1Topix 1.0.0

軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 9.55 MB
‎使用者評分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎評分

1TOPIX 是一個免費的資訊聚合器,您可以在其中獲取所有您最有趣的論壇新聞,並與他人共用。如果您是不同 Web 會議、留言板或在線討論的成員,我們的在線論壇閱讀器可以説明您通過帳戶資訊管理節省時間,並通過圖片緩存來節省您的網路流量。作為先進網頁瀏覽器,我們有用的工具為您提供了切換圖像載入模式的機會。添加新資源或只是特定論壇類別后,您感興趣的是您可以下載新帖子,然後閱讀它們。智慧程式精靈將指導您完成資源創建和資訊下載所需的步驟。 在 1TOPIX 程式論壇內容在多個選項卡視圖中執行,使用戶能夠查看以方便的形式組織的資訊。現在 1TOPIX 支援 3 個最流行的論壇引擎:vBulletin、phpBB 和 Invision Power 板。 將手指放在喜愛的主題上,以便獲得您感興趣的最新資訊,1TOPIX 可檢測更新的線程,在查看器頂部顯示這些主題,從而簡化導航。它使您能夠從註冊的幾個論壇保存必要的資訊,並按樹視圖順序排列所有論壇,這與電子郵件代理中實現的資訊完全一樣。 1TOPIX 允許您自定義同步週期,為了方便刷新,也可以手動完成。只需單擊 1TOPIX 程式,即可在連線時自動同步資訊並更新所選類別。 我們的免費論壇聚合器不僅使您能夠離線閱讀主題/消息,還可以創建新的主題/消息並回復下載的郵件。它有一個簡單可靠的編輯器,允許您輕鬆地格式化和發佈您的消息。 通過 1TOPIX 吸收新聞門戶,我們的程式是二位一對一的解決方案:用於閱讀世界熱門新聞,以及與您最喜愛的互聯網社區接觸的最簡單、最有效的方式。



Freeware License Agreement 1Topix Free Forum Aggregator License Agreement 2008 This is the Freeware License Agreement, which applies to 1topix Free Forum Aggregator available for download from 1topix website, unless labeled as something other then freeware. 1topix free forum reader available for download via 1topix website is copyright DMSoft Technologies unless otherwise stated. Copyright law protects this freeware program and any associated material. DMSoft Technologies retains title to and ownership in the copyright of the software program and the associated materials. Freeware License Rights: The application available for download from 1topix website, unless labeled otherwise, is provided as freeware. Freeware products are provided free of charge. Freeware software may be used as many times as you like, for as long as you like. You may copy and distribute copies of this program provided that you keep this copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty intact. You must not charge money or fees for the software product to anyone except to cover distribution costs. The copyright holder reserves the right to reclassify this software as a non-freeware product at a later date (i.e. shareware, licensed royalty software, or public domain). Doing so will not modify the license agreement of previously distributed executables. Warranty: This program is provided “as is” without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. In no event will any copyright holder be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs). Technical Support: Technical support may be provided via e-mail and/or website postings. While every effort is made to provided timely technical support no guarantees whatsoever are implied that technical support will be provided or that technical support, when provided, will be accurate. 1topix free forum aggregator offered on 1topix site is basically unsupported and supplied on an as-is basis unless you have obtained a specific maintenance contract agreement with DMSoft Technologies. Agreement: By using our free program you are automatically agreeing to and show that you have read and understood the terms and conditions contained within this freeware program license agreement. This freeware application license agreement is then effective while you use and continue to make use of our free forum reader program. If you do not agree with this freeware software license agreement you must not use our software product - this license agreement will then not apply to you. This freeware software license agreement is subject to change without notice. Any company names, logos, trademarks and product names mentioned or shown on associated website may be copyright, trademarked or registered trademarked by their respective owners.