Athlant Personal Edition 2.04

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 3.01 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

Athlant 是德爾福/BCB 原始程式碼管理專家的完全整合。它支援以下系統:源安全、ClearCase、StarTeam、源完整性、Perforce、團隊連接、CS-RCS、QVCS、PVCS、CVS、團隊一致性、CM協同、AllChange、代碼合作、源關閉網站、環繞 SCM 和 CA 收穫。您可以簽入/簽出檔、獲取最新版本、直觀地比較其他版本。所有功能都可從主 IDE 功能表、程式碼編輯器工具列和上下文選單、表單設計器上下文選單、主 IDE 工具列、專案經理上下文選單和 Athlant Manager 工具列和功能表中獲得。Athlant 有很多額外的功能,方便工作:您可以過濾專案中的檔,將其中任何一個放入收藏夾資料夾中,以更快地訪問,還可以直接從 Athlant 管理器對代碼編輯器中的檔進行排序和打開。德克雷斯阿特蘭特專業版包括阿特蘭特伺服器。使用阿特蘭特 如果此檔由網路中的其他使用者操作,則伺服器可以在 Athlant Manager 中查看任何檔的實際狀態。此外,Athlant Server 還實現了 Athlant 消息傳遞系統,它允許向其他開發人員發送消息。


  • 軟體分類: 發展 > 其他
  • 發佈者: Devrace
  • 軟體性質: 免費試用
  • 價格: N/A
  • 版本: 2.04
  • 作業系統: windows


DEVRACE ATHLANT LICENSE STATEMENT IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY NOTICE: THIS DEVRACE SOFTWARE PRODUCT (TOGETHER WITH ITS ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, THE "PRODUCT") IS THE PROPERTY OF DEVRACE COMPANY ("DEVRACE"). THE PRODUCT IS MADE AVAILABLE TO YOU, THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING LICENSE AGREEMENT ("LICENSE AGREEMENT" OR "AGREEMENT"). PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE PRODUCT. A COPY OF THIS LICENSE IS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR FUTURE REFERENCE IN THE "LICENSE.TXT" FILE PROVIDED WITH THE PRODUCT. Devrace is only willing to grant you this License if you obtained the Product from Devrace or a Devrace authorized reseller. If you obtained the Product from any other source you may not install or use the Product. This License Statement constitutes a legal agreement ("License Agreement") between you (either as an individual or a single entity) and Devrace Company ("Devrace") for the software product (the "Product" or "Athlant") identified above, including any software, media, and companying on-line or printed documentation. BY DOWNLOADING, INSTALLING, COPYING, OR OTHERWISE USING THE PRODUCT, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. If you are the original purchaser of this Product and you do not agree with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement promptly return the unused Product to the place from which you obtained it. Upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Devrace grants you the right to use the Product in the manner provided below. 1. GENERAL TERMS 1.1. DEFINITIONS (a) " Product" shall mean Devrace's Athlant expert, Devrace's Athlant server and all related documentation as well as all subsequent releases of and enhancements to those components and documentation. 1.2. LICENSE GRANTED (a) In consideration for payment by you to Devrace, Devrace grants to you a non-exclusive, perpetual license for the Product to: (i) Install, store and use the Product on a network server and on individual computers over the network PROVIDED that there are no more than one (1) concurrent user of the Product; and (ii) Copy the Product to the extent necessary to exercise the foregoing license, and for backup and archival purposes PROVIDED. You reproduce Devrace's copyright notices, if any, on all copies of the Product, and all copies are subject to all terms, conditions and obligations of this Agreement. 1.3. LICENSE RESTRICTIONS You agree that it is restricted from: (i) Distributing, using or copying, or allowing others to distribute, use or copy any or all of the Product, except as expressly permitted in this Agreement; (ii) Using, or allowing others to use the Product in a network, multiple CPU or multiple-user arrangement, except as expressly permitted in this Agreement; (iii) Decompiling, disassembling, reverse engineering or making any attempt, or allowing others to decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or make any attempt to discover the source code of the Product; (iv) Leasing, loaning, renting, reselling or sub-licensing, or allowing others to lease, loan, rent, resell or sub-license the Product or any rights granted pursuant to this Agreement. 1.4. BREACH/TERMINATION OF RIGHTS (a) You agree that breach of this Agreement shall void and otherwise terminate any rights You have to use the Product and shall terminate any warranties made by You to Devrace. In the event of such termination of rights and warranties: (i) You shall immediately return to Devrace the Product, including any copies thereof in its possession, and certify in writing that such action has been taken; and (ii) Each party shall immediately return to the other party the other party's Confidential Information, including any copies thereof, and certify in writing that such action has been taken. (b) You further agree that in the event of a breach or threatened breach of this Agreement, no adequate remedy at law or money damages will be available to Devrace that will fairly compensate it, and, therefore, Devrace will be entitled to an injunction against any such breach or threatened breach. Exercise of such remedy shall not be construed as a waiver of any other legal or equitable remedy in the event of a breach of this Agreement. 1.5. TITLE TO SOFTWARE PRODUCT/COPYRIGHT PROTECTION (a) You agree that no express or implied rights of any kind are granted to You other than those expressly set forth in Paragraph 1.2 of this Agreement. You agree that it receives no title to the Product; all rights, title, and interest to the Product, and all proprietary rights therein, remain exclusively with Devrace. You agree that Devrace maintains exclusive ownership of the Product in all forms, including all copies thereof and compilations; further such rights, title and interest shall include, witho limitation, any and all copyrights, patents, trade secrets, and proprietary and confidential information rights associated with the Product. (b) You acknowledge that copyright and intellectual property laws, as well as international copyright and intellectual property treaties protect the Product. You shall not remove Devrace's copyright notice from any copy of the Product in Your possession. 1.6. INDEMNIFICATION (a) Devrace represents that it owns full rights and title to the Product and that Your anticipated use of the Product will not violate any copyright or other proprietary right of any third party. Devrace shall indemnify and hold Your harmless from any claims or demands (including reasonable attorney's fees) based on infringement of a patent, trademark, copyright or trade secret arising from Your use of the Product provided: (i) You notify Devrace promptly in writing of any such claim or demand, cooperate fully with Devrace and permits Devrace to defend or settle such claim or demand on behalf of You; and (ii) The Product at issue in such claims or demands were used only as permitted by this Agreement. (b) Devrace shall have no liability for any claim of infringement based on the use or combined use of its Product with software or hardware products or data not furnished by Devrace if such infringement would not have occurred in the absence of such combined use. 1.7. UPDATES AND PRODUCT CHANGES Devrace reserves the right at any time not to release or to discontinue release of any Product and to alter prices, features, specifications, capabilities, functions, licensing terms, release dates, general availability or other characteristics of any future releases of the Product. 2. ADDITIONAL TERMS 2.1. ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO EVALUATION SOFTWARE You may not use the Product for any commercial, business, governmental or institutional purpose of any kind. At the end of the Evaluation Period, further use of the Product by you is prohibited without the purchase of a commercial license. If you do not purchase a license for the Product at the end of the Evaluation Period, you hereby agree to permanently remove or delete the Product from all computer systems on which it was installed and destroy any software and documentation received, and not to reinstall a new copy of the Product. If you desire to continue to use the Product following the Evaluation Period, you should contact Devrace or a Devrace authorized reseller to order commercial licenses to use the Product. 2.2. ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO UPGRADES If you have purchased an upgrade version of the Product, it constitutes a single product with the copy of the Product that you upgraded. This means that, although you may have two sets of Product media, you still have only one license. Therefore, you may not transfer the original copy of the Product to any other party. 2.3 ADDITIONAL LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO ATHLANT PERSONAL EDITION If you have purchased Athlant Personal Edition you agree that this version of Product does not include Athlant Server and you may not use Athlant Personal together with Athlant Server. 3. LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAMER DEVRACE MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY AS TO PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL DEVRACE BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, AND/OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF INCOME, LOSS OF INFORMATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF DEVRACE IS ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE WARRANTY AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. No Devrace employee, representative or affiliate is authorized to make any modification or addition to the warranty or remedies provided herein. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion or limitation may not apply. Where liability may not be excluded but may be limited under applicable law, Devrace's liability shall be limited to the amount paid for the Software Product. 4. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION You acknowledge that the Product in source code form remains a confidential trade secret of Devrace. You agree to hold this information in confidence, not disclose it to any person, and not use it for any purpose other than the use and operation of the Product as permitted under this Agreement. 5. TERM AND TERMINATION 5.1. TERM The term of this Agreement will begin as of the date that you receive the Product and will remain in effect perpetually unless terminated under this Section 5. 5.2. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE You may terminate this Agreement for any reason, or for no reason, by giving Devrace five (5) days' written notice. 5.3. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. Devrace may terminate this Agreement if you breach your obligations hereunder. Devrace will effect such termination by giving you notice of termination, specifying therein the alleged breach. If your breach is curable, you will have a grace period of thirty days (30) after such notice is served to cure the breach described therein. If the breach is cured within the thirty day (30) grace period, then this Agreement will remain in effect; otherwise, this Agreement will automatically terminate upon the conclusion of the thirty day (30) grace period. 5.4. EFFECT OF TERMINATION Upon the termination of this Agreement for any reason the following terms shall apply: (a) all rights granted under this License will immediately terminate and you must stop all use of the Product; (b) You must return to Devrace or destroy all copies of the Product provided to or made by you, and will, within ten (10) days after the effective date of termination, provide Devrace with written certification that all such copies have been returned or destroyed;