Altsoft Xml2PDF Workstation 2007 1.2.21

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Altsoft Xml2PDF 是基於 Microsoft .NET 的伺服器和桌面產品系列,用於發佈各種 XML 文件,如 XSL-FO、SVG、XHTML 或 HTML、微軟 Word(WordML 2003、DocX 或 Word 2007 Xml),用於列印現成的輸出格式,包括 PDF、PS、XPS 和柵格圖形(TIFF GIF、JPEG、PNG、WMF)。 支援合併多個文件、壓縮、文檔加密、交互性、字體嵌入和子設置、進階顏色管理和許多其他功能。 Xml2PDF 的極致一致性和性能使 Xml2PDF 成為自動格式化和發佈各種業務文檔類型(如報表、信件、發票、目錄、摺頁冊、應用程式、銀行對帳單、醫療卡、時程表、地圖和許多其他類型)的理想解決方案。 Altsoft Xml2PDF 工作站 2007 是一個免費WARE使用者-freandly桌面應用程式,用於將XSL-FO(或XSL+XSLT)、SVG、XHTML和Word(WordML 2003、DocX、Word 2007 Xml)等XML類型檔轉換為列印就緒的PDF、XPS、PS或TIFF。需要 .NET 框架 1.1 或 2.0。Altsoft Xml2PDF 工作站 2007 基於 Xml2PDF Server 2007 格式設置引擎,為個人計算機的桌面帶來了功能。


  • 版本 1.2.21 發佈於 2007-07-22



This Website contains certain downloadable software that does not require payment of any license fee. The copyright owner and Licensor or the software that you download through this site is indicated in the accompanying read-me file and in the area of this Website from which the software is downloaded. This Freeware License is a binding legal agreement between the individual who downloads the software (hereinafter "You") and the Licensor. THIS SOFTWARE IS COPYRIGHTED AND THE OWNER OF THE COPYRIGHT CLAIMS ALL EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO SUCH SOFTWARE, EXCEPT AS LICENSED TO USERS HEREUNDER AND SUBJECT TO STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS FREEWARE LICENSE. Even though a license fee is not paid for use of such Freeware, it does not mean that there are not conditions for using the Freeware. As a condition for granting you a license to use Freeware products that are available through the official Altsoft site (, you agree to all of the following terms and conditions. You are deemed to have read, understood, and have accepted all such terms and conditions upon executing a download of any Freeware program. If you fail to abide by any of the terms and conditions set forth herein, your license to use such Freeware shall be immediately and automatically revoked, without any notice or other action by the Copyright Owner. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Background 1. You are granted a non-exclusive license to use the Downloaded Software subject to your compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this Freeware License. 2. You are to use the software on a single computer that you own, lease or control. Only one backup copy of the software shall be made for your own use to replace the primary copy in the event of hard-drive failure or other unavailability of the primary copy. The backup copy shall retain all copyright notices. 3. You are only granted a license for the softcopy, object code portion of the software. You wont be able to modify, enhance, reverse engineer or otherwise alter the software from its current state. 4. The software shall not be used for multiple users or on a local area network without a consent of the Licensor in writing. 5. The software shall not be distributed, recopied, published, assigned, sold, bargained, conveyed, transferred, pledged, leased or granted any further rights to use. 6. The software shall not be the subject to any proprietary rights. You acknowledge and agree that the Licensor retains all copyrights and other proprietary rights in and to the software. 7. Your license to use the software shall be revocable by the Licensor upon you in writing. This license shall be automatically terminated upon your violation of the terms hereof or upon your use of the software beyond the scope of the license provided herein. 8. Using the software within the scope of this license is free of charge. Using the software beyond the scope of this license shall constitute the copyright infringement that is sued according to the law. 9. This license shall be effective and bind you upon your downloading of the software. 10. You accept the software on an "AS IS" and with all faults basis. No representations and warranties are made to you regarding any aspect of the software. 11. THE LICENSOR HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, RELATIVE TO THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. LICENSOR IS NOT LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INJURIES OR LIABILITIES CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. 12. This Freeware License shall be interpreted under the laws of the Czech Republic. You agree that all controversies pertaining to the software and/or this Freeware Agreement shall be brought in the courts of Prague. You hereby submit to the jurisdictions of the court. 13. Licensor's failure to enforce any rights hereunder or its copyright in the software shall not be construed as amending this agreement or waiving any of Licensor's rights hereunder or under any provision of a state of the federal law. 2008, Altsoft, s.r.o. All rights reserved. Altsoft Privacy Policy.