123 Flash Chat Software (Linux) 10.0

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 121.14 MB
‎使用者評分: 3.0/5 - ‎8 ‎評分

網站擁有者遲早會意識到,即時聊天室是提高網站受歡迎程度所需的關鍵要素之一。 123 FlashChat 可以添加一個聊天室的交友網站和社交網路服務,使用者單一登錄。它可以很容易地添加到幾乎所有的網站: Joomla!, phpbb, vbulletin, Skadate 等。 新發佈了一個 HTML5 用戶端,用於跨行動和 PC 工作,並採用專為行動設計的新 UI。 123 Flash Chat 10.0 極大地改進了 UI,增加了皮膚和笑臉,並且它通過舉手、IP 範圍禁止和螢幕清除功能完善了 HTML5 用戶端。 它有字面上每一個功能,你需要在聊天,動態皮膚變化,上傳/攝像頭頭像,視頻特效,頭像,微笑,閃光情緒,語音留言,多個房間,獨立的視頻視窗,臉譜一樣聊天欄,社交連接,視頻會議模式,舉手功能...甚至多個使用者級別,以優化使用者保留和貨幣化,使聊天使用者有顯著的圖示,獨特的使用者名顏色和更高的位置在使用者清單中。 最終使用者和管理員都會發現調整 123 FlashChat 沒有問題,因為它易於使用。123flashchat 跨平臺工作得很好, 如 Windows 、Linux 和 Mac Os 。最近它也可以在 iphone 和 ipad 上運行!還有移動應用程式,用戶可以通過他們的 iPhone 、 iPad 、 iTouch 和 Android 登錄聊天室。 123 FlashChat 以卓越的性能、易用性以及令人印象深刻的功能贏得了全球客戶的信任。難怪現在 123 FlashChat 需求量很大,在 150 多個國家/ 地區被 40 多萬個網站使用。


  • 版本 10.0 發佈於 2013-11-01
    123 快閃記憶體聊天 V10.0 顯著增強用戶體驗
  • 版本 7.2 發佈於 2009-05-19
    iPhone 聊天,可集成到 123LiveHelp,分離影片和音訊聊天,流量統計,從右到左輸入,增強的 Html/Ajax 聊天和 IM 邀請模組



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT -=123 FLASH CHAT SERVER SOFTWARE=- Version 10.0 Nov 2013 http://www.123flashchat.com Copyright(c) 2001-2013 TOPCMM Software Limited All Rights Reserved. ========================================================================= IMPORTANT - 123FLASHCHAT END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND 123FLASHCHAT. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING 123FLASHCHAT. The act of installing and using this software indicates your acceptance of the following License Agreement. 123FLASHCHAT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. 123FLASHCHAT is limited to the present license of 123FLASHCHAT you purchase. You can upgrade to a new license to support more connections later by making up the price difference. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE > > NON-REGISTERED USERS Non-registered users are granted a trial edition to evaluate 123FLASHCHAT. The unregistered version is intended for evaluation only and may not be used for commercial purposes. 123FLASHCHAT is not a freeware. Subject to the terms below, you are hereby allowed to use this trial edition for evaluation purpose without being charged, with a 10 connection limit. If you find this SOFTWARE useful and want to use it without the restrictions of 10 connection limit, you must make a registration payment. When payment is received you will receive your own full license key via email. > > REGISTERED USERS After payment of license, the AUTHORS (TOPCMM) grant you the right to use one license of 123FLASHCHAT at any time. You may only make copies of 123FLASHCHAT for backup and archival purposes. Prohibit causing or permitting the reverse engineering, disassembly or de-compilation of the Products. Prohibit use of 123FLASHCHAT in excess of the total connection limit, domains, chat servers, physical servers and other limits as defined in the purchased license. The license is bound with the one exclusive domain, the one exclusive IP for one company, and can't be resold or rent to other domains, neither as extra chat group nor as chat room/channel. The license you have purchased has a concurrent users limit, an 100 user license means there can be 100 users simultaneously in all your chat rooms. A unique license key will be issued for one domain name. Therefore, the license is not only on a per server basis, but also on a per domain basis. The license information can be found in the "about" panel or in the admin panel-> License panel in the full version. (1) Multiple Domains If multiple domains need to share one license on one chat server, it costs an extra $100 setup fee to add each domain name to the access list from the second domain name. Unless multiple domain names direct to the same website, then TOPCMM can add them without extra charge. (2) Domain Change It's okay to change the domain name occasionally, write to [email protected] to request and the change will be arranged, a $50 service fee will be required. Once the binding between the new domain and the chat license is accomplished, the old domain won't be able to use the chat license any more. Frequent change of domain binding will involve extra charge, $100 per hour. And the domain change service will also be subject to the upgrade and tech support subscription period mentioned in the following item 5. You agree that TOPCMM may audit your use of 123FLASHCHAT for compliance with these terms at any time, upon reasonable intention. The AUTHORS reserve all rights not expressly granted. 2. COPYRIGHT 123FLASHCHAT is owned by TOPCMM and is protected by China and other countries' copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore The Buyer must treat 123FLASHCHAT like any other copyrighted material and not reproduce it except that The Buyer may either: (a) Make internal copies of 123FLASHCHAT solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) Transfer 123FLASHCHAT internally to a hard disk provided The Buyer keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. 3. DISTRIBUTION Only the trial edition of this SOFTWARE may be freely distributed, and you must include all files in the original distribution. You are prohibited from the distribution of 123FLASHCHAT full version or even charging a fee for it in any case. You are prohibited from electronically transfer the Software from one computer to another or over a network. 4. PRO/ISP Edition For ISP TO RUN HOSTING BUSINESS FOR MULTIPLE COMPANIES Even the PRO edition has one domain limit, and only one group included. PRO buyer can purchase extra groups from TOPCMM to get authorization and run hosting business. The ISP license can be used by enterprise users, too. And an enterprise will be required to pay $200/group for its subsidiaries or branches. 5. UPDATE AND SUPPORT SUBSCRIPTION The Buyer of the SOFTWARE will get free update and email support service for a certain period, for example, six months. The service period changes according to the purchased license type and the time limit chart can be found at http://www.123flashchat.com/purchase-faq.html. However, the significant version upgrade will require additional upgrade fee. When the subscription expires, if upgrade and technical support is still needed, you are required to pay yearly fee to extend the service subscription. But if you are fine with the current version, no extra charge will be involved. The Buyer's licensing rights don't grant the Buyer any rights on the previous releases of 123FLASHCHAT. 6. AFFILIATE You are welcome to apply to be 123 Flash Chat affiliate in our affiliate system and get commission for any purchase through your website, but even in that case, the product will still be issued from TOPCMM to your customers. 7. NO WARRANTIES TOPCMM 123FLASHCHAT AND ANY RELATED DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OF 123FLASHCHAT PRODUCT REMAINS WITH YOU. TOPCMM 123FLASHCHAT assumes no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, (ii) property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your use of the Software, (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv) any bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Software by any third party, and/or (v) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Software. There is no warranty of non-infringement. The credits consumed in the chat software are virtual currency only, and since the action of purchasing is done via the 3rd-party payment dealers like Paypal, 2Checkout, etc., 123FlashChat has nothing to do with the payment process, so if during which process the customer's credit card, paypal or 2checkout account is hacked, 123FlashChat won't record or do any operation about it, and consequently 123FlashChat offers no warranty of the account security. There is no guarantee that the credits in the chat won't be hacked by any 3rd-party. 8. TERM AND TERMINATION The term of this license will begin with installation of this SOFTWARE. This license will automatically terminate upon your failure to comply with any of the terms of this agreement, whichever comes first. When this license ends, for whatever reason, you must destroy all copies of 123FLASHCHAT. 9. 30-day Refund Guarantee We are so certain you will love our chat software that we are now offering an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee. If, for any reason whatsoever, you are not 100% satisfied with your chat software, just contact us within 30 days after you've made your purchase for and we'll refund your entire purchase with no questions asked. Details: - Apply to new license and/or module purchased. - Apply to new hosting fee. - Service fee not refundable. - Customization fee not refundable. All Rights reserved to: TOPCMM Software Limited Room04-07, Humin Road 6088, Minhang District, Shanghai, China. http://www.123flashchat.com http://www.topcmm.com