AdminToys 套件是用於遠端管理 Windows 伺服器和工作站的管理實用程式的集合。AdminToys 套件附帶 19 個網路工具,可説明您在日常管理任務中節省時間:遠端效能專家、遠端程序管理員、遠端系統管理員、資料儲存資訊、遠端磁碟配額管理員、遠端註冊表管理器、遠端守護程序管理員、遠端事件日誌管理器、遠端 IP 配置、遠端控制台、批次處理時鐘同步、批次處理遠端電源關閉、批次處理喚醒 LAN、批次遠端重新啟動、批次處理遠端登出、批次處理命令執行、批次處理服務控制、批次處理報告產生器。AdminToys 套件模組允許您將結果轉印到 TXT 或 CSV 檔案,或創建可列印的 HTML 報表。免費30天試駕!在決定購買管理玩具套件之前,請嘗試它。獲得專為您設計的經濟實惠的管理實用程式集合。獲取管理玩具套件。
- 版本 1.8.1800 發佈於 2013-05-21
多語種支援(目前是英文和德語) - 版本 1.3 發佈於 2008-10-21
能夠將企業網路中的計算機用於硬體配置、添加 CPU 歷史記錄和進程跟蹤歷史記錄,並稍作改進
- 軟體分類: 網路與互聯網 > 網路監控
- 發佈者: Lovelysoft
- 軟體性質: 免費試用
- 價格: $149.00
- 版本: 1.8.1800
- 作業系統: windows
Read this License Agreement carefully before using this Software. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, DO NOT USE THIS SOFTWARE IN ANY WAY, AND PROMPTLY RETURN IT OR DELETE ANY COPIES OF THIS SOFTWARE IN YOUR POSSESSION. LICENSE FOR USE AND DISTRIBUTION AdminToys Suite is distributed as "try-before-you-buy". This means: * All copyrights to AdminToys Suite are exclusively owned by the author - Lovelysoft. * Anyone may use this Software during an evaluation period of not more than thirty (30) days. * After the expiration of 30 days of trial time or earlier, you must do one of the following: * Either purchase a license key for AdminToys Suite or * Stop using the Software, uninstall and delete it from your computer. * Lovelysoft grants you the following rights: * Individual Use. You may purchase and install the Software as an individual on any single computer, or also on multiple computers (i.e. office computer, home computer, or portable computer), provided the Software is installed on these additional computers for your exclusive use. If anyone else will be using the software on these additional computers, then you must also acquire a license for each additional individual using the Software. * Network/Storage Use. You may install the Software on a storage device or shared environment, such as a network server, however you must acquire a license for each individual using the Software. The Software may be used on different computers to the extent that the number of users does not exceed the specific number of licenses purchased. If the Software is installed on a network/shared environment, you agree to provide technical or procedural methods to prevent the use of the Software by a greater number of individuals than specifically licensed. * Transfer. The licensed AdminToys Suite software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this Agreement. * You may freely distribute copies of the evaluation version (i.e. Trial Version) of the Software. You may assume you have our authority to distribute the evaluation, unless we explicitly tell you otherwise. It must, however remain in its original, unmodified state, and all its constituent files must be included. No one may charge for the evaluation product itself, although a reasonable fee for the media used and copying costs is allowable. You may not distribute your license key in any manner. * ADMINTOYS SUITE IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE ADMINTOYS SUITE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. * You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this Agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by Lovelysoft. * Installing and using AdminToys Suite signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. * If you don't agree with terms of this Agreement you must remove AdminToys Suite files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. * Without prejudice to any other rights, Lovelysoft may terminate this license if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Software and all of its component parts.