Windows 的免費硬體監視器,您可以在桌面或超頻 GPU 中查看 CPU/GPU/MB/HDD/RAM 狀態,AgaueEye 還支援熱門遊戲的遊戲內疊加,因此您可以監視遊戲中的硬體狀態(現在支援超過 3000 個遊戲),然後檢查性能。 支援流行的圖形引擎(DirectX 8,9,10,11,12 和 OpenGL) 什麼是阿蓋爾耶? AgaueEye 是一個硬體監視器,具有 Windows 的遊戲內疊加工具,使用 AgaueEye,您可以監視硬體,如 CPU/GPU/MB/HDD/RAM 狀態,並在玩遊戲時顯示疊加,AgaueEye 還記錄狀態以進行後期分析。 關於硬體監視器 AgaueEye 提供完整的娛樂硬體蒙太奧,包括 CPU/GPU/MB/DRAM 等,在桌面中,您可以快速檢查 CPU/GPU 狀態。當您玩遊戲時,AgaueEye 遊戲內疊加將顯示硬體資訊,並且所有硬體狀態都將被記錄,您可以稍後進行分析。 關於遊戲中的疊加 遊戲中的疊加將顯示在你的遊戲中, AgaueEye 提供現代介面覆蓋, 包括圖形介面與幀速率, 你可以看到非常詳細的遊戲性能
The product is protected by Federal Copyright Law. X Optiray retains the title to and ownership of the Product. You are licensed to use this Product on the following terms and conditions: LICENSE - The licensee is defined as the individual or company utilizing the Software Product. X Optiray hereby grants the licensee a nonexclusive license authorizing the licensee to use the enclosed Product on one computer at a time. The licensee is also permitted to distribute this product to one. Please contact X Optiray if you require additional licenses. Use of this product by more than one individual or by anyone other than the licensee terminates, without notification, this license and the right to use this product. YOU MAY NOT: Distribute, rent, sub-license or otherwise make available to others the software or documentation or copies thereof, except as expressly permitted in this License without prior written consent from X Optiray. In the case of an authorized transfer, the transferee must agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. RESTRICTIONS: - You may use this Product in your business as long as: You may not remove any proprietary notices, labels, trademarks on the software or documentation. You may not modify, de-compile, disassemble, reverse engineer or translate the software. US GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS - Use, duplication or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set forth under DFARS 252.227-7013 or in FARS 52.227-19 Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights. TERM - You may terminate your License and this Agreement at anytime by destroying all copies of the Product and Product Documentation. They will also terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any term or condition in this Agreement. LIMITED WARRANTY - This software and documentation are sold 'as is' without any warranty as to their performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The licensee assumes the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software