ASPNetSpell 是微軟公司的熱門拼寫ASP.Net。 它可以在幾分鐘內安裝並集成到大多數應用程式中。 AspNetspell 與 2 ASP.Net 3、2.5 和 4(C# / VB.Net / J# / C++.Net)相容。 它完全整合視覺工作室 .Net 2003, 2005, 2008 和 2010 ASP 網路拼寫提供的代碼符合 W3C HTML 和 XHTML 標準,並且具有良好的可存取性。 AspNetSpell 的行為與 MS Word 自己的拼寫檢查器非常相似,使用戶熟悉此軟體。該軟體包括熟悉的功能,如語法檢查和個人字典和"作為你-類型"在上下文拼寫檢查與"紅色擺動下劃線" 現在,您可以在 ToolBox 中輕鬆、精確地將拼寫驗證按鈕拖放到 Web 應用程式窗體中。ASPNetSpell 提供用於任何數量的欄位和任何流行的豐富 HTML 控制項的國際拼寫檢查。 您還可以在所有主要瀏覽器中將任何 Textbox 替換為「即用類型拼寫」 拼寫建議。 開始使用 ASPNetspell ========================== 1. 下載並解壓縮 AspNetSpell 到硬碟上的方便位置。我們建議 C: ASPNetspell 2. 將 ASPNetspell .dll添加到可視化工作室工具箱中。(說明) 3. 將名為 AspNetSpell 的目錄複製到網站專案的根資料夾。您不需要將此添加到 Visual Studio 中的應用程式中。(說明) 首次使用 Aspnetspell. Spellbutton 在設計模式下,將拼寫按鈕控制式從工具匣拖到 ASPX Web 窗體上。你會看到它呈現為拼寫檢查按鈕(如果不讀這個)。
- 版本 發佈於 2010-11-03
新:ASP.Net,2,3和4支援,全視視覺工作室2003-2010集成。新: 「紅色下劃線」" 上下文拼寫。免費::醫學、法律和科學詞典。 - 版本 2.0 發佈於 2007-02-14
新版本:AspNetSpell(Asp.Net拼寫檢查)元件提供國際拼寫檢查您的ASP.Net Web 表單。AspNetSpell 與 1 ASP.Net 2 相容。它提供的代碼符合 W3C HTML 和 XHTML 標準,並且具有很好的可存取性。
- 軟體分類: 網路開發 > Asp = Php
- 發佈者: ASPNetSpell
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $99.00
- 版本:
- 作業系統: windows
License =========================== hereby grants you a non-exclusive license to the AspNetSpell Software Component (the Software). By downloading or using the Software, the Licensee agrees not to utilize the software in a manner which is disparaging to, and not to rent, lease or otherwise transfer rights to the Software. The Licensee agrees that no attempt will be made by the Licensee or associated parties to translate, reverse engineer, modify, decompile, disassemble or distribute the Software. License terms are offered on the following terms, as purchased. If no purchase or insufficient purchase has been made then the Free Trial License terms apply. Free Trial License - Allows the use of the TRIAL VERSION of the software for private evaluation purposes only. The software should not be used for public or commercial use of any kind. Single Website License - Allows the use of the software on any number of web / intranet pages belonging to a single domain. Single Server License - This license allows the usage of the software on any number of web / intranet pages for any number of domains located on a single server. Enterprise License - This license allows the usage of the software on any number of web / intranet pages for any number of domains located on any number of servers belonging to one company or organization. Redistribution License - provided that your application is not a software development system or tool, you may distribute the software (without royalty) as part of a single distinct application. shall at all times retain ownership of the software and all Software and subsequent copies. UPGRADES If a new release of the software is produced within 12 months from the date of purchase then you will be entitled to a free upgrade. This license does not grant you any right to any enhancement or update beyond the initial 12 month period, commencing from the date of purchase. COPYRIGHT Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software shall remain with The Software is protected by the international copyright laws. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the content accessed through the Software is the property of the applicable content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other law. This License gives you no rights to such content. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. ASPNETSPELL.COM AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL ASPNETSPELL.COM OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ASPNETSPELL.COM HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. MISCELLANEOUS This software is not designed or intended for use in on-line control of aircraft, air traffic, aircraft navigation or aircraft communications; or in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any nuclear facility. Licensee represents and warrants that it will not use or redistribute the Software for such purposes.