AiS Conception & Contraception Calendar 3.3

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 806.64 KB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分



  • 版本 3.3 發佈於 1970-01-01



AiS Conception & Contraception Calendar - calendar for adult Version 3.2 License Agreement ------------------------------------- AiS C&C Calendar is "try and buy" software which means that you can use it legally for 40 days to evaluate it. If during, or at the end of, that period you decide that you would like to continue using it, please register your copy. Your single-user registration will license you to use your copy of AiS C&C Calendar, will support work on future versions, new features, and bug fixes, and will provide you with technical support via e-mail. AiS C&C Calendar may be freely distributed subject to, but not limited to, the following terms: AiS C&C Calendar may not be sold or resold, distributed as a part of any commercial package, used in a commercial environment, used or distributed in support of a commercial service, or used or distributed to support any kind of profit-generating activity, even if it is being distributed freely. If you would like to distribute AiS C&C Calendar as part of a shareware distribution, magazine, Internet book, CD ROM, etc. contact us for written permission. The integrity of the original AiS C&C Calendar distribution file as distributed by author is essential. AiS C&C Calendar and all of its related files must be distributed together in the original format. The AiS C&C Calendar distribution file may not have files added to it or removed from it, and none of its contents may be modified, decompiled, or reverse engineered. AiS C&C Calendar IS PROVIDED AS IS without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall author be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages, even if author have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Copyright 2000-2002 AtomInterSoft, All Rights Reserved. e-mail: [email protected]