Adebis Photo Editor 1.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 3.11 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

無論你是誰 - 專業攝影師或業餘相機擁有者 - 機會很高,你面臨有缺陷的,嘈雜或無色的圖像,呼籲糾正和增強的問題。您可以使用許多工具一個個地消除圖像缺陷,以達到令人滿意的結果。或者,您也可以嘗試一個一對一的應用程式,該應用程式將針對照片中有問題的區域。如果你認為這是一個更好的主意,你絕對應該看看阿德比斯照片編輯器 - 在照片增強領域的所有交易的千斤頂! Adebis 照片編輯器的作者有一個簡單、易於使用和直觀的應用程式的概念,並在這方面做了一件非常出色的工作。Adebis 照片編輯器使您能夠對照片進行色彩校正(色彩平衡和飽和度)、正確的照明問題(展示、亮度、對比度)、去除紅眼效果、消除鏡頭缺陷等造成的圖像失真。消除影像缺陷后,您可以使用內置的調整大小和裁剪工具根據您的需要調整照片。該軟體還具有許多效果和濾鏡:轉換為黑白,棕褐色效果,銳度,亮度的自動更正,對比度和色彩平衡,抑制在明亮的背景上拍攝物體時發生的"暗剪影"效果,最後,對JPEG偽影進行抑制。 Adebis 照片編輯器的直觀介面使用戶能夠即時預覽應用的更改,從而完全控制編輯過程,並一個又一個訪問應用程式的所有功能,從而大大簡化了經驗不足的攝影師的過程。 阿德比斯照片編輯器是一個整合的一體化工具。面向廣大受眾,它將滿足新手和專業人士的需求,並在他們的軟體收藏中佔有當之無愧的位置!


  • 版本 1.0 發佈於 2008-08-02



ADEBIS PHOTO EDITOR END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT NOTICE TO USERS: Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove this software from your storage devices and cease to use the product. 1. ADEBIS SOFTWARE WILL: Provide you with the Adebis Photo Editor computer program (hereafter called the "Program"), which may also have "online" or electronic documentation, this license agreement (hereafter called the "License"), and other printed materials (together called the "Product"). Adebis Software grants you a license to use the Product in accordance with the terms of this agreement. The copyright and all other rights to the Product will remain with us. 2. YOU MAY: a. Install and use one registered copy of the Product only on a single computer. This copy is to be used exclusively by a single user at a time. You will need to purchase a new license for each additional computer or user. If you want to install and use the copy in the network (on computer file server) you need to purchase an additional license for all computers with access to this Product. The Site license allows you install and use the Product on any number of computers at one company location, and within a radius of 100 miles from this location. b. Install one additional copy of the Product on your portable computer, but for your individual use only. 3. YOU MAY NOT: a. Use the Product except as permitted in this License. b. Translate, reverse engineer, recompile, or disassemble the Product except to the extent the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. c. Rent, lease, assign, or transfer the Product. d. License, sublicense or make the Product available on a service bureau or time-sharing basis. e. Modify the Product or merge all or any part of the Product with another program. f. Use the previous versions of the Product: after the update all copies of the previous versions must be destroyed. 4. TERM: This License will continue as long as you use the Product. However, it will terminate if you fail to comply with any of its terms or conditions. You must agree, upon termination, to destroy all copies of the Product. 5. DISCLAIMER: THIS PRODUCT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL ADEBIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LICENSE, UNDERSTAND IT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. 6. DISTRIBUTION: This Product may be distributed freely in its original unmodified and unregistered form. The distribution has to include all files of its original distribution. Distributors may not charge any money for it. Anyone distributing this Product for any kind of remuneration must first contact us for authorization. 7. GENERAL: This License is the entire agreement between us, superseding any other agreement or discussions, oral or written, and may not be changed except by a signed agreement. Thank you for using Adebis Photo Editor. (c) Copyright 2008 Adebis Software. All rights reserved.