ChrisTV Standard 6.75

軟體性質: 免費試用 ‎檔案大小: 3.83 MB
‎使用者評分: 4.2/5 - ‎13 ‎評分

ChrisTV 標準 - 控制電視卡的 PVR - 具有高品質圖像和聲音的 PC 上的電視 - 由 Chris P.C srl 開發,用於安裝 WDM 驅動程式的電視調諧器。支援基於 BT8x8 晶片組的所有電視卡、飛利浦 SAA713x 晶片組、Conexant CX2388x,還可與任何捕獲設備(如網路攝像頭和帶視頻 IN 的圖形卡)一起使用。圖像品質很好,使用方便。主要功能: 時間移位,使用使用者 PC 和 MPEG 錄製上安裝的任何音訊/視訊編解碼器進行錄製,進階錄製設定,進階調度器,無線電調頻支援,頻道自動掃描與微調,自定義每個頻道屬性,支援 ds caler de 隔行直行直接顯示篩檢程式,縮放功能,遠端文本,winlirc 支援,圖像處理篩檢程式(僅在專業版),圖像捕獲,馬賽克與您的所有頻道,幻燈片,支持超過25種語言。


  • 版本 6.75 發佈於 2020-05-17
    版本 6.75 - 改進了對 Windows 10 的支援。- 改進了 Windows 8 上的錄製、調度和時間移位功能。- 修復了某些電視卡在 Windows 7 和 8 上的頻率調諧問題。- 修復了 Windows 8 x64 上的聲音初始化。
  • 版本 6.70 發佈於 2019-05-21
    版本 6.70 - 改進了對 Windows 10 的支援。- 改進了 Windows 8 上的錄製、調度和時間移位功能。- 修復了某些電視卡在 Windows 7 和 8 上的頻率調諧問題。- 修復了 Windows 8 x64 上的聲音初始化。
  • 版本 6.60 發佈於 2018-10-23
    版本 6.55 - 改進了對 Windows 10 的支援。- 改進了 Windows 8 上的錄製、調度和時間移位功能。- 修復了某些電視卡在 Windows 7 和 8 上的頻率調諧問題。- 修復了 Windows 8 x64 上的聲音初始化。
  • 版本 6.50 發佈於 2017-11-21
    版本 6.50 - 改進了對 Windows 10 的支援。- 改進了 Windows 8 上的錄製、調度和時間移位功能。- 修復了某些電視卡在 Windows 7 和 8 上的頻率調諧問題。- 修復了 Windows 8 x64 上的聲音初始化。
  • 版本 6.45 發佈於 2017-06-21
    版本 6.45 - 改進了對 Windows 10 的支援。- 改進了 Windows 8 上的錄製、調度和時間移位功能。- 修復了某些電視卡在 Windows 7 和 8 上的頻率調諧問題。- 修復了 Windows 8 x64 上的聲音初始化。
  • 版本 6.40 發佈於 2016-11-21
    版本 6.40 - 改進了對 Windows 10 的支援。- 改進了 Windows 8 上的錄製、調度和時間移位功能。- 修復了某些電視卡在 Windows 7 和 8 上的頻率調諧問題。- 修復了 Windows 8 x64 上的聲音初始化。
  • 版本 5.01 發佈於 2007-03-26
    版本 5.00 ( 2007 年 3 月 9 日 ).- 多調諧器支援(僅在專業版):您將能夠使用最多4(四)視訊擷取裝置與ChrisTV 。Pvr。此功能將允許您使用 1 張電視卡觀看您最喜愛的電視頻道,並使用 錄製另一個頻道。您安裝在電腦上的其他電視卡。.- 背景/ 靜音錄製:ChrisTV PVR將記錄你最喜歡的電視節目在後台沒有視頻/聲音預覽, 。最小化在系統。功能可用於硬體 MPEG 錄製、軟體 MPEG 錄製和 AVI 錄製。.- 時間移位質量預設:您將能夠選擇您最喜愛的時間移位品質設置,以節省磁碟空間或有最好的。品質從4個預設:最佳(視頻比特率9600千比特/秒),好(視頻比特率6400千比特/秒),正常(視頻比特率4800 。KBits/秒) 低(視頻比特率 3000 KBits/秒)。.- 特式產品功能:只需點擊克裡斯特夫托盤,即可即時訪問您的頻道清單和主要設置。.此外,您還可以將 ChrisTV 最小化到時鐘旁邊的系統。.- 捕獲設備狀態視窗(僅在專業版):讓您隨時瞭解每個視頻的狀態。捕獲已安裝並配置為與 ChrisTV PVR 一起使用的設備。您將能夠更改預覽。從一台設備到另一台設備,並隨時停止錄製(背景錄音或視頻預覽錄製)。.- 改進了對微軟視窗Vista的支援。- 聲音設定視窗可以讓你輕鬆配置什麼混音器應該ChrisTV使用,你可以選擇播放。並錄製聲音設置。.- ChrisTV PVR 調度程式已過改進和優化,可更好地工作並檢測相互衝突的計劃任務。.- PVR 錄製設定已重新組織。您將能夠存取錄製設定並建立/自訂 。錄製來自 Christv Pvr 主應用程式和 Christv Pvr 調度器視窗的配置檔。.- ChrisTV 代理已過優化,可使用多個電視卡。.- ChrisTV PVR嚮導已經改進,因此您可以輕鬆配置電視卡或其他視頻捕獲設備。.- 您可以通過啟動"附加加3"套餐,在 ChrisTV Lite 中添加即時預景模式支援。這個選項為 。電視卡與MPEG硬體編碼器: 豪普帕格PVR 150/500, 豪普帕格HVR 1300, ATI劇院550 .親和其他人。有關更多詳細資訊,請點按這裡。.- 改進電視卡和視頻捕獲設備的檢測。.- 添加了在錄製時隱藏電視視窗上顯示的錄製資訊紅色標籤的選項。.- 修復了某些 USB2 電視卡的時移和錄製問題。.- 添加快捷方式 ALT+S 以更改縱橫比模式。請檢查鍵盤快捷方式的完整清單。.- 修復了某些系統上出現的用戶沒有管理許可權的問題。.- 修復了某些系統上的 ChrisTV 代理自動啟動。.- Hauppage 遠端控制設定檔已添加到"遠端控制檔" 資料夾。有關如何的資訊。配置您的遙控器請訪問我們的支援論壇。.- 德語,荷蘭語和羅馬尼亞語檔已更新。.- 其他小修復和改進。.



All copyrights of ChrisTV software application are exclusively owned by the author - Chris P.C. srl. LICENSE AGREEMENT ChrisTV Standard is a shareware software application with 21 days trial period. This Limited Use Software License Agreement (the AGREEMENT) is a legal agreement between you (LICENSEE), the end-user, and ChrisTV author (AUTHOR) for the use of the ChrisTV software product, and may include associated media, printed materials and any online or electronic documentation (SOFTWARE). By using this SOFTWARE or storing this program on a computer hard drive (or other media), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this AGREEMENT. If you do not agree to the terms of this AGREEMENT, you may not install or use the SOFTWARE and you must delete it from all storage media. You may install this SOFTWARE to test and evaluate it for a period of 30 days, if it suits your needs and you wish to purchase it. Following this test period of 30 days or less, if you wish to continue to use the SOFTWARE, you MUST register. If you dont register the SOFTWARE after the 30 days evaluation period, you must delete the SOFTWARE from all storage media. Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use the SOFTWARE on one computer (i.e. a single cpu), for any legal purpose, at a time. The registered SOFTWARE may not be rented or leased. This SOFTWARE may be distributed freely on online services, bulletin boards, or other electronic media as long as the files are distributed only AS IS in this installation package. This SOFTWARE may not be distributed on CD-ROM, disk, or other physical media for a fee without the permission of the Author. The SOFTWARE may not be bundled or distributed with any other package without written permission of the author. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. You may not alter this SOFTWARE in any way, including changing or removing any messages or windows. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce this SOFTWARE to a human perceivable form. You may not modify, rent or resell for profit this SOFTWARE, or create derivative works based upon this SOFTWARE. You may not publicize or distribute any registration code algorithms, information, or registration codes used by this SOFTWARE without permission of the Author. You agree not to enter any serial/registration number into the Software for which you have not purchased or use any means to circumvent the Software protection mechanism, you also agree if you are found to have done so that the license to use the Software has terminated and any action(s) to report unauthorized access, piracy and disable access to the Software is permitted. ChrisTV software (including documentation and/or additional materials) is owned by Chris P.C. srl Cristian Ciplea. This Agreement does not provide you the title or ownership of the SOFTWARE, but only a limited right of use. GENERAL DISCLAIMER AND WARRANTY ChrisTV software and accompanying written materials are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Further, the author does not warrant, guarantee, or take any representations regarding the use, or the results of use, of the software or written materials in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability or otherwise. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the software is assumed by you. Neither the author nor anyone else who has been involved in the creation, production or delivery of this product shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages (including damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) arising out of the use or inability to use the product even if the author has been advised of the possibility of such damages. By using ChrisTV software you acknowledge that you have read this limited warranty, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.If the above terms and conditions cannot be legally applied in your locality then you are *NOT* licensed to use this software and absolutely may not use it for any purpose. You must remove this software from your system.