Addraman Address Manager 3.00

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 1.24 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.6/5 - ‎12 ‎評分

這是一個功能齊全的通訊簿應用程式,您可以在其中存儲工作,家庭地址和電話號碼的朋友,同事和業務聯繫人等。 您可以在通訊錄中每個條目上存儲姓氏、名字、家庭位址和工作位址以及廣泛的免費文本註釋。 它還存儲家庭、工作、分機、移動和傳真機的電話號碼。 簡單的導航工具可讓您快速輕鬆地找到您所尋求的任何位址,靈活的搜索工具意味著您可以查找位址,只記住有關聯繫人的最小資訊量。 一系列位址可以匯出到 html 網頁進行列印,並且應用程式具有完全上下文相關的説明。


  • 版本 3.00 發佈於 2010-10-12
    在 .NET 中為 Windows 7/Vista 重新編寫,無需電話撥號器功能。
  • 版本 2.00 發佈於 2002-08-16
    現在 32 位迎合 Windows XP



YOU SHOULD READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE. USING THIS SOFTWARE INDICATES THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LICENSE AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. COPYRIGHT This software program (hereafter the "Software") and documentation (hereafter the "Documentation") is copyrighted and remains the property of Correllan I.T. Solutions Ltd. All rights are reserved. LICENSE Correllan I.T. Solutions Ltd hereby grants you (hereafter the "Purchaser") a limited, non-exclusive license to use the Software and accompanying Documentation contained in the Addraman Address Manager package (hereafter the "Shareware Package") you received. The Shareware Package consists of copies of the Software and Documentation received via an electronic transfer mechanism or an electronic storage medium including, but not limited to, usb pen drive, hard disk, removable disk, tape or optical devices such as CD-ROM. You may use the Shareware Package on one or more computers provided there is no chance that it will be used simultaneously on more than one computer. You are not obtaining title to the Software or Documentation or any copyright rights. You may not sublicense, lease, rent, sell, convey, translate, modify, decompile, incorporate into another product, convert to another programming language, reverse engineer or disassemble the Software or Documentation for any purpose. TERM AND TRIAL PERIOD You are permitted to use the Shareware Package for a trial period (hereafter the "Trial Period") of thirty (30) days after receipt of the Shareware Package. After such time, if you continue to use the Shareware Package, you must register your copy with Correllan I.T. Solutions Ltd. Failure to register after the Trial Period constitutes termination of this license. Upon registration, a password (hereafter called the "Password") will be provided to eliminate the registration reminder screens. This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it by destroying the Software, Documentation, and all copies thereof. This license will also terminate if you fail to comply with any of the terms or conditions herein. You agree, upon such termination, to destroy all Software, Documentation, and copies thereof. LIMITED WARRANTY THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. CORRELLAN I.T. SOLUTIONS LTD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY IN NO EVENT SHALL CORRELLAN I.T. SOLUTIONS LTD OR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE EVEN IF CORRELLAN I.T. SOLUTIONS LTD HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. DISTRIBUTION You are free to distribute the unregistered shareware version of this software via any online service, any BBS, the Internet (FTP & WWW), friends, user groups etc. as long as the VENDOR.DOC, FILE_ID.DIZ and SETUP.EXE files are present and unmodified.