Antechinus Audio Editor 2.4

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 7.12 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

使用 Antechinus 音訊編輯器輕鬆錄製、編輯、擴增、轉換和播放聲音檔。享受快速的點擊編輯。 組合,複製,錄製,混合,插入,並做音訊操作很容易,所有流行的聲音格式的支援,你可以做驚人的事情與29個偉大的效果。你不會被留在黑暗:編輯器詳細解釋了為什麼和如何使用聲音效果。實驗時不怕錯誤:無限撤銷總是可用的。 對於立體聲檔,音訊編輯器可以方便地一次處理每個聲道。當您需要更精確的選擇時,只需單擊一下即可放大所選內容。然後,您可以通過簡單的點擊調整選擇,以獲得您想要的。 根據您的預期用途(例如,近CD品質的音訊)而不是原始屬性(8,000 Hz、16 位、單聲道、8kbps)享受聲音創建。 有些聲音格式更適合遊戲, 有些適合音樂, 有些適合人類演講...如果您使用不同的技術和作業系統,您很可能需要支援多種格式,甚至更是如此。音訊編輯器支援 10 種多流行的聲音格式,便於從一種格式轉換為另一種格式,並告訴您特定情況下使用哪種格式。編輯大型音訊檔時節省時間,這種情況通常很是這樣。音訊編輯器支援標準的 Windows 剪貼簿,因此您可以在不同的程式和聲音檔案之間複製和貼貼。使用音訊編輯器的內部剪貼簿進行剪切、複製、貼上和混音來節省時間,該剪貼簿經過最佳化,速度比 Windows 剪貼簿快得多。 音訊 CD 可能會刮傷,或損壞熱。即使在理想的條件下,低品質的CD在幾年後也變得毫無用處。您的音訊編輯器允許您單獨打開包含重要音樂檔的 CD 曲目,並將它們保存在高度壓縮的格式之一中以進行保管。


  • 版本 2.4 發佈於 2009-02-10



Before using Antechinus Audio Editor make sure you read and accept the License Agreement. If you disagree with the License Agreement do not use the software. While to our best knowledge the software enclosed is bug free, no warranty, either expressed or implied, is made regarding the performance or fitness for any particular purpose of the computer programs and written materials. This software is provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and performance. Evaluation License entitles you to install the unregistered version of Antechinus Audio Editor for the sole purpose of evaluating the product. The Single-user License entitles you to install the registered version of Antechinus Audio Editor on one desktop computer and one laptop, or on a single network server, as long as no more than one user can concurrently access the software. The Multiple-user License entitles you to install the registered version of Antechinus Audio Editor on the specified number of desktop computers, laptops, and network servers, as long as no more than the specified number of users can concurrently access the software. C Point is a company registered under the Australian corporations law and operating in Adelaide, Australia. The program complies with the Australian law and to the best of our knowledge does not infringe on any patents or licenses. When you order any of the C Point products, you are purchasing them from Australia. If you are ordering from outside Australia, it is your responsibility to check your country's laws first: legislation varies greatly around the world and C Point cannot be held responsible for any import taxes or if you are in any way breaking the law by bringing this product into your country. This product contains significant amount of documentation. In some countries, among other things it is possible to patent phrases of English language, algorithms and mathematical formulae. For example, English phrases "please explai*" (last letter intentionally left out as to not to infringe on an existing patent) or "hey, it could happe*" (last letter intentionally left out as to not to infringe on an existing patent) or "changing the face of the worl*" (last letter intentionally left out as to not to infringe on an existing patent) are all patented and available only for non-commercial use. C Point products are commercial products and comply with the Australian law. It is your responsibility to make sure that by making a purchase you are not violating any laws in your country. Copyright 2009 C Point Pty Ltd Antechinus is the registered tragemark of C Point Pty Ltd Developed by: C Point Innovation House, Technology Park Mawson Lakes 5095, Adelaide, Australia Web: Email: [email protected]