Quo GO 1.0.0

軟體性質: 免費 ‎檔案大小: 19.16 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.3/5 - ‎3 ‎評分

Quo 是免費的智慧數位製圖軟體,可讓您購買地圖,並與朋友分享您最喜愛的地點。它是那些喜歡戶外運動、追求和探索的人的新的基本軟體工具;是希望通過互聯網分享經驗和傳遞實用信息的俱樂部和社會的理想之選。功能齊全。沒有時間限制。 Quo 的成本是多少? Quo 是免費軟體,以最低價格為您帶來智慧數字地圖。到目前為止,如果你想購買高品質的數字地圖,你有兩個選擇。要麼你可以購買他們在紙上,掃描他們,並非法進口到自由軟體。或者你可以購買昂貴的軟體,甚至更昂貴的地圖。Quo 是免費的,我們以您在其他地方支付價格的一小部分出售數字地圖。 我可以在地圖上添加東西嗎? 是的。例如,您可以使用距離測量來繪製三峰挑戰的步行路線,另一條路線用於駕駛。然後與同行的步行者分享路線,並在 Quo 專案中微調探險。當你回來, 為什麼不更新路線與媒體貼紙, 顯示疲憊的步行者在斯卡菲爾和狡猾的徒步旅行者躲在瓦斯代爾頭的照片。與他人共用所有這些智慧地圖數據。 如果 Quo 軟體是免費的, 也許它不是很好? 錯。Quo 基於最初為政府、軍事和商業應用開發的技術。我們使它友好和易於使用與一個很好的現代介面。試試看,我們確信你會喜歡的。 當您下載 Quo Go 時, 您會取得所有這些: [軍械測量 GB 迷你®地圖 * 路線規劃、距離測量和繪圖工具 * 添加圖片和文字與媒體貼紙 * 與其他 Quo 用戶共用您的專案 * 多個無縫地圖 * 獨特的縮放和畫中畫控制項 * 即時 GPS 連結 * 加上所有通常的列印,導入,保存,説明和更多。


  • 版本 1.0.0 發佈於 2006-10-09



END USER LICENCE AGREEMENT This is a legal agreement between you (as an individual or other legal entity) and Mapyx Ltd. By proceeding with the installation, you indicate your acceptance of this agreement. 1. DEFINITIONS "Mapyx" refers to Mapyx Limited, a corporation incorporated in England and Wales. "Software" refers to all computer programs, codes, data and documentation that accompany this installation file, and all updates and patches provided by Mapyx. "User" means the licensee under this agreement. This can be an individual person or other legal entity. 2. GRANT OF LICENSE Mapyx hereby grants to the User a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, license to use one copy of the Software on one computer and one PDA. 3. USER'S OBLIGATIONS The User agrees to use the Software in a manner consistent with safe and prudent navigation practices. The user shall always provide alternative means of navigation, and shall not rely on the Software in any role that is critical to the safety of life or property. The User agrees not to use the Software while in control of any moving vehicle. No part of the Software is to be reverse-engineered, decompiled or disassembled. The Software must not be installed on a network that allows more than one user or more than one computer to access the Software. The user must not disclose any serial numbers, passwords or other security codes to any third party. 4. COPYRIGHT The Software is owned by Mapyx and is protected by United Kingdom copyright laws and international treaty provisions. The Software must not be copied except to the extent necessary to use the software as permitted under section 2 of this agreement. The User may not distribute any part of the software to any third party. Self scanned maps and charts. The user shall be responsible for ensuring the original publishers copyright approval is obtained before importing or using self-scanned maps and charts. 5. ASSIGNMENT The User may not rent, lease, sell, transfer or assign the User's rights under this agreement to any third party. The User may not permit others to use the software. 6. WARRANTY With respect to the physical diskette and printed documentation enclosed herein, Mapyx warrants the same to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for a period of 60 days from date of receipt. Mapyx's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, provided that you have given Mapyx written notification within the warranty period of the defects, replacement of the defective diskette or documentation. Except for the express warranty above, the Software, media and documentation are provided on an "as is" basis, without any other warranties or conditions, express or implied, including but not limited to conformity to any representation or description, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or those arising by law, statute, usage of trade or course of dealing. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the Software is assumed by you. IN NO EVENT SHALL MAPYX OR ITS DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, THE DISKETTE OR THE DOCUMENTATION. (WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, INDEMNITY, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE), EVEN IF MAPYX HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN ANY CASE, MAPYX'S ENTIRE LIABILITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, DISKETTE OR DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY THE USER FOR THE SOFTWARE, DISKETTE AND DOCUMENTATION. 7. GOVERNING LAW This agreement is governed by the laws of the England and Wales.