Advanced Time Reports Professional 8.3.145

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高級時間報告專業版是一個直觀的時間跟蹤和專案管理解決方案,通過更好地管理您的所有專案、客戶和工作時間,説明您增加計費時間。被全球專業人士和面向專案的企業用於執行基本功能,如時程表報告和專案管理。 高級時間報告專業版是一個小團隊多使用者版本,具有高級功能、篩檢器和報告,可相互比較專業人員、部門、客戶和專案。 通過防止小時滑點和加快客戶的項目報告,從而更快地獲得報酬,從而增加您的利潤。通過記錄專案和任務並自動將它們分配給正確的用戶端,更高效地管理您的時間。保留項目歷史記錄,以便可以隨時檢索。創建詳細的項目報告,以便將計畫與初始項目估計進行比較。 立即下載全功能 30 天高級時間報告專業版試用版,使您的項目可預測且透明,您的團隊更有利可圖!把時間控制回去! 我們現在提供 8 超級獎金價值超過 $2,931.98 與每次 ATR 購買!: 獎金#1:專案管理指南; 獎金#2:時間管理書; 獎勵#3:專案管理流程基本範本庫; 特別#4:用於 IT 專案管理和規劃的快速工具; 特別獎金#5:軟體專案管理範本庫; 特別#6:敏捷框架的範本,清單,模式,和其他工具,提供從軟體開發的痛苦緩解; 特別獎金#7:軟體專案估算軟體; 和一個非常特別#8: 巨型音訊庫 - 超過 117 小時易於理解的行銷, 廣告和銷售智慧, 以及 PDF 格式的完整成績單



XPRESS SOFTWARE, INC. SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT NOTICE TO USER: BY INSTALLING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU ACCEPT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS ("AGREEMENT") SHALL GOVERN YOUR INSTALLATION AND USE OF THE ACCOMPANYING SOFTWARE PROGRAM AND RELATED EXPLANATORY MATERIALS (THE "PROGRAMS"). AT THE END OF THIS AGREEMENT YOU WILL BE ASKED TO ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT AND CONTINUE TO INSTALL THE PROGRAMS. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT YOU MAY NOT INSTALL THE PROGRAMS. UPON YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT, XPRESS SOFTWARE GRANTS YOU A LIMITED, NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE TO USE THE PROGRAMS AS FOLLOWS: 1. USE OF PROGRAMS. You may install and use the Programs (and accompanying documentation) internally in your organization solely for evaluation and testing purposes on a single computer system. You may not use the Programs for any development, commercial or production purpose. The Programs may not be transferred, sold, assigned, sublicensed or otherwise conveyed (whether by operation of law or otherwise) to another party without Xpress Software's prior written consent. 2. COPY RESTRICTIONS AND OTHER RESTRICTIONS. You may not copy the Programs except that you may either install the Programs on your hard disk or make one copy for inactive back-up and archival purposes for your own use. Except as expressly permitted in the Documentation, you may not modify or adapt the Programs in whole or in part (including but not limited to translating or creating derivative works) or reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Programs (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction). You may not use the Programs for timesharing, rental or service bureau purposes. You shall not remove any copyright notices or other proprietary notices from the Programs or Documentation and you must reproduce such notices on all copies or extracts of the Programs and Documentation. Results of benchmark or other performance tests run on the Programs may not be disclosed to any third party without Xpress Software's prior written consent. 3. COPYRIGHT AND OWNERSHIP. The Programs are owned by Xpress Software, its subsidiaries or their suppliers and are protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You acquire only the non-exclusive right to use the Programs as permitted herein and do not acquire any rights of ownership in the Programs or any other implied rights or licenses under any intellectual property rights of Xpress Software. 4. SUPPORT. These Programs are provided on an "as is" basis and are unsupported. This Agreement does not entitle you to any maintenance or other services or any updates or new versions of the Programs. 5. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Programs are Commercial Computer Software. Use, duplication and disclosure of the Programs and Documentation by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in this license or in a written agreement specifying the Government's right to use the Programs. Xpress Software reserves all unpublished rights under copyright laws. 6. TERMINATION. If you are installing an evaluation version of the Programs, your license to use the Programs will automatically terminate as of the date ninety (90) days after your installation of the Programs. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTAND THAT THE PROGRAMS MAY CONTAIN A DEVICE WHICH SHALL CAUSE THEM NOT TO OPERATE AFTER SUCH NINETY (90) DAY PERIOD. This license will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any term thereof. In addition, Xpress Software may immediately terminate this Agreement on notice to you. You may also terminate this Agreement at any time by notifying Xpress Software of termination in writing. Upon termination, you shall cease using the Programs and shall destroy all copies of the Programs (and associated Documentation) in any form. All disclaimers of warranties, limitations of liability and your obligation to pay accrued charges and fees shall survive any termination of this Agreement. 7. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. The Programs are provided AS IS, without any warranty whatsoever. XPRESS SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABLE QUALITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 8. LIMITATION ON LIABILITY. NEITHER XPRESS SOFTWARE, ITS SUBSIDIARIES NOR ANY OF ITS LICENSORS SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE HEREUNDER, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY INACCURACY OF DATA, LOSS OF PROFITS OR INDIRECT, DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 9. EXPORT. You agree to fully comply with all laws and regulations of Canada, the United States and other countries ("Export Laws") to assure that neither the Programs or any direct products thereof are (1) exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of Export Laws, or (2) are used for any purpose prohibited by Export Laws, including, without limitation, nuclear, chemical or biological weapons production. 10. GOVERNING LAW; COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties with respect to the Programs and is governed by the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada (other than its conflict of law provisions). If any part of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of this Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. 11. CONFIDENTIALITY The Software contains trade secrets and proprietary know-how that belong to Xpress Software and it is being made available to you in strict confidence. ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OF THE SOFTWARE, OR OF ITS ALGORITHMS, PROTOCOLS OR INTERFACES, OTHER THAN IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, MAY BE ACTIONABLE AS A VIOLATION OF OUR TRADE SECRET RIGHTS.