Analog 5.03

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類比是類比、數位或混合、線性和非線性電子電路的模擬軟體。它包括架構捕獲、模擬器、用於編輯結果的模組(時域、Fourier 域)和用於最佳化電路的模組。模擬器使用符號計算技術求解電路方程系統。根據原則,此解析度執行準確,沒有任何反覆運算,也沒有任何數值舍入生成錯誤。它的主要功能如下:分層和圖形架構捕獲。類比、線性和非線性分量。非線性電容器和電感器、溫度依賴電阻器、磁芯電感器和帶遲信號的變壓器、巴特沃斯、貝塞爾、切比切夫和傳奇的延遲線和濾波器的原生型號、不同類型的電流或電壓源、電壓或電流乘數、二極管、雙極、JFET、MOST 和 MESFET 晶體管。門、拖鞋、不同類型的數位刺激和顯示器的原生模型。類比和數位元件庫。線性、非線性、類比、數位和混合模擬。時間域和 Fourier 域中的圖形結果。模擬和離散的 Fourier 變換。諾頓和特維寧等效電路。傳輸功能。靈敏度微積分,蒙特卡羅類比,更差的案例分析。參數優化。上下文相關説明。其主要優點是:數值結果的精確性顯著。無收斂缺陷。無數值積分缺陷。接受所有電路拓撲。沒有通過經驗手段調整的選項。


  • 版本 V5.03 發佈於 2009-09-30



The order constitutes the acceptance by the client of the following conditions: For all the software product distributed by ShareDvt only a right of use is granted. The conditions of this concession are governed by the dispositions of the User licence, which are integral part of the sales Contract and which are given below. The provisions of this user licence are applicable to the free evaluation version. The payments are made by Paypal and justified before sending the key allowing the use of software without any time limitation. In case of dispute the law applicable is the French law and the trade court of Versailles is the sole competent court. Software user licence: This is a legal agreement between you, the end user (either an individual, or a legal entity such as a corporation) and the merchant whose products are distributed by ShareDvt hereafter called the "Software vendor". By installing this software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. Your signature hereon is not required. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, promptly return the software and any accompanying items to the Software vendor, without retaining any copy, for a full refund. I) Grant of licence This agreement permits you to use one copy of the specified version of the software you purchased ("Software") on a single computer. Once you have run that portion of the Software on your computer, you may use the Software on a different computer only if you first delete the files installed on the first computer. You may not copy the Software from your computer to a computer hard disk or other permanent electronic storage device, except as occurs when you run the set-up program. II) Copyright The Software, including any images and text incorporated in the Software or in the associated documentation, is owned by the Software vendor and is protected by the French copyright laws and international treaties. You may make one copy of the Software, prior to any set-up, solely for backup or archival purposes, or transfer the Software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. III) Other restrictions You may not rent or lease, assign sub-licence or otherwise convey the Software or transfer your rights to use the Software to anyone. You may not reverse engineer, de-compile, or disassemble the Software. You are granted a licence of a product as a whole. You may not separate the components after set-up, to run them on several computers. IV) Limited warranty The Software vendor warrants that the software disks are free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for ninety (90) days from the date you receive them. This warranty is limited to you and is not transferable. Some jurisdictions do not allow limits on the duration of an implied warranty, so this limitation may not apply to you. The entire liability of the Software vendor and your exclusive remedy, shall be the replacement of any disk that does not meet this warranty. Provided the Software vendor would not be able to replace defective items you will be returned the price paid. To get the replacement of any defective item you must send it back to the Software vendor with the copy of the sales receipt at your cost and risk. The Software vendor does not warrant that the functions of the Software will meet your requirements or that operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. The Software vendor disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchandability and fitness for a particular purpose for the Software and all accompanying materials. In no events shall the Software vendor be liable for any damages whatsoever. Such damages include, without limitations, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, or other pecuniary loss, arising out of use or inability to use the Software. Because some jurisdictions do not allow an exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.