1st Page 2006 3.00

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自首次發佈以來,Evrsoft 的五年下載量和 3,000,000 次以上的下載為您帶來了備受期待的 HTML 編輯軟體 2006 第一頁。Evrsoft 2006 第一頁為您提供了使用絕對代碼控制創建和編輯 Web 文件的無與倫比的自由。 最新版本包括數百種新功能和錯誤修復。2006 年第一頁現在包括對 HTML、XHTML、PHP、ASP、冷融合、Javascript、CSS、SSI 和 Perl 的完全支援。 FirstPage 2006 專為專業網路開發而設計。輕鬆、精確地創建、編輯和部署網站。整合的工具使 Web 開發人員能夠快速輕鬆地開發基於標準的 Web 文件。 FP2006 中的新功能 --------------------------------------------------- 使用智能歷史標記洞察 帶智慧歷史的 CSS 洞察 CSS 類支援自動檢測 高級語法突出顯示 標記文件選擇工具 本地/伺服器映射 帶 PHP5、CSS2、HTML4 的代碼樹 雙預覽引擎 在線網站站長工具 使用智慧歷史標記屬性表檢查器 標記自動完成 設計視圖引擎,由微軟提供支援 防侵入即時可視化源渲染引擎 雙編輯系統 一鍵 Html 參考指南 資產管理 廣泛的 Web 語言支援 整潔的 HTML 電動工具(已更新) 文件檢查工具 超過 1,500 個高級 iScript 頁面顏色主題 彈出式製造商豪華 圖像映射器 CSS 樣式表設計器 滾動條設計器 強大的伺服器端包括支援 轉換 "HTML - XHTML"反之亦然 網站樹/鏈接檢查工具 分析文檔/頁面估計工具 可擴展工具列和介面 專為所有對象設計的介面 檔案管理工具 圖像縮略圖 翻轉圖像 互聯網瀏覽器預覽集成 網景 Mozilla 預覽集成 功能強大、增強的 IDE 介面 強大的 FTP 用戶端 擴展查找替換檔中 相簿庫生成器


  • 版本 3.00 發佈於 2006-01-12



EVRSOFT ELECTRONIC END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR FIRST PAGE 2006. NOTICE TO USER: THIS IS A CONTRACT. BY INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE YOU ACCEPT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. This Evrsoft End User License Agreement accompanies the Evrsoft FIRST PAGE product and related explanatory materials ("Software"). The term "Software" also shall include any upgrades, modified versions or updates of the Software licensed to you by Evrsoft. Please read this Agreement carefully. At the end, you will be asked to accept this agreement and continue to install or, if you do not wish to accept this Agreement, to decline this agreement, in which case you will not be able to use the Software. Upon your acceptance of this Agreement, Evrsoft grants to you a nonexclusive license to use the Software, provided that you agree to the following: 1. Use of the Software. You may install the Software on a hard disk or other storage device; install and use the Software on a file server for use on a network for the purposes of (i) permanent installation onto hard disks or other storage devices or (ii) use of the Software over such network; and make backup copies of the Software. You may make and distribute unlimited copies of the Software, as long as each copy that you make and distribute contains this Agreement, the Evrsoft FIRST PAGE installer, and the same copyright and other proprietary notices pertaining to this Software that appear in the Software. If you download the Software from the Internet or similar on-line source, you must include the Evrsoft copyright notice for the Software with any on-line distribution and on any media you distribute that includes the Software. 2. Copyright and Trademark Rights. The Software is owned by Evrsoft and its suppliers, and its structure, organization and code are the valuable trade secrets of Evrsoft and its suppliers. The Software also is protected by Australian Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions. You may use trademarks only insofar as required to comply with Section 1 of this Agreement and to identify printed output produced by the Software, in accordance with accepted trademark practice, including identification of trademark owners name. Such use of any trademark does not give you any rights of ownership in that trademark. Except as stated above, this Agreement does not grant you any intellectual property rights in the Software. 3. Restrictions. You agree not to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software. Although you may customize the installer for the Software as documented on the Evrsoft FIRST PAGE 2006 CD-ROM (e.g., customizing of your own corporate logos and additional plug-in files), you may not otherwise alter or modify the installer program or create a new installer for the Software. 4. No Warranty. The Software is being delivered to you AS IS and Evrsoft makes no warranty as to its use or performance. EVRSOFT AND ITS SUPPLIERS DO NOT AND CANNOT WARRANT THE PERFORMANCE OR RESULTS YOU MAY OBTAIN BY USING THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. EVRSOFT AND ITS SUPPLIERS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO NONINFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL EVRSOFT OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS OR LOST SAVINGS, EVEN IF AN EVRSOFT REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY THIRD PARTY. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or special damages, or the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so the above limitations may not apply to you. 5. Governing Law and General Provisions. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia., excluding the application of its conflicts of law rules. This Agreement will not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded. If any part of this Agreement is found void and unenforceable, it will not affect the validity of the balance of the Agreement, which shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. You agree that the Software will not be shipped, transferred or exported into any country or used in any manner prohibited by any export laws, restrictions or regulations. This Agreement shall automatically terminate upon failure by you to comply with its terms. This Agreement may only be modified in writing signed by an authorized officer of Evrsoft. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of Australia. (c) EVRSOFT Email: General: [email protected] Sales : [email protected] Support : [email protected] On the Web: http://www.evrsoft.com FIRST PAGE HTML Editor, Envision Visual Reality, and the Evrsoft 1stPage "World-Document-Pen" logo are trademarks of Evrsoft. Copyright 1998-2006 Evrsoft. All rights reserved. YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOREGOING AGREEMENT WAS INDICATED DURING INSTALLATION. YOU MAY BEGIN INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE BY PRESSING "YES" IN WHICH YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS SHOWN IN THIS AGREEMENT.