the parties and supersedes all proposals or prior agreements, oral and written, and any other communications between the parties relating to the subject matter of the Agreement. Copyright 1996-2020 BVS Development Corporation. All rights reserved.