BonAView 1.9.0

軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 5.93 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎4 ‎評分

BonAView 是最具創新性的數位照片管理軟體,他的班級沒有類似技術。它提供了一個終極的圖像管理和組織工具,可説明您對圖像檔進行分類和評價,並管理任何大小的照片集 - 從幾百萬到幾百萬。 BonAView 的檢視器視窗可讓您使用易於使用的直觀 3D 介面查看數位照片。BonAView 的圖像檢視器將生成高質量的圖像縮圖,並在 3D 空間中像互動式圖片一樣顯示它們。在這裡,您可以一鍵導航、旋轉、水準或垂直翻轉圖像。就像看電視一樣容易。 此外,BonAView 還包括各種可用於創建和編輯數位圖像的圖像編輯工具。使用紅眼縮小、旋轉、銳化、模糊等工具增強或校正圖像。您也可以使用一組自動增強工具,自動校正照片的顏色平衡,使您的數位圖像更好。 此外,BonAView 提供了一個強大的圖像搜尋工具,它將幫助您準確找到您想要的。使用篩選工具,您將拒絕浪費流覽或搜尋結果。 BonAView 照片管理器是一個功能強大、易於使用、好看的圖像查看和管理系統,對於從初學者到專業人士的每個人都非常有用。



BonAView Setup License ================== IF YOU DOWNLOAD OR USE THIS PROGRAM YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS. License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Use of this software indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with them, do not use the software. You are hereby licensed to: use this Shareware software for a month evaluation period; make as many copies of this Shareware software and documentation as you wish; give exact copies of the original to anyone; and distribute this Shareware software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above. One registered copy of this software may be dedicated to a single person who uses the software on one or more computers or to a single workstation used by multiple people. This software is provided "as is" with no warranty. The user must assume the risk of using the program. Your use of this software implies your acceptance of these terms. We try to keep our software as bug-free as possible. But the number of errors increases with the complexity of the program. Any liability for damages of any sort is hereby rejected. In any case, the liability is limited to the registration fee. On-line support for registered users is available via Internet. These will be answered on a "best effort" basis. ==================== High Motion Software