AltDesk 1.9.1

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‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎6 ‎評分

現代計算機的電源足以讓您同時運行大量應用程式。你可以同時上網、聽音樂和與朋友聊天,但是你啟動的任務越多,就越難管理它們。這一點,你可能會開始考慮得到第二個顯示器。AltDesk 為您提供了更好的選擇。它創建幾個虛擬桌面,您可以輕鬆地切換。從辦公室應用程式切換到您最喜愛的 Internet 瀏覽器可以一眨眼即可完成,而無需最大化和最小化手動存取多個視窗或透過 Taskbar 切換它們。借助 AltDesk,您可以創建盡可能多的虛擬桌面,並輕鬆切換它們。您甚至不需要記住,在 AltDesk 顯示某個應用程式的視窗時,您將某個應用程式的視窗放在了哪裡。您還可以使用拖放輕鬆地在桌面之間交換任務。 AltDesk 功能的簡要清單包括: * 輕鬆的任務管理 * 簡單、使用者友好的界面,翻譯成40多種語言 * 資源消耗少 * 任何操作的熱鍵 * 用於更改程式外觀的皮膚 * 可靠性:即使在發生故障的情況下,你也能恢復丟失的應用程式的視窗。 *許多先進的功能,如設置獨特的壁紙,每個虛擬桌面,粘性應用程式,自動運行等。 我們為自己製作了 AltDesk,我們盡了最大的努力將其轉變為世界上最好的虛擬桌面管理器。我們是第一個給 Windows 用戶帶來他們錯過的許多功能的人。現在,許多競爭產品只是克隆了AltDesk:這不是它的優勢證明嗎? 此版本的 AltDesk 在速度、穩定性和性能上有了更大的改進。 可用性,我們相信你不會失望。



NOTE TO USERS: CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LEGAL AGREEMENT. USE OF THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT (THE "SOFTWARE") CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL AND/OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. USER'S USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE OF USER WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. 1. LICENSE GRANT. Oleg Bulychov and Nick Egorov (Gladiators Software) grants you a license to use one copy of this SOFTWARE on any one system for as many licenses as you purchase. "You" means the company, entity or individual whose funds are used to pay the license fee. "Use" means storage, loading, installing, executing or displaying the SOFTWARE. You may not modify the SOFTWARE or disable any licensing or control features of the SOFTWARE except as an intended part of the SOFTWARE's programming features. When you first obtain a copy of the SOFTWARE, you are granted a program with some limitations. To release those limitations you must pay for the SOFTWARE according to the terms and prices determined in the SOFTWARE's documentation. This license is not transferrable to any other system, or to another organization or individual. You are expected to use the SOFTWARE on your system and to evaluate thoroughly its usefulness and functionality before making a purchase. This "try before you buy" approach is the ultimate guarantee that the SOFTWARE will meet your requirements; therefore, you understand and agree that there is no refund policy for any purchase of the SOFTWARE. If you accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement, you have certain rights and obligations as follow: YOU MAY: - Install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer. - Install a second copy of the SOFTWARE on a second computer only if you are the main user of this computer (laptop for example). - Create one copy of SOFTWARE for backup purposes only. By purchasing this SOFTWARE you obtain a right to get all of its future versions and updates free of charge. YOU MAY NOT: - Sublicense, rent or give this SOFTWARE for temporary use without a written permission of GS. - Change algorithm, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate or make attempts to reveal this SOFTWARE source code. - Make this SOFTWARE a basis for your own creations or software. - Take payment for distribution of this SOFTWARE. - Include this SOFTWARE into any other software products. - Use this SOFTWARE on more than one computers. - Give your license key to another person. - Upload or transmit the SOFTWARE, or any portion thereof, to any electronic bulletin board, network, or other type of multi-use computer system regardless. 2. OWNERSHIP. The SOFTWARE is owned and copyrighted by Gladiators Software. Your license confers no title or ownership in the SOFTWARE and should not be construed as a sale of any right in the SOFTWARE. 3. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE is protected by the Russian Federation Copyright Law and international treaty provisions. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the SOFTWARE is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the SOFTWARE will remain the exclusive property of Gladiators Software and you will not acquire any rights to the SOFTWARE except as expressly set forth in this license. You agree that any copies of the SOFTWARE will contain the same proprietary notices which appear on and in the SOFTWARE. 4. SKIN COPYRIGHT. All graphics are considered the property of the Skin Author. Gladiators Software does not assume any ownership of user submitted materials. All media contained within AltDesk Skins are copyright the respective Skin Author. Any unauthorised use is forbidden without the express consent ot the Skin Author. 5. REVERSE ENGINEERING. You agree that you will not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate, or disassemble the SOFTWARE in whole or in part. 6. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. GLADIATORS SOFTWARE DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE IS ERROR FREE. GLADIATORS SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER W ARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY MAY LAST, OR THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS AND YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH VARY FROM JURISDICTION TO JURISDICTION. 7. SEVERABILITY. In the event of invalidity of any provision of this license, the parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this license. 8. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL GLADIATORS SOFTWARE OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF THE DELIVERY, PERFORMANCE OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF GLADIATORS SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL GLADIATORS SOFTWARE'S LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY, EXCEED THE LICENSE FEE PAID BY YOU, IF ANY. 9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This is the entire agreement between you and Gladiators Software which supersedes any prior agreement or understanding, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this license. Copyright 1999-2009 Gladiators Software