ABCPix 2.13.1

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 3.31 MB
‎使用者評分: 2.5/5 - ‎2 ‎評分

ABCPix 是一個易於使用的工具,用於查看、瀏覽和管理圖像和視頻。您可以輕鬆地從視頻獲取圖片,並剪切圖像和視頻中的區域。它也可以像一個簡單的螢幕保護程式一樣使用,顯示您的圖像。30 種支援的檔案格式,如 JPEG/JPG、GIF、BMP、ICO、WMF、AVI、MPEG、WindowsMedia、RealMedia、QuickTime 等。 ABCPix的一些功能: - 易於使用的介面 - 資料夾中所有影像和視頻的縮略圖預覽 - 圖片拍攝從視頻 - 圖像捕獲在剪貼簿 - 縮放和適合視窗功能 - 檔列印,複製,移動,重命名,刪除 -桌面壁紙命令 - 自動圖像/視頻變化與使用者定時迴圈 - 拖放支援 - 廣泛的鍵盤快捷鍵。在線説明。語言:英語/義大利語。


  • 版本 2.13.1 發佈於 2003-12-12



You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Unless you have a different license agreement signed by the Author, your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. Evaluation and Registration --------------------------- This is not free software. Subject to the terms below, you are hereby licensed to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee is required. Payments must be sent as specified by the Software seller via Credit Card ordering or otherwise (as described on the official site When payment is received you will be sent a Registration Key to be inserted into the Software to convert it to the registered mode, removing every limitation. Unregistered use of ABCPix after the 30-day evaluation period is in violation of international copyright laws. Governing Law ------------- This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Italy. Disclaimer of Warranty ---------------------- THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD ''AS IS'' AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OR MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which MidiRunner may be put, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE.